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1、期末测试题南城一中20142015学年上学期高三期末考试英语试题第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman think of housework?A. Boring. B. Relaxing. C. Interesting.2. What is the probable relationship between th

2、e speakers?A. Classmates. B. Colleagues. C. Relatives.3. Why doesnt the woman buy lunch in the cafeteria any more?A. It is too expensive. B. The food there is bad. C. There are too many people.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. TV sets. B. Newspapers. C. Advertisements.5. When does the

3、 film finish?A. At 11:00. B. At 10:30. C. At 10:15.第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What happened to the woman this morning?A. She didnt prepare well for a meeting.B. She w

4、as absent from a meeting. C. She forgot to remind the man of a meeting.7. How does the man feel about the woman?A. Angry. B. Apologetic. C. Disappointment.听第7段材料,回答第8 至10题。8. What will the woman make for dinner?A. Pies. B. Roast beef. C. Chinese food.9. What dessert does the woman suggest making?A.

5、Cakes. B. Ice cream. C. Chocolate.10. Where will the woman go first before cooking dinner?A. To a bank. B. To a restaurant. C. To a supermarket.听第 8段材料,回答第 11至 13题。11. Where will the man stay for Thanksgiving this year?A. At the womans home. B. At his parents home. C. At his own home.12. What does t

6、he man say about the woman?A. She is a good cook. B. She likes traditional food. C. She is a warm-hearted hostess.13. What do the men usually do in the womans house on Thanksgiving?A. They cook. B. They do the dishes. C. They watch the football game.听第 9段材料,回答第 14至 17题。14. Why does the woman come to

7、 her daughter and the mans new home?A. To visit them. B. To have dinner with them. C. To help them with the housework.15. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Have a cup of tea. B. Take a seat on the sofa. C. Help him in the kitchen.16. What does the woman think of the curtains?A. Old. B. Beaut

8、iful. C. Fashionable.17. How did the man get the curtains?A. He bought them at a yard sale. B. The mans wife made them herself.C. His parents gave him as a wedding present.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Who are the listeners?A. Farmers. B. Shop owners. C. School children.19. What does the RSPCA do with anima

9、ls in danger?A. It finds them new homes. B. It checks their living conditions.C. It takes care of them on some farms.20. What does the RSPCA teach students to do?A. Look after animals in danger. B. Rescue animals in the park.C. Learn about animals welfare.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分 )第1节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分阅读

10、下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AHello and welcome. My name is Shelley Ann Vernon and I am glad that you want to find out more about teaching English through games. Right here you will find ways to get great results in the classroom for children aged 4 to 12; ways that from my experienc

11、e will bring more success and joy into the lives of the children you teach.Youll learn how to make your serious classes fun, how to ensure everyone gets better grades, how to help stimulate(刺激) the brighter kids while nurturing the slower ones, and how to associate fun with learning by teaching voca

12、bulary and grammar through language games. Earn even more appreciation, love and respect from your students and their parents for your teaching.The games presented here work for ESL ( English as a Second Language ) pupils aged 4 to 12. These games are most suitable for beginners to intermediate leve

13、l ( 中级) students.Achieve results 2 as fast.Dont take my word for it; read evidence from teachers and parents:She found it valuable right away!Although I only bought your book on Monday, and today is Wednesday, I want you to know how valuable I have found it to be. I have used a couple of the games i

14、n school already and the children loved them.Most importantly, they were learning and reviewing English at the same time. Can I admit that I also enjoyed my lessons more? Gila Goldberg, Jerusalem The games help with learning difficulties! My daughter Aurore has learning difficulties and since coming

15、 to your classes she has gained confidence and has improved in all subjects at school.Mrs. J. Brown, Canterbury, Kent, UKClick here to order now with our secure server. Remember, if you are not satisfied, just let us know and we will refund (退款) you in full. You still get to keep the essential bonus

16、 material, yours for FREE, and thats a rare time saving gain, plus a value of 25 dollars.21.The passage is mainly written for _.A. students B. girls C. teachers D. doctors22. Which of the following does the writer agree with?A. Teachers should make their classes serious.B. A good class should associ

