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1、初中英语七册总复习Unit1总复习一词汇和重点句型:1. Excuse me! 对不起,打扰了!(用在事情发生之前) Sorry! 对不起(用在事情发生之后)2. Nice to meet / see you. = Glad to meet / see you. 很高兴见到你。3. Welcome to China / Fujian/ Quanzhou! 欢迎你到中国来!4. Whats your name, please ? 请问你叫什么名字? My name is Maria. = I am Maria. 我叫Maria。5. Stand up. 起立。-Sit down. 坐下。6. H

2、ow do you do? -How do you do? 你好! 你好!(初次见面时打招呼使用)7. How are you? 你身体好吗?Fine/ OK / Well., thank you! And you? 8. Have a nice day! You, too. 祝您一天愉快!您也是!9. See you later! = See you soon! 等会儿见! See you tomorrow! 明天见! Good-bye! = Bye-bye! = Bye! 再见!10. This is Mary. This is Tom. 这是Mary. 这是Tom. (用于介绍他人时)

3、This is + 人 / 物 / 我(电话中)二语法复习1. be的使用:(记住口诀)我用am,你用are;is用在他、她、它;单数is复数are;你、我、他们也用are.。2be from = come from 来自 Where are you from? = Where do you come from? Im from China. = I come from China. Are you from China? = Do you come from China? 3. be动词的一般疑问句提问与回答: Am I in New York? Yes, you are. No, you

4、arent. Are you from the USA? Yes, I am. No, I am not. / Yes, we are. No, we arent. Is she Maria? Yes, she is. Is he Tom? No, he isnt. Is it my book? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Are they from England? Yes, they are. No, they arent. 4. 两个疑问词where、who的使用: Where are you from? Im from China. Im Chinese. Whe

5、re is she / he from? She / He is from Japan. Where are they from? Theyre from France. Where is Beijing? Its in China. Who is he / she? He is Michael./ She is Jane. Who are they / you? They are my teachers. / We are Maria and Jane. / I am Diana. 5. Cheers! Cheers! 干杯!干杯!6. 不同人称对年龄的询问与回答: How old are

6、you? Im 14. / We are 14. How old is she / he / it? She / He / It is 14. How old are they? They are 14 years old. 7. Whats your telephone / cell phone / fax / BP number? Its 0591110 Whats this / that in English? Its a toy. What are these / those? They are buses. Is this / that a book? Yes, it is. / N

7、o, it isnt. Are these / those desks? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. How do you spell apple? A-P-P-L-E. What class / grade are you in? Im in Class 3 / Grade 7. a high school 一所中学 - a high school student 一个中学生 in the same class 在同一班级 in Class 2, Grade 7在7年级2班8. 名词的复数形式:. 一般+s,如:apples, bananas . s,

8、x, sh, ch+es,如:classes, dishes. 辅+y改为ies,如:family families . f,fe改为ves,如:knife - knives特殊单词:man - men woman - women mouse - mice foot - feet Chinese - Chinese 9. How to use “in / on / at”Unit 2 Looking different一词汇和重点句型:1. film star电影明星 look like/ look the same 看起来像 notbut不是而是be from = come from来自 i

9、n the same school 在同一所学校 in different grades 在不同班级 身体五官及各部位名称;部分颜色词语 反义词:small - big / large / widelong - short black - whitetall - short new - old 2. I have a big nose = My nose is big. I have big eyes. = My eyes are big. She has a big nose. = Her nose is big. She has big eyes. = Her eyes are big.

