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1、广州番禺区六级上期末英语测试试题年广州番禺区六年级上期末英语试题 作者: 日期: 2018年广州番禺区六年级上期末英语试题及参考答案听力部分(20分)一、听句子三遍,用英文大写字母给图编号。(共5分)二、听句子三遍,选出听到的信息,把其字母编号写在括号内。(共5分)() 1.A. Sam is short and fat now.B. Sam is tall and thin now.C. Sam was tall and thin before () 2. A. My grandparents like the city life.B. My Parents like the country

2、 life.C. My grandparents often visit the farm.() 3. A. Mike went to school yesterday.B. Mike went to the hotel yesterday.C. Mike went to the hospital yesterday.() 4. A. Jack goes to work early because the traffic is heavy.B. Jack goes to work early because he lives far from his office.C. Jack goes b

3、ack home early because he lives in Guangzhou.() 5. A. People like to go travelling on mid-autumn Festival.B. People like to go shopping on mid-autumn Festival.C. People like to have a big family dinner on mid-autumn Festival.三、听小对话三遍,选出问题的最住答案,把其编号写在括号内。(共5分)()1. A. Disneyland. B. The art museum. C.

4、 The science museum.()2. A. Christmas. B. Spring Festival. C. Dragon Boat Festival.()3. A. At home. B. In the cinema. C. In the department store.()4. Do sports. B. Eat less. C. Sleep less.()5. A. Because he didnt sleep well last night.B. Because he played music all night.C. Because he wants to take

5、a rest.四、听短文三遍,根文短文意思选择答案把表格补充完整。(共5分,每个括号0.5分,得满分5分为止)NamePeterLinda供选择的答案Job(职业)1. ()2.()A. a teacher B. a policeman C. a farmerCity(居住城市)3.()4.()A. Beijing B. York C. New YorkTransport for work(上班交通方式)5.()6.()A. by car B. on foot C. by undergroundActivity at the weekend(周末活动)7.()8.()A. visit the

6、museumB. go to the countrysideC. help children learnCharacteristics of the city(城市特征)9.()10.()11.()12.()13.()14.()A. old, clean and quietB. modern, noisy and busyC. The museum are interesting.D. The traffic is heavy.E. The building are tall and modern.F. The building are old and beautiful.读写部分(70分)五

7、、读单词或词组,仿照例子判断单词可怎样分类,在括号里写出词的类别(用中、英文均可),把相应类别词汇的字母编号抄写在横线上。(共9分)A. Tuesday B. England C. Monday D. ChinaE. Australia F. Halloween G. America H. Mothers DayI. August J. November K. Friday L Chongyang FestivalM. January N. Sunday O. Christmas P. March1. (Days of the week/星期): A C K N 2. ( ):_ _ _ _3

8、. ( ):_ _ _ _4. ( ):_ _ _ _6、补全句子,其中第1-4小题据上下文意思及首字母写单词;第5-8小题据中文提示写词组。(共6分,每小题1分,得满6分为止)I. She is always happy and s_ a lot.2. There are many people in the street. its quite c_.3 The new bed is c_. I can have a good sleep tonight.4. Dont forget the i_ meeting. The big boss(老板) will come too.5. I li

9、ke to _ (呆在家里)and do some reading in the evening.6. We should sleep for _ (至少)8 hours each night.7. My friend Michael had a trip to Beijing _ (上个月).8. Sally and I are good friends We usually help _ (互相).七、补全短文,选择适当的单词填空,把单词抄写在携线上。(共10分)Jim is a ten-year old boy. When he was eight years old. he(1)_ (

10、likes. liked. liking) candy very much. He(2)_ (eat, ate eats) lots of candy back then. Jims mother often(3)_ (say says, sad) to him.Dont _ (eat, eating, will eat) too much candy and brush your teeth before going to bed.” Jim always answered, “OK Mum. But he still ate plenty of candy and he never(5)_

11、 (brush, brushes, brushed) his teeth.Last week, Jim had a toothache. His mother(6)_ (take. taking, took) him to the dentist(牙医). After a check-up, the dentist pulled(拔)two bad (7)_ (tooth, teeth, mouths) from Jims mouth. How terrible! Jim couldnt eat(8)_ (something, nothing, anything) for two days.N

12、ow, Jim doesnt want to have a toothache again, So he brushes(9)_ (he, him, his) teeth twice a day. And he seldom(10)_ (eat, eats. ate) sweet food.7、选单词(句子)补全短文(对话),把其编号写在相应的位置上。(共10分)A. milk B. grass C. rabbits D.cows E. countryside(I)Leo is my uncle. He lives in the(1)_. He has a big farm. There ar

13、e many animals on his farm. We often visit Uncle Leos farm and help him with the farm work. We usually milk the(2)_ on Sunday morning. Then we drink the fresh(3)_ for breakfast. We have lunch in the small house on the farm at noon. After lunchtime, we cut some(4)_ to feed the cows and (5)_. We alway