17、ate fun with learning.C. Only smart children can learn from the games.D. Only pupils aged 2 can make good use of the games.23. If you are unsatisfied with the book, _.A. you can complain to a local newspaper or Shelley Ann VernonB. you can get half your money back and keep the materialC. you can get

18、 25 dollars back but you have to return the product firstD. you will get your money back without returning the essential bonus material24. The writer wrote the passage to _.A. tell teachers how to teachB. recommend games to kidsC. persuade teachers to buy a bookD. show her students good performanceB

19、Next time you hear a funny joke youd better not laugh too hard. According to a paper published by the British Medical Journal, laughter isnt always the bestmedicine. Sometimes it can even be harmful. Professor Robin Ferner from the University of Birmingham, one of the authors of the study, found tha

20、t bad things could happen to people who laughed too much. He says: “We found people with heart beat problems which had stopped their heart, we found people who had fainted(昏倒), and we found people whoddislocated theirjawsor burst their lungs.”It seems that laughing can beno laughing matter. Butits n

21、ot alldoom and gloom. Professor Ferner says there are benefits to laughing when you want tolose weight, for example. Yes, thats right: laugh and be slimmer! Professor Ferner explains that: “You use energy when you laugh, you move yourdiaphragm(横膈膜), you expand your lungs, and both those things can b

22、e helpful.”According to the research, laughing for a quarter of an hour can burn up to 40 calories, and if you laughed all day youd use up about 2,000 calories, which is what most people consume in a day. But dont do that or you might end up with apainfuljaw.Ouch! Or you might find people looking at

23、 you in afunnyway.But I dont want to finish this article leaving you feelingdesperate. Laughter comes naturally for most of us. Babies begin to laugh at around 3-6 months. So give in to yoursense of humourand keep smiling. Life is short anyway.25. Laughing too much may cause the following harmful re

24、sults EXCEPT_.A. heart stop B. diaphragm movementC. lung burst D. jaw dislocation26. The underlined phrase “doom and gloom” in Paragraph 2 probably means_.A. hopeless B. funny C. painful D. nervous27. How many calories can you use if you laugh for half a day?A. About 40. B. About 1,000. C. About 2,0

25、00. D. About 2,040.CRussian police have launched a new attempt to get drivers to slow down at zebra crossings by having stripe-painted horses as zebras walk across on the busiest streets in some of the big cities in an attempt to improve road safety and raise awareness among Russias notoriously(臭名昭著

26、地) careless drivers.The light grey horses,painted with black stripes,carried signs on their backs reading:“Careful,children are on their way to school.” The police sent the fake zebras to several different locations in the Russian capital,where officials in orange vests walked them over zebra crossi

27、ngs and handed out leaflets(传单) to passing drivers.Some held up rainbow-coloured umbrellas over the painted animals to protect them from the rain.Russian roads are notoriously dangerous and drivers still rarely take the initiative(主动采取措施) to avoid pedestrians.Nearly half of all traffic accidents in

28、the countrys big cities are caused by cars hitting pedestrians,and a third of those occur on crossings,according to traffic police figures published last month.In the first six months of this year,378 people were killed and more than 6,600 injured on pedestrian crossings in Russia,according to polic

29、e.In Moscow alone,43 people were killed,including two children.Though police officials said that only safe paint would be used on the animals,animal rights activists still disagreed with the idea,accusing the police of “treating animals like garbage”“Children understand that paints are bad for anima

30、ls,” the Interfax news agency quoted president of Vita animal rights group Irina Novozhilova as saying.Since there were no “zebra” sudden rush through the city,I can only assume that these horses were taken from the urban stables(马厩) that house animals forced to work like pulling tourists in horse-d

31、rawn carriages.Like any other city in the world sticking to this outdated tradition,Moscows carriage horses are not in their preferred surroundingssuffering injuries,illness and short careers due to being overworked.Lets hope this part of the campaign is over and animals are left out of future attem

32、pts to raise pedestrian awareness.28Why do Moscow police have “zebras” walk across on the busiest streets?ATo raise peoples awareness of protecting animals.BTo inform people zebras are in danger of extinction.CTo raise driversawareness of road safety.DTo tell people it is dangerous to cross the streets.29From the text we can see that_

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