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1、本题考察的是seemUnit5 1.Vocabulary:Choose the best answer for each of the following items.1Sally, you seem a lot of things to do today.A.have have C.having having答案:B 本题考察的是seem to do 的固定搭配,意思是“看上去像”,所以本句的意思是:萨利,你今天好像有很多工作要做呀。2 My son was by his grandmother.A.grown up B.bringing up C.brought up

2、D.growing up答案:C本题考察的是grow up和bring up的区别,前者意思是“自然长大”,而后者意思是“由某人抚养长大”。所以选C最符合本句的意思。3You were saying that you a human resources manager.A.were used to be B.used to being C.were used to being D.used to be答案:D本题考察的是used to do的固定搭配,意思是“过去常常做某事”,本句的意思是:你说过你以前是一个人力资源经理。4I met my boyfriend while he was in

3、the hospital a B.for C.of D.like答案:A 本题考察的是as的用法。As的意思是“作为”,而like的意思是“像一样”,而本句所要表达的意思是:我是在我男朋友在医院当医生的时候遇到他的。5I miss you me cups of tea in the bring B.bring C.bringing bringing答案:C本题考察的是miss (sb)doing的固定用法,意思是“想念,怀念”,本句的意思是:我常怀念早晨你给我送茶的情景。6Shes fast.A.bringing up B.grow

4、ing up C.grown up D.brought up答案:B 本题考察的是grow up和bring up的区别,前者的意思是“自然长大”,而后者的意思是“由某人带大”,而本句要表达的意思是:她长得很快。应该是自然长大,而且应该是主动语态,而不是被动语态。7 I couldnt find my glasses at first, but later, it turned that they were in the drawer.A.out B.up D.off答案:A本题考察的是it turns out(结果,事实上)的固定用法。这句话的意思是:开始我找不到自己的眼镜,不过,

5、后来在抽屉里找到了。8 I started in 2000.A.working working D.for working答案:A本题考察的是start doing的固定搭配,意思是“开始做某事” ,本句的意思是:我是在2000年开始工作的。9I in Shenyang in 2003.A.was married married C.married D.being married答案:B 本题考察的是be married in和get married in的区别。二者的意思都是“结婚”,但前者强调的是状态,后者强调的是动作。而本句用表示动作的got marr

6、ied in比较合适。10I am learning the B.playing play D.for playing答案:C本题考察的是learn to do的固定搭配,意思是“学习做某事”。本句的意思是:我现在正在学习弹钢琴。11I am in swimming in winter.A.interest B.interesting C.interested interest答案:C 本题考察的是be interested in的固定搭配,意思是“对感兴趣”,而interesting的意思是“有趣的”,但是不能放在be_ in的短语中。12we

7、saw the mask we knew we had to have it.A.The minute B.Moment C.At the minute D.At the moment答案:A本题考察的是the minute引导时间状语从句的用法,本句的意思是:我们一看到这个面具我们就知道我们必须买下它。13 There is a contrast between the two interpretations.A.striving B.striking C.sticking D.stringing答案:B本题考察的是四个词的区别。Strive的意思是“努力,奋斗”,striking的意思是“

8、显著的”,sticking的意思是“刺,戳”,string的意思是“悬挂”。本句的意思是:这两种解释截然不同。14A vast crowd turned to watch the match.A.on C.up D.out答案:D 本题考察的是turn组成的四个词组的意思。Turn on的意思是“扭开”, turn to的意思是“转向”, turn up的意思是“出现”, turn out“出席,集合”,而本句的意思是:大群的观众到场观看比赛。15I guess you have to in life.A.take aback B.take chances C.take yourse

9、lf off D.take to答案:B本题考察的是take组成的四个词组的意思。Take aback的意思是“使某人震惊”,take chances的意思是“碰碰运气,冒险”,take oneself off的意思是“离开某地”,take to的意思是“逃入某地”,所以B最符合句意。16We out our vans by the day.A.hire B.employ C.engage D.fire答案:A 本题考察的是做“雇用”讲的时候前三个词的区别,因为fire的意思是“解雇”。Engage虽然也可做“雇用”讲,但更常用的意思是“使从事于”,employ是及物动词,不能和out连用,能

