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1、项目建议书表格ProjectProposalFormProjectTitle项目名称项目建议书表格Project Proposal FormProject Title:项目名称:Project start and end date (1-2 years, not exceeding 2 years): 项目起止日期(12年,不超过2年) Budget: 1. Requested from GEF SGP (local currency): 预算: 从GEF 小额赠款申请的经费(人民币): 2. Contribution from others including from communitie

2、s as follows(local currency): 其他资金来源包括社区的捐赠(人民币)Donor出资方In cash现金 In kind非现金 3Total project cost(local currency): 项目总经费(人民币):GEF SGP Classification 项目类别Thematic/Focal Area (Tick one)主题/重点领域 (打勾)Project Category (Tick one)项目分类(打勾)Conservation of Biodiversity生物多样性保护Demonstration Project示范项目Climate Cha

3、nge气候变化Capacity Development Project能力发展项目Land Degradation and Sustainable Forest Management土地退化和可持续森林管理Applied Research/Policy Analysis应用性研究/政策分析International Waters国际水域Information/Networking/Policy Dialogue信息/建立联系网/政策对话Chemicals (POPs, mercury and other heavy metals)化学品(持久性有机污染物,汞和其他重金属)Multi-focal

4、*多领域 * Proposal addresses more than one focal area项目建议书涉及一个以上的重点领域。About the Proponent:申请者简介Name of Organization机构名称:Registration No. 登记证号:Organization Code组织机构代码 :Date of Founding成立日期: Number of members 机构人数:Responsible staff负责人: Coordinator 联系人:Address地址:Phone电话: Fax:传真E-Mail 电子信箱: Organization We

5、bsite机构网站: Brief history of organization(including Number of projects implemented)机构的简要历史(包括实施项目的数量):Relevant experience of organization机构在所申请项目领域的相关经验: Project staff (please indicate names and roles in this project) 项目成员(请说明参与本项目的人员姓名及在本项目中的职责)1. Targeted Location and Population :(Briefly Describe

6、location ,geographical details and livelihoods context of target population, with relevant maps attached) 目标位置和人口:(简要描述项目点的位置, 经纬度,地理信息和目标人群生活状况,请另加一页附上项目点在中国的位置的地图)No. of households: _ No. of population: _Cultural group _项目点有多少户: 项目点人数: 项目点民族或宗教组成:Annual average income/person: _ 项目点人均年收入: No. of pa

7、rticipating Male _No. of participating Female _No. of participating chidren _ 参与项目的男性人数: 参与项目的女性人数: 参与项目的儿童人数;No. of participating households: _ 参加项目的家庭数量:1. Introduction: 背景介绍 Baseline assessment of relevant environmental and socio-economic conditions (The baseline assessment is essential so that c

8、hanges and impact brought about by the project intervention can be evaluated. It is also important to include an overview of other interventions in the area, both ongoing and planned, by local, national, and international organizations.) 相关环境和社会经济状况的基线信息 (基线信息的评估是必不可少的,目的是为了评估通过实施项目所带来的改变和影响。描 述当地,国

9、家和国际组织在当地正在进行的项目或计划实施的项目的总体情况也很重要。) Main problems and issues requiring主要问题和需求 Rationale /Solutions基本原理/解决方案 Anticipated results/outcomes 预期成果3.GEF Focal Areas and SGP Objectives for the 5th Operational Phase GEF重点领域与小额赠款计划第5执行阶段目标What GEF focal areas and SGP objectives does this project comply with?

10、 Please check one or more boxes as appropriate 这个项目符合GEF的哪个重点领域和SGP的哪个具体目标?请在方框内勾出一个或多个适合的选项。 生物多样性 Biodiversity SGP OP5 Objective 1: Improve sustainability of protected areas and indigenous and community conservation areas through community-based actions 通过社区行动促进保护区和土著保护地、社区保护地的可持续性SGP OP5 Objectiv

11、e 2: Mainstream biodiversity conservation and sustainable use into production landscapes, seascapes and sectors through community initiatives and actions 通过社区项目和活动,使生物多样性保护和可持续利用在生产性陆地和海洋景观及相关部门得到主流化减缓气候变化 Climate Change MitigationSGP OP5 Objective 3: Promote the demonstration, development and trans

12、fer of low-GHG technologies at the community level促进社区层面低碳技术的示范、开发和转让SGP OP5 Objective 4: Promote and support energy efficient, low-GHG transport at the community level 在社区层面促进和支持提高能效和低碳交通SGP OP5 Objective 5: Support the conservation and enhancement of carbon stocks through sustainable management an

13、d climate change proofing of land use, land use change and forestry通过可持续的管理及气候防护的土地利用,土地利用转变和林业,保持和提高碳储量土地退化 Land DegradationSGP OP5 Objective 6: Maintain or improve flow of agro-ecosystem and forest ecosystem services to sustain livelihoods of local communities维持或改善农业生态系统循环和森林生态系统服务,发展当地社区的可持续生计SGP

14、 OP5 Objective 7: Reduce pressures at community level from competing land uses ( in the wider landscape) 减少社区层面因竞争性土地利用引起的压力国际水域 International WaterSGP OP5 Objective 8: Support trans-boundary water body management with community-based initiatives通过社区活动支持可持续的跨界水体管理化学品ChemicalsSGP OP5 Objective 9: Pro

