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1、英语六级真题2006年12月英语六级真题(B卷) Part l Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section A1. A) The foggy weather has affected Marys mood.B) They are puzzled about Marys tow spirits.C) Mary is dissatisfied with her promotion.D) Mary cares too much about her looks.2. A) Go to an art exhibition.B) Dine out with an

2、 old friend.C) Attend the opening night of a play.D) See his paintings on display.3. A) Her mother was quite outstanding in academic work.B) She was not particularly interested in going to school.C) Her parents laid great emphasis on academic excellence.D) She helped upgrade the educational level of

3、 immigrants.4. A) The machines there were ill maintained.B) Tickets for its members were cheaper.C) It was filled with people all the time.D) It had a reputation for good service.5. A) Both Sarah and Tom have been awarded doctoral degrees.B) Tom has arranged to meet his bride Sarah in Hawaii.C) Tom

4、was more excited than Sarah at the wedding.D) A double blessing has descended upon Tom.6. A) There were too many questions in the examination.B) The examination was well beyond the course content.C) The examination questions were somewhat too difficult.D) The course prepared him adequately for the e

5、xamination.7. A) Its less time-consuming. B) His wife is tired of cooking.C) Its part of his job.D) He is sick of home-cooked meals.8. A) He has just started to teach piano lessons.B) He seldom takes things seriously.C) He is very proud of his piano skills.D) He usually understates his achievements.

6、9. A) Its tedious.B) Its absurd.C) Its justifiable.D) Its understandable.10. A) Arrange accommodation for her.B) Explain the cause of the cancellation.C) Compensate her for the inconvenience.D) Allow her to take another flight that night.Section BPassage one Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passa

7、ge you have just heard.11. A) Producing legendary paintings.B) Making a fortune from decorative arts.C) Manufacturing quality furniture.D) Setting up a special museum.12. A) To show his fascination with Asian culture.B) To tell the story of the American Revolution.C) To promote interest in American

8、decorative arts.D) To increase the popularity of the Dupont Company.13. A) By theme or period.B) By style or design.C) By manufacturer or origin.D) By function or purpose.Passage Two Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A) People may use two or mare languages.B) People

9、 will choose Chinese rather than English.C) The percentage of native speakers of English will inerease.D) The number of people relying on their mother tongue will drop.15. A) The number of Spanish speakers is far greater than that of Arabic speakers.B) Arabic spoken in one Arab country may not be un

10、derstood in another.C) Arabic spoken in Egypt differs from Arabic spoken in Morocco in origin.D) The number of Arabic speakers is declining because of the invasion of English.16. A) It is impossible for Arab countries to standardize their language.B) Most people in the world will learn to speak Chin

11、ese in the future.C) It is uncertain whether English will world language in the future.D) Spanish is very likely to become the top language of the world by 2050.Passage ThreeQuestions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17. A) Because they believe blind students prefer to mix with

12、students who can see.B) Because it would cost lots of money to build such special colleges.C) Because it would constitute discrimination against blind students.D) Because they think blind people should learn to live among sighted people.18. A) By encouraging them to be more self-reliant.B) By showin

13、g them proper care and respect.C) By offering them more financial assistance.D) By providing them with free medical service.19. A) Financial aid from the American government.B) Modern technology.C) Professional support.D) Help from the National Federation of the Blind.20. A) Ask American professors

14、to write recommendations on their behalf.B) Obtain American citizenship before they reach the age of 30.C) Turn to special institutions in their own country for assistance.D) Apply to the National Federation of the Blind for scholarships. Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Passage One Questio

15、ns 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Each summer, no matter how pressing my work schedule, I take off one day exclusively for my son. We call it dad-son day. This year our third stop was the amusement park, where he discovered that he was tall enough to ride one of the fastest roller coast

16、ers(过山车) in the world. We blasted through face-stretching turns and loops for ninety seconds. Then, as we stepped off the ride, he shrugged and, in a distressingly calm voice, remarked that it was not as exciting as other rides hed been on. As I listened, I began to sense something seriously out of

