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1、初二下英语第6讲初二下英语第6讲I. 听歌学英语:there is a place for us Carrie UnderwoodTheres a place out there for us, 在那里、有一个地方属于我们1._ just a prayer 不仅仅是一句祈祷or anything you ever 2._ .或是任何你曾梦见过的向往So if you feel like 3._ 所以如果你想要放弃cause you dont fit in down here, 那只是因为你不适合在这里fear is crashing in, 当恐惧来袭close your 4._ and ta

2、ke my hand. 请紧闭你的双眼、并拉住我的手We can be the kings and 5._ of anything if we believe. 如果我们相信、我们也可以是国王或女皇Its written in the stars that shine above, 它就铭刻在我们头上闪烁的星辰中a world where you and I 6._, 一个属于你我的世界where faith and love will keep us 7._, 在那里、信念和爱是我们永恒的力量exactly who we are is just enough 只要我们知道自己是谁就已足够ye

3、s theres a place for us, 是的、那会有个属于我们的地方theres a place for us. 那里有个属于我们的地方When the water meets the 8._, 当水天交织一线where your heart is 9._ 心灵被释放and hope comes back to 10._, 希望又重返生命where these broken hands are whole again, 当那些分散开的手又重新紧握we will find what weve been waiting for, 我们会找到我们一直梦寐以求的追寻we were made

4、for so much more 这本就是命中注定We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe. 如果我们相信、我们也可以做国王或女皇Its written in the stars that shine above, 它就铭刻在我们头上闪烁的星辰中a world where you and I belong, 一个属于你我的世界where faith and love will keep us strong, 在那里、信念和爱是我们永恒的力量exactly who we are is just enough, 只要我们知道自

5、己是谁就已足够yes theres a place for us, 是的、那会有个属于我们的地方now theres a place for us 那里有个属于我们的地方So hold on, now hold on, 所以、请坚持现在就请你坚持theres a place for us 那里会有个属于我们的地方We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe. 如果我们相信、我们也可以做国王或女皇Its written in the stars that shine above, 它就铭刻在我们头上闪烁的星辰中a world w

6、here you and I belong, 一个属于你我的世界where faith and love will keep us strong, 在那里、信念和爱是我们永恒的力量exactly who we are is just enough, 只要我们知道自己是谁就已足够yes theres a place for us, 是的、那会有个属于我们的地方now theres a place for us 那里有个属于我们的地方Carrie Marie Underwood凯莉安德伍德,1983年3月10日在俄克拉荷马州Muskogee市出生,美国歌手。2005年,凯莉安德伍德获得选秀节目美国

7、偶像的冠军。同年,她获得第7届青少年选择奖最佳综艺女星。II. 8B Unit 4词汇句型巩固名词cartoon warning role-play symbol thought program stage actor team star island storm jacket wave 动词record appear match play score 形容词basic pleasant 副词separately词组基础comic strip 连环漫画decide on 决定;选定play against 同比赛life jacket 救生衣pop out 睁大;瞪起video camera

8、摄像机weather forecast 天气预报thank goodness 谢天谢地make it 获得成功拓展speech bubble 对话框thought bubble 思想泡in trouble 陷入麻烦in the late 1930s 在20世纪30年代晚期go together 相配watch the steps 注意台阶be full of fun 充满欢乐get sb into trouble 使某人陷入麻烦课文重点句型重现:1. First, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story. 首先,你需要决定一个故事的

9、一些基本想法。(decide on意思是_)决定去做某事:_= make a _ to do大学毕业后,她决定从事出版行业。After leaving university, she _ _ a job in publishing. 上星期,三班的一些学生决定到位于镇中心的博物馆去。Last week, a group of students from Class 3 _ _ _ _ the museum in the centre of the town. 2. To make the characters and things appear to move, each picture sh

10、ould be made a little different from the one before. 为了让人物和物体看起来都在移动,每一张图都必须制作得与前一张图略有不同。(To短语在句中做_(结果状语/目的状语),与主句用_隔开)此处的appear 意思是_;常见的搭配有appear+_和appear+_;appear所对应的名词为_(外貌,外观)。appear还有一个意思:_;反义词:_。为了赶上这趟早班车,他今早很早就起床了。 _ _ the early train, he _ _ very early this morning.虽然他的妈妈有50多岁了,但是显得年青。 _ his

11、 mother is over 50, she _ _. 3. In the next stage, a computer program is used to put the pictures together. 在下一步中,电脑程序被用于合成这些图片。 (被用来做:_)辨析:过去常常做:_;习惯于:_.选词填空:used to do/ be used to sth/doing / be used to do He _ _ be late for school, but now he always gets to school on time.Xiaoming is from the nor

12、th, but now he _ _ _ the weather in Guangzhou.Perhaps robots can _ _ _ _ a lot of things instead of people in the future.4. The cartoons were so good that they won a number of awards. 卡通片如此精彩以致于多次获奖。(如此以致于:_,引导结果状语从句; 许多,一些:_,后接_名词)电影如此感人以致于许多人最后都禁不住哭了。The film was _ moving _ _ _ _ couldnt help cryi

