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人教版英语八年级上册Unit2 SectionA1a2d精品教案.docx

1、人教版英语八年级上册Unit2 SectionA1a2d精品教案Unit2 SectionA(1a-2d)精品教案Teaching and learning Goals:一、功能:Talk about how often you do things.二、词汇和常用表达:Learn to use the words and sentences: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never, once / twice / three times a week / month, phrases about free time activ

2、ities, What do you usually do on weekends? I always / usually -. What do / does - do on weekends? - usually / often -. How often do / does -? Do / Does -? Yes, -. / No, -.三、学习策略:Guide students to improve listening and speaking skills by pair work and group work; Take part in the activities of role-p

3、lay with the help of other students; Sum up the structures of questions about present simple tense in groups. 四、文化知识:Let students take part in all kinds of healthy activities such as helping with housework and reading books. Its good for them.Preview一. Put the following into English orally, and then

4、 write them down without looking at the book.1. Put the phrases into English.(1) 帮助做家务_(2) 去购物_(3) 看电视_(4) 去看电影_2. Put the sentences into English.(1) 你多久锻炼一次?_(2) 你周末通常做什么?_(3) 我经常去看电影。_(4) 我从来不去购物。_(5) 你最喜爱的电视节目是什么?_(6) 我下周会相当忙。 怎么会?_二. Check the preview.T: Boys and girls! Let me check your preview

5、. If you know the answers to the phrases, you can translate them. Please stand up without putting up your hands. Then Ill give you one mark. Lets see which group is the best.(设计意图:教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)Warm up and lead inT: Boys and girls! On weekends, I often do some housework and sometimes to s

6、hopping. What do you do on weekends and how often do you do it?S1: I always - and often -.S2: I usually - and sometimes -.S3: -When the students answer the questions the teacher ask a students to fill in the chart according to the students answers on the blackboard.NamesActivitiesHow oftenS1S2S3-(设计

7、意图:引导学生列出一些常见的周末活动并让别的学生在黑板上进行板书,激活了学生的思维图式,而且也引出了谈论不同活动频率时所要使用的频度副词,紧扣本课话题。)T: I can see you all have a relaxing weekend. Please look at the picture on page 9. It shows many weekend activities. What are the weekend activities?S4: help with housework, reading -S5: exercise, watch TV -S6: go to the m

8、ovies, go shopping -T: Lets list the weekend activities together.Ss: help with housework, -T: OK. You all are wonderful! Now, lets come to 1a. Look at the picture and make a list of the weekend activities.(设计意图:引导学生先单独说出课本插图中的活动,再集体说出插图中的活动,最后完成1a的活动列表。这种先说后写的过程可以给基础较差的学生创造更多模仿他人的机会。)Go on asking st

9、udents some questions after checking the answers. T: Boys and girls! Do you like the weekend activities in the picture?Ss: Yes.T: How often do you help with housework?S7: I - help with housework.T: How often does S7 help with housework?S8: He / She - help with housework.T: What do you usually do on

10、weekends?S9: I usually -T: Do you go shopping?S10: Yes, -. / No, -T: What does S10 usually do on weekends?S11: He / She usually -.-If the student cant answer the questions, let other students give some help. If all students cant answer the questions, the teacher gives some help.(设计意图:根据现实生活中的真实情况与学生

11、进行对话,从而引出目标语言What do you usually do on weekends? What does he/she do on weekends? Do you go shopping? How often do you -? How often does he/she -? 学生易于理解接受。)Listening Practice IWhile-listening activities1. Listen for the general idea of 1b.T: Boys and girls! Please look at the picture in 1a and gues

12、s what the students are talking about. S1: weekend activities.S2: healthy life style-T: OK, please listen to the recording and find out the main idea.The general idea of the conversation is about A. how to spend weekendsB. the frequency of the weekend activitiesC. healthy life style2. Listening for

13、the specific ideas of 1b.(1)Ask students to read the frequency words in 1b.(2)Explain the frequency words to students.always (100%) usually (80%) often (30-50%) sometimes (20%) hardly ever (5%) never (0%)(设计意图:让学生能够熟读频度副词并学习它们的具体用法,为顺利完成下面的听力练习降低了难度。)T: Class, we all know the conversation is about t

14、he frequency of the weekend activities. What are these weekend activities? Now, listen for the specific ideas.(3)Ask students to listen and write the activities next to the correct frequency words._exercise_(4) T: Class, go through the blanks please. Then listen and complete the conversation accordi

15、ng to the tape.Reporter: What do you _ do on weekends?Girl 1: I _ go shopping.Boy 1: I _ go shopping. I _ watch TV.Boy 2: I _ exercise.Girl 2: I _ help with housework.Reporter: How about you?Girl 3: I _ watch TV. I _ read.Reporter: Oh, why is that?Girl 3: Oh, I dont know. I guess I just like books.注