17、balance.Throughout the season, I noticed similar events all around me. Parents seemed hard pressed to find new thrills for indifferent kids. Surrounded by ever-greater stimulation, their young faces wore looking disappointed and bored.Facing their childrens complaints of “nothing to do”. Parents wer

18、e shelling out large numbers of dollars for various forms of entertainment. In many cases the money seemed to do little more than buy transient relief from the terrible moans of their bored children. This set me pondering the obvious question: “How can it be so hard for kids to find something to do

19、when theres never been such a range of stimulating entertainment available to them?”Why do children immersed in this much excitement seem starved for more? That was, I realized, the point. I discovered during my own reckless adolescence that what creates excitement is not going fast, but going faste

20、r. Thrills have less to do with speed than changes in speed.Im concerned about the cumulative effect of years at these levels of feverish activity. It is no mystery to me why many teenagers appear apathetic (麻木的) and burned out, with a “been there, done that” air of indifference toward much of life.

21、 As increasing numbers of friends children are prescribed medications-stimulants to deal with inattentiveness at school or anti-depressants to help with the loss of interest and joy in their lives-l question the role of kids boredom in some of the diagnoses.My own work is focused on the chemical imb

22、alances and biological factors related to behavioral and emotional disorders. These are complex problems. Yet Ive been reflecting more and more on how the pace of life and the intensity of stimulation may be contributing to the rising rates of psychiatric problems among children and adolescents in o

23、ur society.21. The author felt surprised in the amusement park at the face that_.A) his son was not as thrilled by the roller coaster ride as expectedB) his son blasted through the turns and loops with his face stretchedC) his son appeared distressed but calm while riding the roller coasterD) his so

24、n could keep his balance so well on the fast-moving roller coaster22. According to the author, children are bored _.A) unless their parents can find new thrills for themB) when they dont have any access to stimulating fun gamesC) when they are left alone at weekends by their working parentsD) even i

25、f they are exposed to more and more kinds of entertainment23. From his own experience. the author came to the conclusion that children seem to expect _.A) a much wider variety of sports facilities B) activities that require sophisticated C) ever-changing thrilling forms of recreationD) physical exer

26、cises that are more challenging24. In Para. 6 . the author expresses his doubt about the effectiveness of trying to change children indifference toward much of life by _.A) diverting their interest from electronic visual gamesB) prescribing medications for their temporary relief C) creating more sti

27、mulating activities for them D) spending more money on their entertainment25. In order to alleviate childrens boredom, the author would probably suggest _ .A) adjusting the pace of life and intensity of stimulationB) promoting the practice of dad-son daysC) consulting a specialist in child psycholog

28、yD) balancing school work with extracurricular activities Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.It used to be that people were proud to work for the same company for the whole of their working lives. Theyd get a gold watch at the end of their productive years and a dinner

29、 featuring speeches by their bosses praising their loyalty/But todays rich capitalists have regressed (倒退) to the “survival of the fittest” ideas and their loyalty extends not to their workers or even to their stockholders but only to themselves. Instead of giving out gold watches worth a hundred or

30、 so dollars for forty or so years of work, they grab tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars as they sell for their own profit the company they may have been with for only a few years.The new rich selfishly act on their own to unfairly grab the wealth that the country as a whole has produced.

31、The top l percent of the population now has wealth equal to the whole bottom 95 percent and they want more. Their selfishness is most shamelessly expressed in downsizing and outsourcing (将产品包给外公司做) because these business maneuvers dont act to create new jobs as the founders of new industries used to

32、 do, but only to cut out jobs while keeping the money value of what those jobs produced for themselves.To keep the money machine working smoothly the rich have bought all the politicians from the top down. The president himself is constantly leaving. Washington and the business of the nation because he is summoned to “fundraising dinners” where fat cats pay a thousand or so dollars a pl

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