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1、人教版九年级英语上册第1单元检测题九上英语Unit 1检测题(R)满分:120分时间:120分钟班级:_姓名:_听力部分(30分)一、听力测试(共四节)第一节听句子,选图画。每个句子读两遍。(5分)第二节听下面短对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(5分)(B)6.Where are the two speakers talking?AIn a hotel. BIn a library. CIn a shop.(C)7.How does Pierre learn English?ABy listening to tapes.BBy reading English books.CBy watch

2、ing English videos.(A)8.What does Mr.Green advise Li Mei to do?ATo join an English club.BTo do more reading.CTo watch more English movies.(A)9.What does David think is difficult?AMemorizing new words.BGrammar.CMaking sentences.(B)10.What does Bill think of grammar?ADifficult. BBoring. CInteresting.第

3、三节听下面长对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(10分)请听第1段材料,回答第11、12小题。(B)11.How long has Bobs pen pal been learning Chinese?AFor about 3 weeks. BFor about 3 months.CFor about 3 years.(C)12.What is the girls best way to learn Chinese?AReading more Chinese books.BSpeaking to Chinese friends.CTaking notes in Chinese classes

4、.请听第2段材料,回答第13、14小题。(B)13.Whats the matter with Paul?AHe forgot to do homework.BHe failed the English test.CHe couldnt find his English textbook.(A)14.When can Paul join the girls group?ANext Monday. BNext Tuesday.CNext Friday.请听第3段材料,回答第15至第17小题。(A)15.What does the girl find the hardest in English?

5、AListening. BReading. CWriting.(B)16.What does the boy advise the girl to do?ATo listen to songs.BTo listen to tapes.CTo watch movies.(A)17.What will the girl do to improve her writing?AShe will find a pen pal.BShe will buy a dictionary.CShe will read English stories.请听第4段材料,回答第18至第20小题。(C)18.What d

6、oes Jack find difficult?AThe Chinese homework.BThe math homework.CThe English homework.(A)19.Why do they want to work together?ABecause they want to help each other.BBecause they like keeping busy.CBecause the teacher asks them to do so.(C)20.How often will they meet for the study group?AThree times

7、 a week.BTwice a week.COnce a week.第四节听短文,选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(10分)(A)21.What must a good reader do?AHe must change his reading speed(速度)as he needs.BHe must read 1,000 words per minute.CHe must read as fast as he can.(A)22.What decides the reading speed?AWhat the reader is reading.BWhere the reader is rea

8、ding.CWhen the reader is reading.(C)23.When may a good reader read fastest?AWhen he reads something most useful to him.BWhen he reads newspaper and magazine articles.CWhen he looks for materials for a report in the library.(C)24.How many words may a good reader read newspaper and magazine articles p

9、er minute?A100. B150. C600.(B)25.Whats the text about?AThe best way of fast reading.BA good reader and his reading speed.CThe importance of having different reading speed.笔试部分(90分)二、单项填空(10分)( B )26.(潍坊中考)Students here often do physics experiments _ small groups.Aby BinCfor Dat(C)27.(青岛中考)_ do you g

10、o to a movie?Twice a week.AHow long BHow soonCHow often DHow far(B)28.When can I know the result?Be _,Frank!You will know it at 6 oclock this afternoon.Aactive Bpatient Cbrave Dlucky(C)29.Though youve got quite a lot of money,you should spend it _Aheavily Bsuddenly Cwisely Dcheaply(C)30.May I use yo

11、ur camera?Sorry,theres _ with it.Anothing wrong Bwrong nothingCsomething wrong Dwrong something(A)31.You can _ new words in your edictionary.Alook up Blook atClook for Dlook around(A)32.(德州中考)Many people like reading newspapers _ they can learn whats happening in the world.Aso that Bever sinceCas so

12、on as Deven though(C)33.The _ kids learn to be independent,the _ it is for their future.Aearly;good Bearly;betterCearlier;better Dearlier;good(C)34.I didnt pay attention to _in time,so I didnt succeed in the test.Aread BreviewCreviewing Dstudy(C)35.I havent got a partner _Awork with Bto work Cto wor

13、k with Dworking with三、完形填空(10分)Many people go to school for an education.They learn languages,history,geography,physics,chemistry and math.Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can _36_ a living.School _37_ is very important and useful.Yet no one can learn everything from school.A teache

14、r,no matter how much he knows,can not teach his students everything they want to know.The teachers job is to show his students how to learn.He teaches them how to read and how to _38_So much more is to be learned _39_ school by the students themselves.It is always more important to know how to study