15、mote and support phase-out of POPs and chemicals of global concern at the community level 推动和支持在社区层面淘汰持久性有机污染物和全球关注的化学品能力建设 Capacity BuildingSGP OP5 Objective 10: Enhance and strengthen capacities of CSOs (particularly community-based organizations and those of indigenous peoples) to engage in consu

16、ltative processes, apply knowledge management to ensure adequate information flows, and implement convention guidelines 提高和加强公民社会组织(特别是社区组织和原住民)参与协商过程,应用知识管理确保充分的信息流通和履行公约的指导方针SGP OP5 Objective 11: Enhance capacities of CBOs and NGOs to monitor and evaluate environmental impacts and trends提高社区组织和非政府

17、组织监测和评估环境影响及趋势的能力4. Specific objectives in this project (What does the project want to change? How will things be different after this project has ended? What will people do differently after participating in the project from what they do now?) 项目的特定目标 (这个项目想改变什么?项目结束后会有什么不同?参与项目后人们会有什么跟现在不同的改变?) 1.

18、 _2. _3. _ In planning proposed activities, take into consideration time availability of target population and major stakeholders. Seasons and climatic conditions are also important factors. Some activities may readily be carried out using pre-existing community resources, without having to wait for

19、 cash transfer from GEF SGP.在设计项目活动时,请考虑目标人群和利益相关方的时间有效性以及季节、气候条件等因素。一些活动利用社区已有的资源更易开展,不必等GEF SGP的汇款到达就可以进行。Proposed activities to achieve the objectives为达成目标而建议的活动anticipated results 预期的成果Indicators衡量指标(请参考附件4项目层面指标设定的指南)Activity1.项目活动Activity 2.项目活动Activity 3.项目活动Activity 4.项目活动Activity 5.项目活动Acti

20、vity 6.项目活动5. Project Workplan and Monitoring Schedule项目工作计划及监督时间表Project Number:Project Name项目名称:Name of Grant Recipient受款单位名称:Brief Description of General Objective of Project:简要描述项目的总体目标GEF Focal Area:GEF重点领域GEF Operational Phase: GEF执行阶段:Project Start and End Dates:项目起止日期Brief Description of Spe

21、cific Objective #1:简要说明特定目标1List the activities necessary to fulfill this objective. Indicate who isresponsible for each activity and an indicator of activity accomplishment.列出实现上述目标的必要活动,每项活动的负责方及活动成果的指标Duration of Activity in Months (or Quarters)活动开展的时间(按月或季度)Activity活动Responsible Party负责方Indicato

22、r指标1234567891011121. Description of Specific Objective #2:简要说明特定目标2ActivityResponsible PartyIndicator1234567891011122. persons responsible for monitoring and progress reports: 说明负责项目监督和进展报告的人Monitoring Frequency / Reporting 监督/报告的频率Monitoring andRecord-Keeping 监督和存档P

23、rogress Reports进展报告此表可以根据每个项目的具体情况进行修改。也可另加页以包含所有的项目目标及活动。此表的活动应与上表保持一致。This form can be modified based on the specific circumstances of each project. Also use additional pages to include all of the project objectives and activities. The activities indicated in this table should be in line with the

24、ones in the above table.6Plan of improve the livelihood of the locals 提高当地人生计的计划7Plan to ensure community participation (describe how the stakeholder communities were involved in Project planning and design and will be involved in: i) Project implementation and ii) Project monitoring and evaluation)

25、确保社区参与的计划(描述相关的社区是如何参与项目的规划和设计的,以及将要如何参与项目的实施项目的监督和评估)8Knowledge Management (describe how you plan to capture, share and disseminate the knowledge, lessons learned and good practices gained through the implementation of the project) 知识管理(描述如何计划获取,分享和传播通过项目实施所得到的知识,经验教训,最佳实践)9Gender Mainstreaming (de

26、scribe how the project takes into consideration the roles and needs of men and women with a focus on the needs of women, and how this would be reflected in the results and benefits of the project)性别主流化(描述项目如何考虑男性和女性特别是女性的作用和需求,以及女性的作用和需求如何反映在项目的成果及收益中)10. Major risk factors and approaches for soluti

27、on/avoidance: 主要的风险因素及解决/避免的方法Problems and issues are common in any project implementation. These risk factors should include both internal factors and external factors. Would there be any which are discernible to emerge during project duration? If so, please give a brief on solution/avoidance.任何项目实

28、施过程中通常都会存在困难和问题。这些风险因素包括内部因素和外部因素。在项目期间会出现任何可以识别的风险因素吗?如果有的话,请简要说明解决或避免的方法。Risk factors/ problems 风险因素/问题Approaches for solution/avoidance 解决/避免的方法1) 2) 3) 11. Sustainability of Results Achieved : 项目成果的可持续性Please outline the steps to be taken before, during, and at project completion to ensure that

29、once all the SGP funds have been disbursed, the project impact will continue for many years thereafter. Project proponents should envision the project three or even five years after SGP funds have been utilized, and consider the factors that could contribute to the success and continued impact of their project, and address them accordingly.请概述在项目实施前,实施中和项目结束后采取的各个步奏以确保小额赠款项目的资金支付完毕后,项目的影响还能持续很多年。项目申请者应该预想项目资金用完后3年甚至5年后的

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