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1、山东省赛ACM真题重点Problem A Phone NumberWe know that if a phone number A is another phone number Bs prefix, B is not able to be called. For an example, A is 123 while B is 12345, after pressing 123, we call A, and not able to call B.Given N phone numbers, your task is to find whether there exits two number

2、s A and B that A is Bs prefix.InputThe input consists of several test cases.The first line of input in each test case contains one integer N (0N1001, represent the number of phone numbers.The next line contains N integers, describing the phone numbers.The last case is followed by a line containing o

3、ne zero.OutputFor each test case, if there exits a phone number that cannot be called, print “NO”, otherwise print “YES” instead.Sample Input Output for the Sample Input20120123452120123450NOYESProblem B BalloonsBoth Saya and Kudo like balloons. One day, they heard that in the central park, there wi

4、ll be thousands of people fly balloons to pattern a big image.They were very interested about this event, and also curious about the image.Since there are too many balloons, it is very hard for them to compute anything they need. Can you help them?You can assume that the image is an N*N matrix, whil

5、e each element can be either balloons or blank.Suppose element A and element B are both balloons. They are connected if:i They are adjacent;ii There is a list of element C1, C2, , Cn, while A and C1 are connected, C1 and C2 are connected Cn and B are connected.And a connected block means that every

6、pair of elements in the block is connected, while any element in the block is not connected with any element out of the block.To Saya, element A and B is adjacent if But to Kudo, element A and element B is adjacent if and They want to know that theres how many connected blocks with there own definit

7、ion of adjacent?InputThe input consists of several test cases.The first line of input in each test case contains one integer N (0N100, which represents the size of the matrix.Each of the next N lines contains a string whose length is N, represents the elements of the matrix. The string only consists

8、 of 0 and 1, while 0 represents a block and 1represents balloons.The last case is followed by a line containing one zero.OutputFor each case, print the case number (1, 2 and the connected blocks numbers with Saya and Kudos definition. Your output format should imitate the sample output. Print a blan

9、k line after each test case.Sample Input Output for the Sample Input511001001001111111010100100Case 1: 3 2Problem C ClockwiseSaya have a long necklace with N beads, and she signs the beads from 1 to N. Then she fixes them to the wall to show N-1 vectors vector i starts from bead i and end up with be

10、ad i+1.One day, Kudo comes to Sayas home, and she sees the beads on the wall. Kudo says it is not beautiful, and let Saya make it better.She says: “I think it will be better if it is clockwise rotation. It means that to any vector i (i -1, it will have the same direction with vector i +1 after clock

11、wise rotate T degrees, while 0 T 180.” It is hard for Saya to reset the beads places, so she can only remove some beads. To saving the beads, although she agrees with Kudos suggestion, she thinks counterclockwise rotation is also acceptable. A counterclockwise rotation means to any vector i (i -1, i

12、t will have the same direction with vector i +1 after counterclockwise rotate T degrees, while 0 180.” Saya starts to compute at least how many beads she should remove to make a clockwise rotation or a counterclockwise rotation.Since the necklace is very-very long, can you help her to solve this pro

13、blem?InputThe input consists of several test cases.The first line of input in each test case contains one integer N (2N300, which represents the number of beads.Each of the next N lines contains two integer x and y, represents the coordinate of the beads. You can assume that 0x, y10000.The last case

14、 is followed by a line containing one zero.OutputFor each case, print your answer with the following format:If it is clockwise rotation without removing any beads, please print “C; otherwise if it is counterclockwise rotation without removing any beads, print “CC” instead; otherwise, suppose remove

15、at least x beads to make a clockwise rotation and remove at least y beads to make a counterclockwise rotation. If xy, print “Remove x bead(s, C”, otherwise print “Remove x bead(s, CC” instead.Your output format should imitate the sample output. Print a blank line after each test case.Sample Input Ou

16、tput for the Sample Input31 12 23 33p1 12 2pspan1 1p41 12 23 32 20CCCRemove 1 bead(s, CProblem D ShoppingSaya and Kudo go shopping together.You can assume the street as a straight line, while the shops are some points on the line.They park their car at the leftmost shop, visit all the shops from lef