10、3. Do you have long hair? Yes, I do. No, I dont. / Yes, we do. No, we dont. Does she / he have big eyes? Yes, she / he does. No, she / he doesnt. Do they have new friends? Yes, they do. No, they dont. I know. 我知道。I dont know.我不知道。 Im thirteen years old. = Im 13 years old. = Im 13. = Im thirteen.4. g

11、ive something to somebody = give somebody something给某人某物Give the book to Maria = Give Maria the book. 把书给Maria.right away立刻,马上dark skin黑皮肤 light yellow skin 黄皮肤fair skin白皮肤the boy over there 在那边的那个男孩the boy under the tree 在树下的那个男孩look the same看起来一样different looks不同的外表good friends好朋友 look at the pict

12、ure 看着图片the pair of shoes / trousers这双鞋/裤子5. 关于颜色的提问:What color?- What color is the skirt? - Its white.- What color are the shirts? - They are white. 6. which疑问词的使用Which girl? The girl in red. 哪个女孩?穿红色衣服的那个女孩。Which bag? The blue one. 哪个包?蓝色那个。What does she look like? 她看起来怎么样?区别以下两种问题: Mikes pants ar

13、e blue. What color are Mikes pants?The blue pants are Mikes. Which pants are Mikes?Which color / bag / clothes do you like? 你喜欢哪种颜色/哪个包/哪件衣服? These are my favorite clothes. 这些是我最喜欢的衣服。7. What does she / he look like? She is young with long legs. / He is short with black hair.Is the boy tall or short

14、? Hes short. 注意:选择疑问句的选择部分前部分要读升调,后部分读降调。回答时要有具体内容,而不能用Yes, No回答。 反义词或对应词:small - bignew - oldold - youngfat - thin long - short man - woman boy - girl doctor - nurse dad - mum 副词so、too、very的使用:so fast 如此块!这么快! too fast 太快very fast 很快It will fit you soon.它很快就会适合你的。 grow fast 长得快go shopping去购物blue an

15、d white蓝白相间tall and thin又高又瘦curly / long / short hair卷发/长发/短发8. 人称代词和物主代词的使用:Whose toy is this? It is my toy. Its mine. Its your toy. Its yours.Its his toy. Its his. Its her toy. Its hers.Its its toy. Its its. Its our toy. Its ours. Its their toy. Its theirs. Unit 3 talking about Good Friends一、词汇和重点

16、句型 the same class在同一班 with 与一起学习3.No problem 没问题 the way 顺便问一下5.speak Chinese讲汉语 6.only a little只有一点点7.Of course =Sure当然 8.helpstudy each other互相帮助/学习 in 居住在 10.the same age as 与同岁11.want to do sth. 想要做某事 e to China 来到中国 English 用英语 sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事15.the Gre

17、at Wall 长城 the English corner在英语角 helpful to 对有帮助.职业名称: teach (教)- teacher (教师) study (学习) - student (学生)work (工作)- worker (工人) drive (驾驶) - driver (驾驶员)farm (农场)- farmer (农夫) cook (烹调) - cook (厨师)1.对应词:teacher - student teach-study nurse - worker公务员 policeman警察waiter男服务员-w

18、aitress女服务员 salesman 男售货员-salesgirl女售货员3.家庭成员grandfather- grandmother grandpa - grandmafather-mother dad-mum uncle-aunt son-daughter brother-sister cousin.工作场所:in a school 在学校 in a hospital在医院 in an office 在办公室 in a shop / store在商店 on a farm在农场2. a student of Grade Seven 一名七年级的学生have a job有一份工作 look

19、 after照顾; 保管a photo of my family一张我家的相片 have a look 看一看the young woman in yellow 穿黄衣服的年轻女士 on the sofa在沙发上1. May I do sth.? 我可以做某事吗? e.g. : May I knowhaveask your name?May I study English with you? May I call you Mike?2. like very much a lot非常喜欢 like a little 有点喜欢 not like at all 根本不喜欢 not like very

20、 much 不是很喜欢二、句型:1. Im home.我回来了. 2. Come in and make yourselves at home.请进, 请别客气.3. What a nice place!多漂亮的一个地方! 4. Please have a seat= Please sit down. 请坐!5. My parents are both office workers. 我父母二个都是公务员.We all love our work. 我们都喜爱我们的工作. 注意:both两者都;all三者以上都 oneself (to sth) 请自便 (吃些某物) 7.would

