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1、关于激情的英文演讲稿关于激情的英文演讲稿 篇一:激情英语演讲稿:如何丰富人生 激情英语演讲稿:如何丰富人生 ladies and gentlemen. im so glad youre here. ill be talking about life today. life goes by so fast. we shouldnt waste any time. we should all lead colorful lives. i have four golden rules. i want to share them with you. follow these tips and youl

2、l have a colorful life. first,focus on quality. make quality your life goal. make quality your calling card. do your best every day. do everything to the best of your ability. focus on being a quality person. opportunity will find you. success will follow you. youll earn respect and have a great rep

3、utation. second,treat people well. love to greet them and meet them. love to interact and be with people. value people and relationships. value time with friends and family. give and share to really are the secret to hapinness. people are the key to a colorful life. we must always treat them right.

4、third,you must treat your body right,too. you cant enjoy life without good health. being healthy leads to a colorful life. youll have more energy. youll attract more people to yourself. youll also add more years to your life. everyone must exercise regularly. everyone must eat nutritiously. maintain

5、 good health continuously. fourth,love deeply and have passion. 篇二:激情STU英语50篇精华演讲稿 疯狂外号:“穿针引线长衣音”,简称“长衣音”。 发音时,上下唇微开,嘴唇扁平。嘴角尽量往两边移动,边微笑边说“衣服”的“衣”。拉得越长越地道,一定要超过两秒钟!每天坚持练!因为这是第一个音,希望你全力以赴! 我请客!Its on me! Thank you for inviting me to eat. Its my treat this time. Please let me pay the bill. You can trea

6、t me next time we eat. It has been my dream to meet you. I really enjoyed this meal. I really enjoyed speaking with you. Thank you for your time. We should meet every week and eat dinner together. 谢谢你请我吃饭。这次我请客。请让我来买单,下次我们吃饭你再请吧。我做梦都想见到你。这顿饭真的吃得很开心。和你谈话我觉得很惬意。谢谢你花时间来陪我。我们应该每周见面,在一起吃饭。 疯狂外号: “经典收小腹减肥

7、短衣音” 简称”短衣音”. 该音发音部位与/i/基本相同,口形扁平,但嘴唇稍松开。收小腹,越短越好!每天坚持练习。 一旦收小腹形成习惯,你的英语就会与众不同。 英语和汉语 Chinese and English Ladies and Gentlemen, today I want to talk about the differences between English and Chinese. English is very different from Chinese. The sounds are different, the grammar is different, and the

8、writing is totally different. its very difficult to speak English well. If you want to speak English well, you must forget about the differences. Just practice correct sentences until youre used to them. The more sentences you can blurt out, the better you can express yourself. If you believe in you

9、rself and practice crazily every day, you will make it. You will conquer English. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. If you can speak Chinese, you can speak English. 女士们,先生们,今天,我想谈谈英文和中文之间的差异。英文和中文有很大的区别:不同的发音,语法也是不同的,写作更是完全不同,想说出流利的英语是比较难哟。如果你想说流利的英语,你必须忘记的差异。只要操练正确的句子,直到你习惯了。您可以脱

10、口而出的句子越多,你就越能表达自己。如果你相信自己,每天疯狂地操练的话,你一定可以做到。你会征服英语。汉语是世界上最困难的语言。如果你能讲中文,你会讲英语。 疯狂外号: “小开口45度”音 简称”45度”音. 舌尖 抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。发音时上下嘴唇打开约“45度”,同时发出声音。其实只要嘴 巴轻微张开就可以了,这是一个比较轻松的发音。 如何记单词 How to Memorize New Words So many people tell me that it is very hard to remember new words. They xxplain that no matter ho

11、w hard they try to memorize new words, they always forget them. The best way to remember new words is to practice them every day. Practice them in sentences and paragraphs. Listen to tapes and read along every day. Otherwise you will forget easily. If you need my help, please call me, were friends,

12、friends help each other, lets conquer new words together. 许多人告诉我记生词非常难。 他们抱怨,无论他们设法记住生词,他们总是记不住。记住生词最佳的方式每天将他们练习。 实践他们在句子和段并且每天实践他们。听磁带并且每天读。 否则您将容易地忘记。 如果您需要我的帮助,请告诉我,我们是朋友,朋友互相帮助,让我们一起征 服生词吧。 疯狂外号: “ 大开口夸张90度”音 简称”90度大嘴”音. 这是一个最具美国味的发音!发音时张开嘴,嘴唇放松。发音时逐渐压低舌头和下额,尽可能夸张,下巴张得越开越好!每天坚持练!这是走向纯正发音的重要一步!嘴巴

13、张不开 是中国人说音语的最大问题之一,你一定要克服! 我的一家人 People in My Family Ladies and Gentlemen, let me tell you a little bit about my family. I have a very happy family. My dad is a great man. He has a fantastic job. My mom is a wonderful woman. She has many outstanding talents. My family loves me. My family supports me

14、 in good times and bad times. They help me form many good habits. My mom and dad always tell me: If I want to succeed, I need to have good habits. We practice speaking English together every morning. We have dinner together every night. We talk about our problems. We share our joys. We exercise toge

15、ther. We relax together. The atmosphere in my family is fantastic. 女士们先生们,让我告诉您关于我家庭的一些情况。 我有一个非常愉快的家庭。 我的爸爸是一个了不起的人。 他有一个很棒的工作。 我的妈妈是一名美妙的妇女。 她有许多卓著的天分。 我的家人爱我。 我的家人和我患难与共。 他们帮助我养成许多好习惯。 我的妈妈和爸爸总是告诉我: 如果我想要成功,我需要有好的习惯。 我们每天早晨一起练习讲英语。 我们每晚一起共进晚餐。 我们谈论我们的问题。 我们分享我们的喜悦。 我们一起练习。 我们一起休息。 在我家的气氛非常棒。 疯狂外号:“经典收小腹减肥急促短啊音”,简称“短啊音” 这个发音有点像发“啊”音时突然被谁卡住了脖子的感觉,所以叫“短啊音”,轻轻收一下小 腹部就可以了。 The Secret of My Success 我成功的秘密 Ladies and Gentlemen, tod

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