10、和out连用的只有hire,意思是“出租某物”。17 They are now living .A.separate B.separately C.separable D.separated答案:B本题考察同一个单词不同词型的辨析。在四个答案中只有B 是副词用来修饰动词,故选B.18 We should keep a fire extinguisher at all times.A.available B.avail C.availability D.avails答案:A本题考察形近词的用法和区分。根据题意:我们应当任何时候都要放置即时可用的灭火器,应选A.19When I said some

11、 people are stupid, I wasnt you.A.taking to B.preferring to C.referring to D.turning to答案:C 本题考察词组用法。take to: “开始, 喜欢, 照料, 求助于”, prefer .to: “喜欢.而不喜欢; 喜欢. 胜过.”, refer to: “查阅, 提到, 打听”, turn to: “转向, 变成, 求助于”, 根据题意:我说有些人很愚蠢,并不是指你,应选有“提到,涉及”之意的词组,故选C.20I him for his success in C

12、.alike D.admire答案:D本题考察单词词义。最恰当的选择为D, 意为“我佩服他事业有成。”2.Grammar:Choose the best answer for each of the following items.1We camping in the mountains last week.A.go B.went going D.was going答案:B 本题考察的是一般过去时的用法,因为last week是上个星期的意思,所以应该用一般过去时,而go的过去式是went。2 During the trip, we a flat tire.A.had B.have

13、had C.have D.had had答案:A本题考察的是时间不太明显的时候,一般过去时和现在完成时的区别。一般过去时与过去的时间有关,而现在完成时与现在的时间有关,本句的意思是“在我们的旅途中,我们的车胎爆了”。根据句意,应该是与过去时间有关,所以选A。3The building in built B.built C.was built D.was build答案:C本题考察的是一般过去时的被动语态,因为时间是1776,一个非常明显的过去时态,而build的过去式为built,所以选C。4My husband is English, and I there for tw

14、enty years.A.have lived B.had lived living D.lived答案:A 本题考察的是一般过去时和现在完成时的区别,详见第2题解析。本题与一般时态有关,所以是现在完成时。5When I was at school, I to the library every day.A.go B.was going C.have gone D.went答案:D本题考察的是一般过去时的用法。6We a swim last Saturday.A.are having B.had C.have D.have had答案:B 本题考察的是一般过去时的用法,因为有“las

15、t Saturday”,一个非常明显的过去时间,所以应该选B。7 While we with the president, our English teacher came in.A.are talking B.have talking C.were talking D.talk答案:C本题考察的是过去进行时和一般过去时的混合用法,一般过去时态所用的动词一般为非延续性动词,而过去进行时所用的动词一般为延续性动词,因此,选C。8 What you from 7 to 8 yesterday evening? A.was, doing B.have, done C.did, do D.were,

16、doing答案:D本题考察的是过去进行时的特殊疑问句,过去进行时是过去某一时间或时间短内发生的事情,而本句的句意为:“你昨晚7点到8点做什么了?”所以用过去进行时。9There was no bus. I walk home.A.have to B.had to C.having to D.has to答案:B 本题考察的是一般过去时的用法,本句的意思是:没有公共汽车了,我只好步行回家。10She the article last B.has read C.had read D.was reading答案:A本题考察的是一般过去时的用法,句中有一个非常明显的过去时间“l

17、ast week”。所以应该用一般过去时。11Tom to bed early enough last night, so she tired all morning.A.didnt go, is B.doesnt go, was C.doesnt go, is D.didnt go, was答案:D 本题考察的是一般过去时的用法,本题中有一个非常明显的过去时间“last night”,所以应该用于过去时态。12Christianitya worldwide religion since ittwo thousand years ago.A.became, began B.become, ha

18、s begun C.has become, beganD.has become, has begun答案:C本题考察的是since的固定用法。Since的具体用法如下: 1) since +过去一个时间点(如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、1980, last month, half past six)。 I have been here since 1989. 2) since +一段时间+ ago I have been here since five months ago. 3) since +从句 Great changes have taken place since you left.