16、:在听之前,一定让学生快速的把听力填空浏览一遍,并且给予听力策略的指导即注意听力材料中的周末活动和频度副词。Post-listening activities1. Listen to the tape and repeat. Then read and recite the conversations individually.2. Ask some students to role-play the conversations in front of the class. 3. Ask students to practice the conversation in the picture

17、and then make their own conversations about what they do on weekends.For example:A: What do you do on weekends?B: I usually watch TV.A: Do you go shopping?B: No, I never go shopping.4. Ask some students to report the students activities in the picture.For example:In the picture, the girl 1 often goe

18、s to the movies. The girl 2 sometimes goes shopping. -_(设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们口头表达的能力,同时通过仿读、背诵、表演、改写对话,引导学生更好地内化语言知识。)Listening Practice IIWhile-listening activities1. Prepare for listening(1)Ask students to look at the picture in 2a and discuss the following questions.Whats the boys name?Is the person

19、 asking questions a man or a woman? Whats her job?What question is the reporter asking Cheng Tao?Whats Cheng Taos answer?Whos asking questions in the conversation? And whos answering question?What other activities does Cheng Tao do?(2) Check the answers.(设计意图:帮助学生了解对话中的人物关系和活动内容,让学生意识到,可以利用一些非听力因素来辅

20、助理解,提高听力效率。)2. Listening for the general idea of 2a.T: Class, please at the picture and the chart in 2a. Can you guess what the conversation is about? S1: About Cheng Taos activities.S2: About Cheng Taos plan.S3: About -.-T: Listen carefully and get the general idea. Lets see which student is right.

21、(设计意图:先让学生根据图片和问题猜测对话的大意,既可以使学生有针对性地听又可培养他们的推断能力。)The general idea of the conversation is about _.A. what Cheng Tao likes doingB. how often Cheng Tao does these activitiesC. what Cheng Tao plans to do3. Listening for the specific ideas of 2a.T: Class, we all know the general idea of the conversation

22、. How often does Cheng Tao do these activities? Listen for the specific ideas and then youll know the answers.(1)Listen and number the activities 1-5 in the order you hear them.Activities How oftenevery dayonce a weektwice a weekthree times a weekonce a monthtwice a montha. _ go to the moviesb. _ wa

23、tch TVc. _ shopd. _ exercisee. _ read(2)Listen again. Match the activities in the chart above with how often Cheng Tao does them.(3)Check the answers by asking and answering.For example:T: How often does Cheng Tao watch TV?S1: He watches TV twice a week.-(设计意图:以问答的方式检测学生的答案可以锻炼学生的口头表达能力。)(4) T: Clas

24、s, go through the blanks please. Then listen and complete the conversation according to the tape.Reporter: So, Cheng Tao, how often do you watch TV?Cheng Tao: Hmm-about _ a week, I guess.Reporter: Uh-huh. And _ do you read?Cheng Tao: Oh, I read _ at school!Reporter: How often do you go to the movies

25、?Cheng Tao: Uh - let me see - maybe _ a month?Reporter: How often do you exercise?Cheng Tao: Oh, I exercise about _ a week.Reporter: How often do you shop?Cheng Tao: Shop? I shop about - _ a month.注:在听之前,一定让学生快速的把听力填空浏览一遍,并且给予听力策略的指导即注意听力材料中的周末活动和频度副词。(设计意图:在学生做听力之前,先给予一定的听力策略指导,以帮助学生有针对性的去听,这样可以提高做

26、题的准确率,消除学生对听力的恐惧心理。)Post-listening activities1. Listen to the tape and repeat. Then read and recite the conversations individually.2. Ask some students to role-play the conversations between the reporter and Cheng Tao in front of the class. 3. Let the Ss fill in the blanks in the rewriting passage.

27、First give the Ss time to practice it by themselves. Then the Ss retell the passage with the teacher. Last choose several Ss to retell the rewriting passage individually.Cheng Tao often watches TV about _ and _ the books every day at school. He maybe goes to the movies _. He _ about three times a we

28、ek and shops about _.(设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们口头表达的能力,同时通过仿读、背诵、表演、改写对话,引导学生更好地内化语言知识。)4. Complete 2c.Let students read the activities in the chart. Make sure every student can read and write them.How often do you do these activities? Fill in the chart and then make conversations.For example:A: How often do you watch TV?B: I watch TV every day.A: Whats your favorite program?B: Animal World.A: How often do you watch it?B: Twice a week.Let several pairs role-play their conversations in front of the class.(设计意图:通过自编对话、表演对话,让学生能够把学到的语言

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