13、ng in the end.人们戴眼镜是为了看得更清楚.Peoplewearglasses _ _ they canseebetter.巩固练习(一)单词拼写。1. There is a w_ sign on the wall, which says: No Smoking. 2. In the first s_, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story.3. Look at the dark clouds! It _ to rain.4. His new shirt and trousers _ well.5. As a famo

14、us film s_, Jackie Chen is well-known in the world.6. Every year a number of people come to Hainan I_ for summer holidays.7. Which c_ film do you like better, Harry Potter or Kung Fu Panda?8. Tom wants to be a member of the school t_ for he loves playing basketball. 9. Lily is a p_ teacher. Every st

15、udent likes her very much.10. He is a strange man, nobody can understand his t_.(二)填入适当的介词,令句子意思完整。1. Before you write a story, you should decide _ a main idea of it.2. The boy is so thin that he looks _ a little monkey.3. Lets meet _ the bus station at 8:00 this Saturday morning.4. This picture is

16、different _ that one.5. _ the next stage, we color the drafts of the characters.6. Computer became popular _ the early 1990s.7. Dont laugh _ others when they are _ trouble.8. He is so careless that he always gets himself _ trouble.9. At the end of the season the two top teamsplay_ each other.10. Who

17、 first thought _ the plan, Tom or Mike?(三)完成句子。1. Ben 的病是如此的严重以致他一动也不能动。 Bens illness is _ _ _ he cant move at all.2. 上周我们队和他们进行了比赛。 Our team _ _ them last week.3. 当她听到这个惊人的消息后,她吃惊得瞪大了眼睛。 She got _ and _ _ her eyes when she heard the _ news.4. 每条船上都应该准备好救生衣。 _ _ _ _ _ on every ship.5. 我们班的同学都很喜欢看连环画

18、。Our classmates enjoy _ _ _.6. 谢天谢地,在这场意外中没有人死亡。 _ _,nobody was hurt in the accident.7. 请批准我们举办这个筹款活动,我们肯定能获得成功的。Please give us permission to hold the money-raising activity; we are sure to _ _ perfectly.8. 在制定旅游计划时,我们必须注意天气预报。 Weather forecast _ _ _ attention to when we are planning a trip.9. 不要总是给

19、别人添麻烦.Dont always_ others _ _.10. 这部卡通已经播了一个多月了。 The cartoon _ _ _ for more than a month. 语法巩固练习:被动语态(一) 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。1. leave_ _ 2. meet_ _ 3. pay_ _ 4. see_ _ 5.put_ _ 6.shake_ _7.sell_ _ 8.say_ _ 9.spend_ _ 10.take_ _ 11.wake_ _ 12.tell_ _(二) 单项选择。( )1 A great number of colleges and universiti

20、es _ since 1949.A. were buildB. have been builtC. was buildD. has been built( )2. The song reminds me of my old school days as soon as it_.A. is playedB. playsC. will be playedD. will play( ) 3. This kind of plant _every day.A. must waterB. must be wateredC. waterD. will water( )4. Many of stars _ b

21、ecause they are far away from us.A. cant seeB. cant be seenC. arent seenD. arent seeing( )5.-Its difficult for the village children to cross the bridge for school. -I think a bridge _ over the river.A. was builtB. is being builtC. has been builtD. should be built( )6. It was reported that nine Chine

22、se people_ in a balloon crash (坠毁)in Egypt on February 26,2013.A. are killedB. were killedC. will kill D. have killed( )7.-Do you believe there are aliens(外星人)? -Im not sure. I dont think aliens _in space.A. can findB. can be foundC. can be foundedD. cant be found( )8. Things should _here before you

23、 enter the Great Museum.A. keepsB. keepC. be keptD. are keptIII. 综合练习:(一)单项选择:( )1. - I enjoyed the performance very much. - Yes, it was really good. I think _ boy in white was the best actor. A: a B: an C: the D: /( )2. I always tell my students _ on the road because its really dangerous. A. not to

24、 play B. to play not C. not playing D. not play( )3. The man called his professor for help because he couldnt solve the problem by _. A. herself B. himself C. yourself D. themselves( )4. Could you say it again? I cant understand _ you are talking about. A. how B. when C. what D. which( )5. - Must I

25、finish my homework now? - No, you _. You can go home now. A. neednt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. cant ( )6. There is _ news about this movie star in the newspaper. Where can I get some? A. many B. a few C. a lot D. little( )7. I couldnt do it _ your great help. Thanks a lot! A. with B. without C. for D.

26、 to( )8. Thanks for your invitation, but Im so sorry I cant go. I need to _ my baby at home. A. take away B. take off C. take care of D. take out of ( )9. - You look very nice in your new dress today. - Oh, really? I _ it when it was on sale. A. buy B. bought C. have bought D. will buy( )10. - I feel really tired. - _ A. Lucky you! C. Youd better work harder. C. Congratulation! D.

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