15、 by _40_ than to memorize some facts or a formula(公式)It is _41_ quite easy to learn a _42_ fact in history or a formula in mathematics.But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a math problem.Great scientists,such as Einstein,Newton and Galileo,didnt learn many things from school.But

16、they were all so _43_ that they invented so many things for humans.The _44_ for their success is that they knew how to study.They read books that were not _45_ at school.They worked hard all their lives,wasting not a single moment.They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of

17、experiments.(A)36.A.make Bdo Chave Dget(A) Bdegree Clesson Dtask(C) Bplay Cthink Dwork(D)39.A.from Bin Cwithin Doutside(D)40.A.heart Bstudents Cus Doneself(B)41.A.not Bactually Cseldom Dknown(C)42.A.real Btrue Ccertain Dgreat(C)43.A.famous BpopularCsuccessful Dmodest(B)44.A.e

18、xperiment BreasonCresult Dway(D)45.A.kept Bshowed Cexpressed Dtaught四、阅读理解(40分)AThe purpose of students who come to school is to study. But studying needs right ways, or we would waste the time or the money. The followings are ways for studying.The best time for reading is morning. Because in the mo

19、rning, the air is fresh and our minds are clear. For that reason, we can get good results.When we study we must be patient. If we dont understand a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next until we have learned the first one well.When we are studying, we must put our hearts into

20、 the book. We cannot read absentmindedly (心不在焉地), or we could get nothing from the book while we are reading.We must always ask “why”. If we cant understand well, write it down and ask our teachers or parents, brothers or friends, in any possible ways. We must know it completely and then our knowled

21、ge can be used well.Though there are many ways for studying, however, the above mentioned (提到的) will be helpful if we can keep them in heart.(C)46. Why is morning the best time for reading?AWe can be more patient.BWe can have a good time.CThe air is fresh and our minds are clear.DWe can relax oursel

22、ves.(B)47.What should we do if we dont understand a text well?AWe should copy others answers.BWe should read it again till understand it .CWe wont do it any more.DWe should give it up and read the next one.(B)48.Whats the meaning of the underlined word?A病人 B有耐心的 C自信的D骄傲的(C)49. Which of the following

23、 is NOT true?AThe purpose of students who come to school is to study.BWhen we are studying, we cant be absentminded.CWe dont have to ask “why” when we cant understand well.DWe should know knowledge completely and use it well.(A)50.Which of the following is the best title?ARight Ways of StudyingBDont

24、 Waste TimeCBe PatientDLearn to Ask “Why”BCan you understand the following words? “Long time no see.”“Good good study, day day up.”“I like your smile, but unlike you put your shoes on my face.”Yes, we call these examples Chinglish, like“people mountain, people sea”. Chinglish usually means English v

25、ocabulary with Chinese grammar on street signs or products. However, many English speaking tourists love them. Tom has been living in Beijing for years. “I think many Chinese people dislike Chinglish. But I love it. Its quite interesting. I think if the translations of English in China are all perfe

26、ct, something will be lost from Chinese culture.” However, Chinglish will probably become a part of history in future. Beijing has made a plan to correct Chinglish in five years.“It is so funny to see Chinglish on the signs. And they are a kind of trouble for communication between the Chinese and fo

27、reigners,”a Beijinger said.However, some people in China like Chinglish. They think that English has “borrowed” a lot from other languages such as German, French and Spanish in the past, and now its Chineses turn.(C)51.What is Chinglish according to the passage?AThe English words easy to pronounce.

28、BThe Chinese words difficult to translate.CThe English words with Chinese grammar. DThe Chinese words that foreigners love.(A)52.What does “people mountain, people sea” mean most probably?AThere are many people. BHumans are powerful. CAll the people are running. DHumans respect nature.(D)53. What do

29、es Tom think about Chinglish? AIt shows Chinese are popular. BIt is hated by all foreign tourists.CIt helps him to learn English well.DIt is also a part of Chinese culture.(D)54.What does the last paragraph but one(倒数第二段) tell us?ABeijing will put English words into Chinese.BBeijing will change Engl

30、ish and Chinese.CBeijing will help foreigners to learn Chinglish. DBeijing will correct Chinglish in future. (B)55.Some people,who love Chinglish,think that it is time for English to borrow something from _AFrench BChineseCSpanishDGermanCNotetaking is a skill that can help you do well in all your sc

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