21、 like = want想要 Would you like some eggs? = Do you want some eggs? What would you like to drink? = What do you like to drink?8.Give me some meat. = Give some meat to me. 9.Why not have some milk? 表示提建议10.Lets have some milk. 表示提建议 11.May I take your order? =May I help you?(限于用餐)12.Wait a moment, plea

22、se.请稍等片刻.13.What do you think of the coffee? =How do you like the coffee? 你觉得咖啡怎么样?14.Would you like to have dinner with me? (表邀请) OK. Id love to15.Im very glad to be here.我非常乐意呆在这儿 16.Any more rice? 再来些米饭怎么样?17.They are all friendly kind to me.他们都对我很友好。三、语法: (一) 一般现在时1.肯定句:We speak Chinese. 否定句:We

23、dont speak Chinese.一般疑问句:Do you speak Chinese? 回答:Yes, we do.No, we dont.2.肯定句:Mike speaks English. 否定句:Mike doesnt speak English.一般疑问句:Does Mike speak English? 回答:Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.3.动词第三人称单数构成形式:见书本107页主格:在句中当句子主语e.g. I have a good friend. He has a good friend.宾格: 在句中当动词的宾语或介词的宾语,形成动宾或介宾结

24、构.Please call me Mike. (动宾) Give it (动宾) to me (介宾) .Help us find him. (动宾)my name; your mother his friend their teacher(二) 提问职业:1. What do you do? I am a doctor. 2.What does he she do? He She is a doctor.1. Where do you work? I work in a hospitalschool2.Where does he she work ? HeShe works in an of

25、ficeon a farm.(三) 名词所有格: s 或s, 表示的Kangkangs grandfather康康的祖父母Janes family tree 珍妮的家谱Teachers book 教师用书(教师们的书)As and Bs 各有的,名词复数A and Bs 共有的,名词单数.Fruit: (可数) appleorange bananaFood: (可数) cake hamburger egg French fries dumpling noodles(不可数)rice porridge bread meat chicken fish beefDrink: (不可数) tea mi

26、lk Coke coffee water juiceEat (吃)+ drink (喝) = havesomething to drink 喝的东西 something to eat 吃的东西have dinner 吃饭;吃正餐 have breakfast 吃早饭have lunch 吃午饭 have supper 吃晚饭(四)、语法: 可数名词和不可数名词的量(一)可数名词: 可直接用基数词表具体的量表一:a cake book hamburgerbikean apple orange eggtwo cakes three books four apples five eggs(二)不可数

27、名词:可用数量词来表示具体的量a cup of tea coffee two cups of tea coffeea glass of milkwaterjuice three glasses of milkwater juicea bowl of 一碗 two bowls of 两碗a box of 一盒箱 two boxes of 两盒箱a bag of 一袋 two bags of 两袋a bottle of 一瓶 two bottles of 两瓶a kilo of 一公斤 two kilos of 两公斤a kind of 两种 two kinds of两种a plate of 一盘

28、 two plates of两盘a basket of eggs 一篮/筐鸡蛋 two baskets of eggs两篮鸡蛋a pair of 一双/副/对 two pairs of两双/副/对(三) 模糊的量some既可以修饰可数也可以修饰不可数名词 a few + 可数 表示若干一点a little + 不可数 表示若干一点 many + 可数 许多much + 不可数 许多 some apples 一些苹果some meatwater 一些肉水 a few friends 几个朋友a little water 一点点水 many friends 许多朋友much water 许多水 Unit 4 Having Fun 一、词汇和重点句型:1. 名词:可数名词与不可数名词的划分-粉,液,片不可数2. 词形变换: also (同义词)tooeach (同义词)everykilo (复数)kiloswatch (复数)watchesmouse (复数)miceexpensive (同义词)dearwaiter (对应词)waitresstry (第三人称单数)tries sell (反义词)buy3. 词语与短语:on the fourth floor

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