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1、高中英语短语总结1高中英语短语总结必修一module 11. the difference betweenand 与的不同2. be similar to 与相似3. sbs attitude to doing sth. 某人对某事的态度4. teaching method =the method of teaching 教学方法5. make much/great/a great deal progress 有很大进步6. be different from 与不同7. write down 记下8. call sb sth 叫某人9. be admitted to 被(高校)接纳10. b

2、e nothing like 极其不像11. have fun 玩得高兴12. introduce sb to sb 把某人介绍给某人13. in groups 以小组的形式14. in ones free time /in ones spare time 在某人业余时间15. in a way以一种方式 in that/this way以那种/这种方式16. in other words 换言之17. at first ,at the beginning of ,at the start of 在的开始18. look forward to doing 盼望19. as+adj./adv./

3、n.+as 和一样more than超过20. be equal to 和是平等的21. be friendly to 对友好22. be impressed with 对印象深刻23. be influent in Chinese 中文说的流利24. feel good about sth 感觉好25. attend school/a lesson/a wedding/church上学/上课/参加婚礼/做礼拜26. be happy with 因而高兴be disappointed with因而失望27. mind doing 介意做all over the world 全世界28. kee

4、pgoing 使继续29. be divided into 被分成30. by oneself 单独地 独自地31. end in 以结束 at the end of 在的结尾32. be bad at doing 不擅长33. first of all首先=above of all34. be twice asas be twice+adj./adv.+than A is twice the size/length/height/depth of B35. take part in 参加36. with the method of 用的方法37. by means of 以.方法 modul

5、e21.need to be 需要2.return to homework返回作业3.make sure确信 able to能 any time 在任何时候6.agree with同意7.first impression第一印象 with与工作9.avoid doing避免10.make mistakes犯错11.dare to say敢说12.ask sb. to do sth让某人做某事13.keep coming继续来14.on time准时15.well organised组织得很好16.admit doing承认做17.scientific experim

6、ents科学实验 a result作为一个结果 well in擅长20.make progress with在取得进步21.Chinese literature中国文学22.fall asleep in入睡23.wave ones hand about到处招手24.get excited变得激动25.tell jokes开玩笑26.tell a joke 开玩笑 the wrong way用错误的方法28.move your head through the air摇头晃脑 afraid of害怕30.more than不只是31.when necess

7、ary需要的时候32.dislike copying不喜欢抄袭33Its time to do到时间了 revision复习 a lot of translation做许多翻译36.have some/no free periods in无空闲时间37.the head of your school你学校的头目 some revision复习 present在现在40.would prefer to do宁可41.would rather do宁愿42.historical figures历史人物43.take a look看一看44.Thats set

8、tled那就这么定了45.a couple of一对 ones best尽最大努力 true of对适用48.respect for为尊敬 relaxed with放松50.have problems with有问题51.states school州立学校module 31、 get on/off 上下车(公共汽车、飞机、火车等)2、 get into/out of 上下车(出租、小汽车、直升机等)3、 take off 起飞4、 be short for 的缩写5、 out of date 过时6、 means of transport 交通工具7、 trave

9、l on a train/bus/plane 乘旅行8、 during the day 在白天9、 abandoned farms 废弃农场10、 Would you mind if (虚拟)你介意么?11、 DO you mind if (不虚拟)你介意么?12、 at midnight 在午夜13、 make a film 拍电影14、 at a speed of 以速度15、 a world record for 一项世界纪录16、 frighten sb. 惊吓某人17、 the rest of 剩余的18、 dining car 餐车19、 act sth.out 把(想法等)付诸行

10、动module 41. be made of 由.制成 2. be made from 由制成 3. be made in 产于 4. be made into 制成5. in the south of China=in southern China 在中国南部6. on the committee/team 在委员会/球队7. the reason for 的原因8. at weekend 在周末 9. on weekends 工作日10. go up 上涨11. go down/bring sth down 下降12. mean doing 意味着 13. mean to do 打算14.

11、 remain silent 保持沉默15. a most beautiful girl 一个非常漂亮的女孩16. seem to do 似乎做. 17. It seems that 看起来好像 18. It seems as if 看起来好像19. bother sb with/about sth 因而打扰某人20. rent sth to sb 把租给 21. rent sth from sb 从租来22. put up 张贴 举起 提高 投诉23. starve to death 饿得快死了 24. starve for sth 渴望25. be about to do .when 刚要

12、做26. hit sb on the head/in the face 打中头,脸部27. stare at 盯着看28. a great many of 许多29. congratulate sb on sth 祝贺某人30. lie on 沿着河流31. for the sake of 因为.的缘故32. off coast 离开海岸33. make contact with sb 与联系module 51. water exists as a solid,a liquid and a gas水以固、液、气三态存在2. heat a metal加热金属3. a mixture of iro

13、n and other substances铁和其他物质的混合物4. forty-nine times larger than the moon比月球大49倍5. a quarter四分之一6. a third 三分之一7. four fifths五分之四8. one tenth十分之一9. a half二分之一10. the reaction of metals with oxygen金属和氧气反应11. react with different substances和不同的物质反应12. put sth in order把.排序13. at the top(of) 在开头14. at th

14、e bottom (of)在结尾15. a table with the metals that react金属反应表16. burn to form an oxide燃烧形成氧化物17. partial reaction部分反应18. rust in dry air在干燥的空气中生锈19. test tube试管20. test tube holder试管夹21. half-fill a test tube with water加半试管水22. keep air out of the water使空气与水隔离23. keep the noise down轻声说话24. Go ahead. 开

15、始吧25. Its your turn.轮到你了26. make discoveries in发现27. many first-class scientists很多一流科学家28. at university上大学29. physical department物理系30. Youre got it. 你已懂了module 61. log in/on (计算机)登录,进入2. log off/out (计算机)退出,注销3. personal computer 个人电脑(abbr. PC)4. on the Internet 在互联网上5. the source of 的来源6. sth. be accessible to sb.

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