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Words and Phrase for U3B3汇总.docx

1、Words and Phrase for U3B3汇总Words and Useful Expressions for Unit 3(Part)Text 1Difficult Sentences:1. Terrorism takes the concept of asymmetrical warfare to another level by not even engaging military forces in battle. (L21-22)Paraphrase this sentence:Translate this sentence:2. The bottom line is tha

2、t the United States currently spends over $340 billion on national defense, accounting for about one-third of the worlds military spending. (L23-24)Paraphrase this sentence:Translate this sentence:3. It is too easy in the immediate aftermath of such terrible events and overwhelming domestic support

3、for military retaliation against the perpetrators to raise the battle cry for increased defense spending. (L45-47) Paraphrase this sentence:Translate this sentence:Words and Expressions1. devastation (L1) n. the act of destroying 毁坏Every year fires cause the devastation of valuable forests.每年大火毁坏了很多

4、宝贵的森林。The explosion caused complete devastation of the factory.爆炸毁坏了整个工厂。The bomb caused widespread devastation.炸弹造成大面积破坏。devastate vt. ruin, make desolate 毁坏,破坏;使荒凉,使成废墟:The fire devastated the countryside.这场大火使这片乡村成为一片废墟。2. remedy (L5) v. to set right; remove, rectify, or counteract 补救,修补This is t

5、he medicine that can remedy a cough.这是能治咳嗽的药。These mistakes can be remedied.这些错误是可以纠正的。If I made a mistake, I will try to remedy it.如果我犯了错误,我将努力改正The bill seeks to remedy a historic injustice in which blacks were deprived of their right to land.这项法案试图纠正黑人被剥夺了土地所有权这一历史性的不公正现象。This situation is easily

6、 remedied.这种情形易于补救。remedy n.1. a medicine 药品,药物 (正式用词)Aspirin is a good cold remedy.阿司匹林是一种治疗伤风的良药。The doctor soon found a for the boys illness.医生很快就找到了一种治疗这个孩子疾病的药物。2. a way of curing (pain or disease) 治疗方法What remedy do you have for his illness?你对他的病有什么治疗办法?Ill tell you my remedy for the disease.我

7、将告诉你我对这种病的治疗法。3. a way of setting right (anything bad) 补救方法,纠正方法There is no wrong without a remedy没有不可补救的错误。Your only remedy is to go to law.你唯一的补救措施是诉诸法律。The law provides no remedy for this injustice.法律对这种不公正没有纠正措施。There is no simple remedy for unemployment.失业问题没有简单的解决办法。There are a number of possi

8、ble remedies to this problem.这个问题有许多可能采取的解决办法。Whats my remedy in law in this case?这件事我能采取什么法律手段.The best remedy for grief is hard work.排解忧伤的最好办法就是努力工作。We have exhausted all possible legal remedies for this injustice.为了纠正这一不公正的行为,我们已经采取了一切法律手段。remedial adj 1. intended to improve or correct something

9、改进的;纠正的;补救的2. intended to help people who have difficulty learning the basic skills of reading, writing etc 补习的a remedial class/course/ teacher补习班/ 课程/ 老师3. intended to treat or cure a medical condition 治疗的;矫正的remedial surgery/ treatment矫正手术治疗3. heinous (L8) adj. grossly wicked 极恶的,可憎的The murder was

10、 a most heinous crime.谋杀是十恶不赦的大罪。He really wants to shoot the heinous criminal himself.他真想亲手枪崩了那个十恶不赦的罪犯。Hitlers heinous crimes will never be forgotten.希特勒的滔天罪行人们永远也不会忘记。4. tragedy (L9) n. a disastrous event, especially one involving distressing loss or injury to life 悲剧,惨案Hamlet is one of Shakespea

11、res best known tragedies.哈姆雷特是莎士比亚最著名的悲剧之一。The book ended in tragedy.那本书以悲剧结尾。The fathers death was a tragedy to his family.父亲的去世是他家一件不幸的事。5. adversary (L10) n. an opponent; an enemy 敌手,对手John is his adversary in chess match.在象棋比赛中约翰是他的对手。The adversaries fought with swords.敌对双方都挥舞着刀剑作战。The United St

12、ates and Japan were adversaries in World War II.在第二次世界大战中美国与日本互为敌国。6. persist (L12) v.1. to hold firmly and steadfastly to a purpose, a state, or an undertaking despite obstacles, warnings, or setbacks 继续,坚持He persisted with his work.他坚持工作。He persists in his opinion.他固执己见。His strength of character e

13、nabled him to persist.他的坚强性格使他能够坚持不懈。Despite hardships, he persisted in his efforts to get a college education.尽管困难重重,他仍坚持努力以获大学文凭。2. to continue to exist 继续存在;持续Call your doctor if the symptoms persist for than three days.如果症状持续超过3天,就打电话给你的医生。The tradition has persisted to this day.这种传统一直延续至今。The r

14、ain persisted through the day.那场雨持续了一整天。The fog is likely to persist in most areas.很可能大部分地区还有雾。On the tops of some very high mountains, snow persists throughout the year.在一些高山顶上,积雪终年不化。7. uniform (L15)n. a distinctive outfit intended to identify those who wear it as members of a specific group制服The

15、hat is part of the school uniform.帽子是校服的一部分。He was still wearing his school uniform.他还穿着校服。a military/ police/ nurses uniform 军装;警服;护士制服adj. not varying; the same in all parts and at all times 一致的;统一的;一律的The walls were a uniform grey.墙壁一律都是灰色。Growth has not been uniform across the country.全国各地的发展程度不

