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1、广州版七年级上册整理总复习语文doc七年级总复习Unit 1【知识点滴】1.I have an elder sister and an elder brother.elder和older都是old的 ,但它们在用法上有所区别。在此句,elder表示 之意。elder只能用来修饰人,放在 前,反义词是 ;而older一般指年龄大小的比较。除了可以修饰人,表示 ,还可以修饰物,表示 2.Every day,I go to school by school bus.“by+交通工具的单数名词”,且之间不能有冠词,意为 。如:乘地铁 ;乘火车 ;乘飞机 。【拓展】“go to .(地点)by.”可以与

2、“take/ride.(交通工具)to.(地点)”互相转换。如:1)go to the library by bike = 2)You can take a plane to Shanghai.=You can Shanghai .3)I often ride a bike to our school library at weekends.=I often our school library at weekends.3.I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! make friends with 表示

3、 。“交朋友”至少是两个人之间的事情,因此这个词组中的friend一定要使用复数形式。4.Please email us your answers to these questions:.(A)email在此处为动词,意为 ,常用的句型有 ,意为“通过电子邮件给某人发送某物”。(B)the answer to the question意为 。表示“.的答案”时,answer后面要与介词 连用。5.What she look like:.look是感官动词,表示 ,后面跟 。look也可以和like搭配,表示 ,后面跟 。6.I got an email from a boy called Br

4、uce. called在此处是动词call的过去分词,可与“named”互换使用。7.Id like to be your e-friend. (A)would like 常用于口语中,其没有人称和数的变化,后接 时,必须用 形式,即 ,意为 ,可与want to do.互换使用。(B)该句型的否定形式: (C)该句型的疑问形式: 肯定回答: 否定回答: good at 表示 ,其同义词组为 。如果要表示不擅长,可使用 Exercises:一、请选用elder或older填空。1.My brother and I study in the same school.2.She look

5、s much than her real age.二、选择最佳答案填空。( )1.Alice often goes travelling . train the train train the train( )2.Do you make any new at school? Of course.My new classmates are all very friendly. A.friend B.friends C.friendly D.friendlier( )3.Its very hard for us to work out the answer

6、the question. B.of C.on )4.What does your new school ? B.look C.look like D.looks like( )5.She looks very in her new dress. B.beautiful C.beautifully D.more beautiful( )6.The question is not easy.Can you tell me the answer it? B.of C.on D.of( )7.A girl Alice wants to

7、see you. B.calling C.called call三、根据中文意思完成句子。1.我有一个姐姐和一个弟弟。I have an and a .2.在父亲节那天我通过电子邮件给我的爸爸发了一张问候信。I a greeting latter on Fathers Day.3.莉莉的房子靠近一个地铁站。Lilys house a metro station.4.上周六我和妈妈去了一家叫“金陵”的图书馆。I went to JinLing with my mother last Saturday.5.我爸爸经常坐飞机去上海出差。My father often Shan

8、ghai on business.6.我数学不太好。I Maths.【语法梳理】1.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句是指以 等疑问句开头,对陈述句中某一部分提问的句子。通常用来对职业或事物提问,表示“什么,什么事”通常用来对人提问,表示“谁”通常用来对时间提问,表示“什么时候”通常用来对地点提问,表示“哪里”通常用来对待定范围内的人或物提问,表示“哪一个”通常用来对所属关系提问,表示“谁的”通常用来对原因提问,表示“为什么”通常用来对方式提问,表示“如何”通常用来对年龄提问,表示“几岁”通常用来对数量提问,表示“多少”,后面跟可数名词的复数形式通常用来对金钱提问,表示“多少钱”特殊疑问句的语序: 1)当疑

9、问句指代的内容是句子主语时,语序则为: 2)当疑问句指代的内容不是句子主语时,语序则为: Exercises:一、用适当的疑问词填空。1. does Amys aunt do? She is a teacher.2. do your parents often come back home in the evening? At about 8:00.3. do you like Dragon Boat Festival,Peter? Because I like watching dragon boat races very much.4. play basketball with you o

10、n Saturday afternoon? My friends and classmates.5. does Betty often fly kites with her friends at weekends? In the park.二、对划线部分提问。1.I go to school on foot every day. you go to school every day?2.There are more than twenty runners on the playground. runners are there on the playground?3.This is Marys