14、s have a good time on Uncle Leos farm.(II)A. I learned to ride a horse when I was seven.B. Yes, I broke my leg.C. But now I can ride very well.D. Hes my father.E. I fell down from the horse one day. Judy: Lucy, who is that man on the horse?Lucy: (1)_Judy: Cool! Your father can ride a horse!Lucy: Yes

15、. Thats his hobby.Judy: Does he teach you to ride?Lucy: Yes.(2) _Judy: Is it interesting?Lucy: At first. it was no fun at all. I was quite afraid to get on the horse.(3) _Judy: Oh, my god! Did you get hurt?Lucy: (4) _Judy: I am sorry to hear that.Lucy: (5) _ludy: You re so great.九、阅读理解。(共20分)读短文,做任务

16、Both Easter and Thanksgiving Day are old festivals in western countries. But people celebrate them in different ways.Easter is on a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th. During Easter, people dont go to work or school because most shops and schools are closed. People like to give Easter eggs to

17、their friends. Back then people painted chicken eggs, but now they use chocolate eggs. On Easter, children often play the interesting Egg Hunting Game ( ). Parents hide(藏起)eggs in the garden or near the house. Children try to find them. They enjoy looking for Easter eggs. If they find them, they put

18、 them in the basket or eat them!In America, Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November. American people celebrate this festival with their family. They usually have a big dinner with turkey, potatoes and pumpkin pies. People like to send thank-you cards or letters to their family, relati

19、ves and friends. They usually go shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving Day. That day is called “Black Friday”. Most of the department stores are on sale ( ). Everything is very cheap.I. 读短文,据上下文猜划线词组的中文意思,并写在括号内。(占2分)II. 读句子,据短文意思判断下面的陈述是关于“复活节”还是“感恩节”,请在括号里写“E”代表 Faster(复活节),写“T”代表 Thanksgiving

20、 Day(感恩节)。(占8分)()1. Its in November.()2. Its in March or April.()3. People usually eat turkey, potatoes and pumpkin pies.()4. Children usually eat turkey, potatoes and pumpkin pies.()5. During this festival, most of the shops and schools are closed.()6. People usually go shopping on the next day of

21、the festival.()7. Children enjoy playing the Egg Hunting Games.()8. People send thank-you cards or letters to their family and friend.(2)读绘本故事”The School Trip”,完成任务。I am Tom. Our teachers name is Mr Bell. Last week he took us on a school trip. We went to a farm. We went there in the school bus. The

22、farmer came out to meet us. Her name was Mrs Hood. She took us to see the farm animals. She said, “The animals do not like a lot of noise, so do not run or shout at(高声叫喊)them.”She took us to see the chickens first. But Aneesa made a lot of noise. She made so much noise that the chickens ran away. Mr

23、 Bell was angry. He said, “Dont make so much noise, Aneesa.”Mrs Hood got the chickens to come back. Then she let us feed them.She took us to see her horse next. But Aneesa made so much noise that the horse run away. Mr Bell was angry. He said, “Dont make so much noise, Aneesa.”Mrs Hood and Mr Bell g

24、ot the horses to come back. Then they let us have rides on the horse.We had lunch by the duck lake. There was a sign. It said, “Dont feed the ducks.” I didnt see it and I fed some of my lunch to the ducks. Some geese wanted my lunch, too.The geese ran up to me and made a lot of noise. I did not like

25、 the geese, so I ran away, but they run after me.Aneesa saw the geese running after me, so she ran up to them. Aneesa made a lot of noise. She made so much noise that the geese ran away! Mr Bell was not angry with Aneesa this time.Then we all made a lot of noise on way back to school!I. 根据绘本故事内容,完成读

26、书笔记。(占10分,每小题1分,得满10分为止)Problems (问题)Solutions(解决方案)Aneesa made so much noise that the (4)_ run away.Mrs Hood got the chickens to come back. Then the children(5)_Aneesa made so much noise that the (6)_ run away.Mrs Hood and Mr Bell got the horses to come back. Then the children(7)_on the horse.The(8

27、)_ wanted Toms lunch.They run after Tom.Aneesa made so much noise that the geese(9)_!Ending (结尾): Mr Bell was not(10)_ with Aneesa this time. The Children all made(11)_ on the way back to school!Comment (评论): I(12)_ (like, dont like) Aneesa because she (13)_十、写。(共15分)(一)据实际情况回答问题。(占5分)1. What is Pan

28、yu like?2. What did you do last night?3 Where is your English teacher from?s What should you do it you have a fever?S Did you have short hair or long hair three years ago?(二)话题写作。(占10分)选择一个你海攻的中中国节日,在表格中填写信思,然后据表格内容写段不少于40个单词的话。要求先把题目补充完整,内容贴近表格,句子正确,表达连贯,语言得体,书写工整。Festival(节日)Date/ Time(日期/时间)Activities people do(节日活动)Food people eat(节日食物)More information(更多信息)I like _2018学年第一学期六年级英语期末测试参考答案及评分意见听力录音材料、一、共5分,每小题1分。1.C 2.B 3.A 4.E 5.DA. Janet bought some new clothes yesterday.B. Betty is sick. She is tak

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