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导学案Unit4Donteatinclass 2.docx

1、导学案Unit4Donteatinclass 2 Unit 4 Dont eat in class.导学案 第1课时 section A (1a-2c)P19-20【学习目标】 1、掌握8个单词,8个短语和8个句子; 2、会用祈使句的否定形式Dont谈论校园规则; 【学习重点】 祈使句的否定形式Dont的用法。1、自主学习充分预习是高校学习的前提,请同学们全身心投入完成以下任务。(1).请默写下列单词。 1.规则 _ 2.到达 _ 3.走廊_ 4.大厅_ _ 6.倾听_ 7.打架 _ 8.抱歉的 _(2).请默写下列短语。1.在课堂上_ 2.校规_ 3.做某事迟到_ 4.准时_ 5.

2、在走廊里_ 6.在教室里_ 7.在餐厅里_ 8.听_ (3).祈使句的用法:祈使句是用来表示请求,命令,叮嘱,邀请,劝告等的句 子一般以动词原形开头。a) V型祈使句(以行为动词开头) Listen to me,please. 请听我说. b) B型祈使句(以Be开头) Be quiet,please!请安静 Be careful!小心!c) L型祈使句(以Let开头)Let me help you. 让我帮Lets go. 咱们走吧.d) D型祈使句(以Dont+动词原型开头Dont talk in class.不要再上课讲2、合作学习1、阅读1a,完成1a.2、Listening.听1b

3、,2b,完成听力练习。3、Pairwork .分组练习1c,2c,对话。当堂检测1. school rules _ 2. arrive late for class _ 3. (be) on time _ 4. in the hallways _ 5. 在餐厅 _ 6. 听音乐_ 三 单选( )1.Dont_ the rules next time.A.keep B.break C.breaking D.Keeping( ) 2.-_ late for school again. -Sorry,I wontA.Dont B.Dont be C.Not D.Not( ) 3._ music in

4、 the classroom. A. Dont hear B. Cant hear C. Dont listen D.Dont liste( ) 4. If you arrive late _ class, you must say _ to your teacher. A. for, thanks B. for, sorry C. to, sorry( )5. Can you sing in the classroom? _ A. Yes, you can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, we can.( )6. Dont arrive late. You must be _

5、time.A. to B. on C. at( )7. Please listen _ the teacher carefully (认真地). A. to B. on C. at( )8. Dont _ TV after class. A. watch B. watches C. watching(1)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1、After supper ,my father often t_ a walk.2、Do you have many r_ in your school?3、Dont f_ with each other.4、You have to l_ to your te

6、acher carefully.5、Tom often has lunch in the d_ hall.(3)根据汉语意思完成句子。 1、我们必须准时到校。 We _ get to school _ _.2、不要在走廊上奔跑。_ run in the _.3、汤姆经常和他的弟弟打架。Tom usually _ _ his brother.4、我弟弟上学从不迟到。My brother never _ _ for school. 写出咱们学校的校规(至少3条) 第2课时 section A (2c-3c)P20-21【学习目标】1、掌握6个单词,12个短语和句子;2、掌握haveto的各种句式的

7、变化;【学习重点难点】have to的用法一、自主学习。(1).请默写下列单词。P1231.在外面 _ 2.穿,戴 _ 3.重要的_ 4.带来_ 5.校服 _ 6.安静的_(2).请默写下列短语。1.听音乐_ 2.在音乐教室里_ 3.在外面吃东西_ 4.戴帽子_ 5.很多规则_ 6.准时_ 7.拿来,带来_ 8.音乐播放器_9.不得不,必须_ 10.保持安静_ 11.我的第一天_ 12.穿校服_1. outside _ 2. wear a hat _ 3. a lot of _ 4. be late for class_ 5. 不得不 _ 6. 穿校服_ 7. 保持安静 _ 1.

8、 be on time for class_2. in class_3. wear a uniform _ 4. 梦想的学校_5. 不必_ (3)have to 必须 结构:主语have to动词原形其他(主语是单三时,用hasto)否定形式:主语donthaveto动词原形其他(主语是单三时,用doesnthaveto)疑问句:Do(Does)主语haveto动词原形其他Wehaveto (穿)uniformsforgymclass.Nick wearauniform.尼克不必穿制服。 you stayathomeonweekends?Yes,Ido. 1、熟读2d,完成以下问题这是我第一天

9、到学校。_这是一所很棒的学校,但是有很多规则。_真的吗?有些什么规则?_我们总是得穿校服。_4、测验(1)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Do you have to (wear) a uniform to school?2. he (have) to clean the classroom after school?3. Jim (have) to get up early every morning.4. She (not have) to eat in the dining hall.5.Mary often (wear)black clothes on Sunday .6.Its

10、clod o .please put on your coat.(2)单选( )1. - we have to clean the classroom after school? -Yes, you . A. Can, can B. Do, have C. Do, do ( )2.You cant eat outside. Its dirty. A. in B. at C. /( )3.Its too late and I have home. go C.go D.going( )4.Please look outside. A.not B.arent C.dont D.c

11、ant 1. What are the school rules?We _ listen to music in class. A. dont B. cant C. arent ( )2. Dont_ class. A. be late B. late for C. be late for( )3. There are _ rules in our school. A. a lots of B. a lot of C. lot of( )1. I have to _ the room every morning. A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning( )2. Does

12、 she have to go to bed at 9:00? Yes, she_. A. has B. have C. does( )3. Dont listen music in the classroom hallways. A. to; and B. to; or C. at; or ( )4. She lost her bike. She _ walk to school. A. have to B. has to C. has( )5. We _to wear the school uniform every day. A. not have B. have not C. dont