17、t to right, and go back to their car.Your task is to calculate the length of their route.InputThe input consists of several test cases.The first line of input in each test case contains one integer N (0N100001, represents the number of shops.The next line contains N integers, describing the situatio

18、n of the shops. You can assume that the situations of the shops are non-negative integer and smaller than 230.The last case is followed by a line containing one zero.OutputFor each test case, print the length of their shopping route.Sample Input Output for the Sample Input424 13 89 3767 30 41 14 39

19、42015270Explanation for the first sample: They park their car at shop 13; go to shop 24, 37 and 89 and finally return to shop 13. The total length is (24-13 + (37-24 + (89-37 + (89-13 = 152Problem E EmergencyKudos real name is not Kudo. Her name is Kudryavka Anatolyevna Strugatskia, and Kudo is only

20、 her nickname.Now, she is facing an emergency in her hometown:Her mother is developing a new kind of spacecraft. This plan costs enormous energy but finally failed. Whats more, because of the failed project, the government doesnt have enough resource take measure to the rising sea levels caused by g

21、lobal warming, lead to an island flooded by the sea.Dissatisfied with her mothers spacecraft and the government, civil war has broken out. The foe wants to arrest the spacecraft projects participants and the “Chief criminal” Kudos mother Doctor Ts family.At the beginning of the war, all the cities a

22、re occupied by the foe. But as time goes by, the cities recaptured one by one.To prevent from the foes arrest and boost morale, Kudo and some other people have to distract from a city to another. Although they can use some other means to transport, the most convenient way is using the inter-city roa

23、ds. Assuming the city as a node and an inter-city road as an edge, you can treat the map as a weighted directed multigraph. An inter-city road is available if both its endpoint is recaptured.Here comes the problem.Given the traffic map, and the recaptured situation, can you tell Kudo whats the short

24、est path from one city to another only passing the recaptured cities?InputThe input consists of several test cases.The first line of input in each test case contains three integers N (0N300, M (0M100000 and Q (0Q100000, which represents the number of cities, the numbers of inter-city roads and the n

25、umber of operations.Each of the next M lines contains three integer x, y and z, represents there is an inter-city road starts from x, end up with y and the length is z. You can assume that 0z10000.Each of the next Q lines contains the operations with the following format:a 0 x means city x has just

26、been recaptured.b 1 x y means asking the shortest path from x to y only passing the recaptured cities.The last case is followed by a line containing three zeros.OutputFor each case, print the case number (1, 2 first.For each operation 0, if city x is already recaptured (that is,the same 0 x operatio

27、n appears again, print “City x is already recaptured.”For each operation 1, if city x or y is not recaptured yet, print “City x or y is not available.” otherwise if Kudo can go from city x to city y only passing the recaptured cities, print the shortest paths length; otherwise print “No such path.”Y

28、our output format should imitate the sample output. Print a blank line after each test case.Sample Input Output for the Sample Input3 3 60 1 11 2 10 2 31 0 20 00 21 0 21 2 00 20 0 0Case 1:City 0 or 2 is not available.3No such path.City 2 is already recaptured.Problem F Fairy taleIt is said that in a

29、 schools underground, there is a huge treasure which can meet any desire of the owner.The Spy Union (SU is very interest in this legend. After much investigation, SU finally get the answer and let the youngest spy sneak into the school. Thats why Saya is now here.Today, Saya found the entrance event

30、ually.She enters the entrance, and found her in a fairy-tale world.“Welcome!” says a fairy, “I am Ivan. My responsibility is to protect the treasure, and give it to the one who have the ability to own it.”Then Ivan gives Saya three problems.With your help, Saya finished the first and the second prob

31、lem (Problem H and I. Here comes the third. If Saya can solve this problem, the treasure belongs to her.There is a big maze protecting the treasure. You can assume the maze as an N*N matrix while each element in the matrix might be N (North, S (South, W (West or E (East. At first, Saya is at the element (1, 1 the north-west corner, and the treasure is at (N, N the south-east corner.The designer have enchant to this matrix, so that the treasure might move from time to time respecting the following rules:Suppose the treasure is in an element which marked

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