11、 pen. is this?2.冠词a,an,the(A)不定冠词 和 通常放在单数名词前,表示“一个(支、把、只.);a用于以 (元音/辅音)音素开头的单词前,而an用于以 (元音/辅音)音素开头的单词前。(B) 提及某人或某物时,用 (a/an);再次提及该人或该物时,用 。定冠词 通常置于名词前,意为“这(个/些);那(个/些)”,特指某(些)或某(物)。(C)表示说话人双方都知道的人或物时,其名词前用 。(D)表示世界上独一无二的事物前,用定冠词 。(E)在各种乐器前或在海洋、沙漠、山脉等地理位置前面,用 。Exercises:一、用a,an或the填空。1.She does her

12、homework for hour every evening.2.Betty watched film yesterday. film is very interesting.3. man over there is my uncle.4.My hobby is swimming and playing violin.Unit 2【知识点滴】1.once or twice a week 意为 ,是表示频率的短语。在英语表示频率的表达中,表示一次用 ,表示两次用 ,若表示次数为三次或三次以上用 ,此时time是可数名词,意为次数。2.on foot 意为 ,是固定短语。go to . on f

13、oot意为步行去.,可与 互换使用。3.take part in 意为 ,是指参加集体性活动,如参加讨论、游行、比赛、战斗和庆祝等活动。4.between 常指“在.两者之间”其固定短语是 。 often多久一次用来对频度副词或频度副词短语提问how soon 用来对 提问how long 用来对 提问6.arrive 意为 ,相当于 。两者的用法如下:(1)arrive后面跟地点名词时,应加介词 或 ,一般表示到达比较大的地方时用介词 ;表示到达比较小的地方用介词 ,也可以用get to 互换使用。(2)如果后面跟地点副词(如: 、 、home等),arrive和get 都不需要再

14、接介词。(3)仅表示到达,而没有说明到达某地时,用 而不用 ,且arrive (需要/不需要)介词。 sb with sth 注意介词with后接 。此句型可与 互换使用。Exercises:一、选择最佳答案填空。( )1.At weekends,my sister loves but my brother likes fishing. A.swim;go B.swimming;going C.swim;going D.swimming;go( )2.There are not any buses here, my father has to walk home every day

15、. A.because B.and D.but( )3. she was ill, she didnt go to school. A.Because;so B.Because;/ C.So;because D.So;/( )4.The earthquake happened 11a.m. 2p.m. A.from;and B.between;and C.from;to D.between;to( )5.He is the tallest one my classmates. A.among B.between C.with D.on( )6. do you go to the li

16、brary? Once a month. A.How many times B.How soon C.What time D.How often( )7.When does your brother usually home after school? A.get B.get to C.arrive in D.arrive at( )8.My father enjoys basketball when he is free. B.playing play D.plays二。根据中文意思完成句子。1.我每月拜访祖父母两三次。I visited my grandparent

17、s .2.你喜欢打羽毛球吗?Do you badminton?3.下周大约有300名学生将参加学校的运动会。About 300 students the school sports meeting next week.4.明天早上8点钟你们一定要到公园门口。You must the gate of the park at 8:00 tomorrow morning.5.张老师经常帮助我学习英语。Miss Zhang often my English studying.【语法梳理】1.一般现在时谓语动词句式结构be动词的一般现在时肯定句 + +其他否定句 + + +其他一般疑问句 + +其他特殊

18、疑问句 +一般疑问句?行为动词的一般现在时肯定句 + +其他.否定句 + + +其他.一般疑问句 + + +其他?特殊疑问句 +一般疑问句?Exercises:一、选择最佳答案填空。( )1.Jenny in an office.And her parents in a hospital.;works;work;are work work;work( )2. your father any housework at home? A.Does;does B.Do;does C.Does;do D.Do;do( )3.Li jie is goo

19、d at English.He English well. A.can speaks B.could speak C.can speak D.could speaks( )4.They my good friends. A.are D.does( )5.Our morning break usually at 9:50a.m. and at 10:00 a.m. A.begin;end B.begin;ends C.begins;end D.begins;ends二、根据中文意思完成句子。1.山姆每天刷牙。Sam every day.2.我的父母经常走路去上班。My par

20、ents often to work .3.杰克通常在周末做什么?What Jack usually at weekends?三、根据题目要求,完成下列句子。1.Tom and Tony make toys in a factory.(改为否定句)Tom and Tony toys in a factory.2.Jacks sister likes playing table tennis.(改为否定句)Jacks sister playing table tennis.3.She lives in a small town near New York.(改为一般疑问句) she in a s

21、mall town near New York?4.I teach Chinese in a middle school on weekdays.(改为一般疑问句) you Chinese in a middle school on weekdays?2.频度副词频度副词在句中通常位于实义动词之前,be动词或情态动词等之后。按照动作发生的频率高低,常见的频度副词有: 。表示频率的常见副词短语有: (一周一次), (一年两次), (每天), (每月)等。Exercises:一、选择最佳答案填空。( )1.Does Anna play baseball on Sunday? No,she . A.