13、 have(3)根据汉语意思完成句子1.我们在学校得穿校服。We wear at school.2.在学校图书馆我们应保持安静。We should in the school library.3.学好英语很重要。It is learn English well. 第3课时 section B (1a-1d)P22【学习目标】 1、熟练掌握本课的单词与部分短语。 2、熟练运用Can we-? ,Can I-?等句型讨论一般的规章制度。 【学习重点难点】 熟练运用Can we-? ,Can I-?等句型讨论一般的规章制度。一、自主学习充分预习是高校学习的前提,请同学们全身心投入完成以下任务。(1)

14、.请写下列词组,短语。 练习_ 碟,盘_ 脏的_ 厨房_ 更多的_ 吵闹的_ 铺床 _ 外出 _ 见朋友 _ 清洗餐具 _ 打扫我的房间 _ 在学校的晚上 _ 练习吉他 _ 在学校的日子 _A. 每个周六_ 晚饭前 _B. 帮妈妈做早餐_C.1. go out _2. practice the guitar _ D.3. do the dishes_4. help his mom make breakfast_ E.5. on school nights _ 6. every Saturday_ F. 7. 放学以后 _ 8. 在晚上 _2、合作学习1、阅读1a,完成1a.2、Listenin

15、g.听1b ,1c,完成听力练习。3、Pairwork .分组练习1d,2a,对话。4、当堂检测(1)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1、Marry often helps her mother do the d_ after dinner. 2、I dont think students can go out on school n_. 3、My mother is cooking in the k_. 4、Tom has to brush his shoes because they are d_. 5、Dont s_ your friends on school days.(2)单选(

16、)1.The boy never _ out on Sunday.He _ stays at home. A.go;always B.goes;always C.goes;never D.goes;can( )2.Marry often helps her mother _ B.making C.make make ( )3.I usually do my homework _ night,but _ Saturday night I watch,in,on, on,in ( )4.Li Ming is no

17、t happy.He has _ rules at home.G.too many B.too much C.many too D.much too ( )5.-_.The baby is sleeping. -Sorry.H. A.Not talk B.Not talking C.Dont talk D.Not to talking( )1. Gina often helps her mother _the dishes. A. do B. does C. doingI.( )2._you have to wear a hat today? No, we dont.A. Are B. Can

18、 C. DoJ.( )3. We dont know Jack _ Bruce.A. and B. or C. about(3)根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1、不准在课堂上听MP3。 _ _ _ MP3_ _ 。放学后你通常做什么? What do you usually do _ _?星期天我得练钢琴。On Sunday I have to _ _.2、不要晚上出去。Dont _ _ at night.3、我每个星期六都打扫我的房间。I always clean my room _ _.写出你家里的家规(至少3条) 第4课时 section B (2a-2c)P23【学习目标】1、熟练掌握本课

19、的单词与部分短语。2、学习使用“I have to ”,“I can / cant ”,“Dont”描述每个地方的规则。 一、自主学习(1).请默写下列词组,短语。脏的 _ 厨房 _ 更多的_ 吵闹的 _ 严格的_ 记住 _ 跟随 _ 保留 _ 学会 _ 铺床_ 对某人严格_ 1. too many rules _ 2. make your bed _ 3. be noisy_ 4. read a book_ 5. be strict with sb. _ 6. make rules to help us_ 7. 在周末 _ 8. 好运! _ .阅读课本23页2b,翻译下列句子。现在起床,整理

20、你的床铺。_不要把脏盘子丢在厨房。 _晚饭后我也不能放松。 _我想知道你是如何感觉的。_有许多你可以做的事情。 _父母,学校有时候是严格的,但请记住,他们制定规则是为了帮助我们。_二、合作学习1.再次阅读课本23页2b,完成课本23页,2c.2.熟读2b,掌握重点词组及句子。4、当堂检测 (1)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. I have to go to bed b _ ten oclock. 2.Parents and schools must be s _ with us. 3.Do you often help your mother m _ dinner? 4.I have t

21、o go out for a rest because the room is too n _ . 5.It is i_ for us to play sport( )1.Please _ the window open , Its hot (热)now. A. Have B.make C.take D.keep( )2.I wear _ uniform to work every day. A. a C./ D. Two( )3.I hear the new movie is very _. A.relax B.relaxed C.relaxing relax( )4.H

22、e goes to the music club to _ play the piano after school. B.learn to D.learn to( )5.-Dont listen to music in the classroom. - _ . A.Not all. B.Thanks a lot. C.Youre welcome. D.Sorry,I wont.( )6. I cant relax_. A. too B. also C. either( )7. There are too many _ in the kitchen. A. veg

23、etables B. milk C. rice( )8. On school nights, I have to go to bed_ 9:00. A. on B. in C. Before (3)根据汉语意思完成句子。1.学生们必须遵守学校制度。Students must _ _ _ _ .不要把脏衣服扔房间里。_ _ the _ _ in the room.我想知道你感觉怎样。I want to know _ _ _ . 4.我女儿上床睡觉前总要看看书。 My daughters always_ _ _going to bed.5.家长和学校制定制度是为了帮助我们。 Parents and schools _ _ _ _ 四、选词填空:用所给词的适当形式填空 rule, practice ,join, after, lucky, for, on, read, by, earlyMarry has so many .She has to do her homework school.She cant go out school night.She has to wash the dishes after dinner,then she can watch TV half an hour.She likes .She usually re

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