16、一。8. antithesis (L16) n. the direct or exact opposite 对立面The antithesis of death is life.死的对立面是生。Good is the antithesis of bad.好和坏是相对的。Vice is the very antithesis of virtue.罪恶的对立面就是美德。Hope is the antithesis of despair.希望和失望正相反。She is slim and shy - the very antithesis of her sister.她身材苗条,性格腼腆,正好和她姐姐

17、相反。9. asymmetrical (also asymmetric) (L19) adj. having no balance or symmetry 不对称的Lisette came back from holiday in New York with a trendy asymmetric haircut.莉塞特从纽约度假归来,理了一个两边不对称的新潮发型。Most peoples faces are asymmetric.大多数人的脸都不对称。asymmetrically ad asymmetry n.10. warfare (L19) n. armed conflict 战争,冲突

18、He has experience of this kind of warfare.打这种战争,他有经验。Warfare raged along the border for days.边境爆发战争已经数天了。11. unconventional (L19) adj. not adhering to convention; out of the ordinary 非常规的,非传统的He has a really unconventional dress sense.他的着装观确实与众不同。She is known for her unconventional views.她以新观点著称。opp

19、osite: conventional12. tactics (L19) n. maneuvers used against an enemy 战术,策略The generals brilliant tactics won the battle.将军的高明的战术赢得了这次战斗的胜利。Before each match our players meet to decide on their tactics.每次比赛前我们的运动员都开会决定战术问题。13. allies (L26) n. one that is friendly associated with another, especiall

20、y by treaty 同盟The United State was an ally of Great Britain in two world wars.美国在两次世界大战中都是英国的盟国。England and France were allies in World War II.英法在第二次世界大战中是盟邦。14. exceed (L29) v. to surpass; to go beyond the limits 超过,超越Platinum exceeds gold in value.白金的价值高于黄金。His knowledge of history exceeds mine.他的

21、历史知识比我丰富。The result exceeded my expectation.结果超过了我的预料。Demand began to exceed supply.供不应求。The final cost should not exceed $5000.最终的花费不应超出5000美元。The success of our campaign has exceeded our wildest expectations.我们发起的运动获得了我们想都不敢想的成功。15. finance (L29) v. to provide or raise the funds or capital for 财政资

22、助,给经费The local authority has refused to finance the scheme.地方政府拒绝为这项计划提供资金。The scheme is being financed by the Arts Council.这项计划由艺术委员会资助。Who finance s this organization?谁为这个组织提供资金?Will the company finance your trip to Germany?公司会提供你去德国的经费吗?finances (pl) the money which a person or company has (个人或公司

23、的) 财源,财力,财务状况We keep a tight control on the organizations finances.我们严格控制该组织的资金。My finances are in a terrible mess at the moment.目前我的财务状况糟透了。16. chest (L30) n. sturdy box with a lid and often a lock, used especially for storage 箱,柜We found the chest to contain many silver coins.我们发现这柜子里有不少银币。Mother

24、put the shirts in my clothes chest.母亲把那几件衬衫放进我的衣柜里。17. estimate (L30) v. to calculate approximately (the amount, extent, magnitude, position, or value of something) 估计,估算It is impossible to estimate how many of the residents were affected.要估算出有多少居民受到影响是不可能的、estimate sth at sthThe total cost was esti

25、mated at 600, 000.总费用估计为600,000英镑。He estimated the loss at $1,000.他估计那项损失为一千美元。estimate +(that)We estimate that 20 per cent of the harvest has been lost.我们估计损失了20的收成。I estimate it will take three months to build the bridge.我估计建造这座桥将需三个月的时间。estimate n. an amount that you guess or calculate by using t

26、he information that is available 估计数;估算值The figure mentioned is just a rough estimate.所提到的数据仅是一个粗略的估计。18. priority (L35) n. 1. an established right to precedence 优先权,优先This project has priority over all others.这项工程优先于其他工程。You must give priority to ambulance.你必须让救护车先行。2. sth. that must be considered

27、or done first 应优先处理之事Road building is a first / top priority.筑路是第一位的工作。The government should try to get its priorities right.政府应设法将应优先处理之事办好。19. reallocate (L35) v. to distribute again according to a plan 再分配,重新分配Government funds were reallocated to the new local authorities.政府基金已重新分配给新的地方当局20. pene

28、trate (L40) v. to enter into and permeate 渗透,穿透They had penetrated airport security.他们已打入机场保安组织。The party has been penetrated by extremists.极端分子已经打入了这个党。This year the company has been trying to penetrate new markets (= to start selling their products there).今年这家公司一直试图打入新市场。The company has been succe

29、ssful in penetrating overseas markets this year.今年,该公司成功地打入了海外市场。The organization had been penetrated by a spy.该组织渗入了一名间谍。21. dictate (L41) v. to prescribe with authority; to impose 规定,命令;口授The judge dictated a strong punishment to the prisoner.法官判犯人以重罚。The conqueror dictated the surrender terms.征服者

30、规定了投降的条件。The country that won the war dictated the terms of peace to the country that lost.战胜国向战败国提出了和平条款。No one shall dictate to me. 谁也别想支配我。Big nations sometimes dictate to little ones.大国有时向小国发号施令。22. espionage (L43) n. the act or practice of spying or of using spies to obtain secret information,

31、as about another government or a business competitor 间谍,侦探Some of the commercial activities were a cover for espionage.有些商业活动是为问谍活动提供掩护。She may call it research; I call it industrial espionage,她可以称之为研究 可我称它为产业情报刺探。Industrial espionage happens a lot ,one company tries to steal the ideas of others.工业间谍活动屡有发生,一个公司设法窃取另一公司的计划。23. aftermath (L45) n. a consequence, especially of a disaster or misfortune 结果,后果In the aftermath of the shootings, there were calls f

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