22、is never B.never is Cnever does D.does never( )2.Alan to work by bicycle. A.usually go B.go usually C.usually goes D.goes usually( )3.Bobby always gets up early,but Mary and Amy . A.doesnt always B.always doesnt C.dont always D.always dont( )4.Mr Zhang is very busy with his business,so he has time t

23、o play. A.always;seldom B.always;sometimes C.usually;often D.sometimes;never( )5.We usually have dinner at home in the evening,but we eat out. A.sometimes B.seldom C.never D.always二、根据中文意思完成句子。1.珍妮多久去游一次泳? does Jenny go swimming?2.我很少在早上大声读英语,但我妹妹总是在早上这样做。I read English loudly in the morning,but my

24、sister it.3.张先生通常在周末去爬山。Mr Zhang climbing .Unit 3【知识点滴】1.too和also用法上的区别:(A)too多用于口语中,且只用于 (肯定句/否定句/疑问句),一般放于 。 (B)also多用于书面语中,常放于 ,位于 之前, 和 之后。either一般用于 ,且放在 。2.fewer and fewer 结构是 + + ,表示 。(1)单音节形容词: + + (2)多音节形容词: + 3. + + +sb+ . 对某人来说,做.是.的。Exercises:一、选用too,also和either填空。1.Davids parents can sp

25、eak Chinese,and he can speak Chinese.2.Mr Green doesnt like going climbing, .3.My mother went to Shanghai yesterday,and my father will go there tomorrow, .二、选择最佳答案填空。( )1.When the child saw his parents,he stopped and ran to them. A.cry cry C.crying crying( )2.When my friend saw me this mor

26、ning,he stopped to me. talk C.talking talking( )3.Please dont let the children in the river. A.swim swim C.swimming swimming( )4.We must do something out classroom clean. A.keep B.keeping keeping keep( )5.Is there anybody to help me? A.other B.else C.another D.ot

27、hers( )6.Who will go shopping with you tomorrow? A.others B.other C.the other D.else( )7. important for us fit. A.Its;to keep B.Its;keeping C.It;to keep D.It;keeping( )8.The teacher asked his students the exercises at once. A.finish finish C.finishing finishing三、根据中文意思完成句子。1.我决定了开我自己的店。I d

28、ecide to start shop.2.你女儿越来越细心了。Your daughter is .3.玛丽长得越来越高了。Mary grows .4.多锻炼能使我们保持健康。Doing more exercise can .5.在这场地震中,他仍然活着。In the earthquake,he is still .6.哪些彩色的花很漂亮,有些是红色的,有些是黄色的。The colourful flowers are very beautiful. are red. are yellow.【语法梳理】1.可数名词与不可数名词(A) 表示具体个别存在的事物,有单、复数形式,表示 时与不定冠词a、

29、an连用,表示 时,名词后面要加-s或-es,可与数词 、 、 连用。 没有复数性,不可与不定冠词a/an或数词连用。(B)冠词the, 和 等既可放在可数名词前,也可放在不可数名词前。(C)不可数名词作主语时,被看作 ,be动词要用 。(D)提问可数名词的数量时,用 ;提问不可数名词的数量时,用 。Exercises:一、判断正或误,如有错误请在下列横线上改正。( )1.I drink some waters every day.( )2.Some chicken are on the table.( )3.He has two dictionary.( )4.Its egg.( )5.I have many photos.2.There be 句型在英语中,there be 句型表示“某地有.”。句型中的there 是引导词,本身无实际意义;be是谓语动词,be 后面的名词才是真正的主语。句子最后面为地点状语或时间状语。肯定句There +be +主语+地点状语/时间状语否定句There+be+not+主语+地点状语/时间状语一般疑问句及其答语 + +主语+地点状语/时间状语肯定回答: 否定回答: 将来时结构There will be./There be going to be . 当主语是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,谓语动词必

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