19、Considerable time has elapsed since we have been here. 4) It is +一段时间+ since从句 It is two years since I became a postgraduate student.因此选C.13 I asked him what wrong with B.was D.being答案:B本题考察的是一般过去时的用法,因为“asked”是过去时所以他后接的复合宾语也是一般过去时。14My classmates and I the Summer Palace

20、sited B.have visited C.has visited D.have been visited答案:A 本题考察的是一般过去时的用法,因为有明显的表示过去的时间状语“yesterday”,所以选A.15We got the mask while we traveling in Africa a few years ago.A.was C.were D.be答案:C本题考察的是过去进行时和一般过去时的连用,一般过去时态所用的动词一般为非延续性动词,而过去进行时所用的动词一般为延续性动词,所以选C.16If I time, Id travel.A.have B.had C.

21、has D.have had答案:B 本题考察的是一般过去时的用法,本句的句意是“如果我优时间,我一定要去旅行”。根据句意,选B。17 What you do if no one answered the phone?A.will B.shall C.should D.would答案:D本题考察的是will的过去式,本句的句意是“如果没人接电话,你将要怎么样?”根据句意,所以选D。18The new book yet?A.hasnt arrived B.didnt arrive C.doesnt arrive D.havent arrived答案:A本题考察的是现在完成时的用法,因为一般情况下

22、,与yet连用的是现在完成时。19you ever to Shanghai?A.Have, been B.Were, being C.Did, go D.Did, be答案:A 本题考察的是现在完成时的用法,一般情况下与现在完成时连用的有“yet, ever, already”等词语。所以本题应该用现在完成时20He his lunch.A.had B.have had C.has had D.ate答案:C本题考察的是现在完成时的用法,现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果的确和现在有联系。动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。本句的意思是

23、“他已经吃过午饭了”。还要注意吃饭的“吃”,在英语中不用“eat”,而用“have”。3.Dialogue: Choose the best answer for each of the following items.1 .No, weve already been living here for four years.A.Did you just move to the Bay area? B.Are you local people here? 答案:AC.Have you been here for a long time?2 .It is, and were both so busy

24、. If we had more time, wed visit it more often. But right now, its difficult.A.Floridas pretty. B.Floridas pretty far away. C.Floridas pretty near. 答案:B3.I love that one, too. It was painted by a young Brazilian artist.A.What a wonderful painting! B.What is the painting about?C.This painting is a gi

25、ft for your birthday. 答案:A4Would you like to see a menu?.A.No, thanks. I have a lot of homework to do.B.No, thanks. I already know what to order.C.No, please dont bother me. 答案:B5What do you think about Japanese food?.A.A big change was using public transportation in Tokyo. B.Overall, the diet there

26、 is a healthy onelow fat. C.I didnt have a lot of time to prepare food, so much of my experience comes from eating in restaurants. 答案:B4.Reading:Read the following passages and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.Passage 1 “WORDS are very powerful, they can get things done for

27、 us, but then a word and a gun makes it much easier.” These are the words of the most powerful man in the Middle East, the man who has the eyes of the world focused on him - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Saddam agreed last Tuesday to let arms inspectors (武器核查员) back into Iraq under existing (现有的)

28、UN agreements reached in February, 1998. However, the US Government continues to demand access (进入)to Saddams eight palaces. The US believes that Saddam has been building weapons of mass destruction (大面积杀伤性武器) in Iraq. They want to be allowed to inspect Saddams palaces because they believe that othe

29、rwise he may try to hide a nuclear, chemical or biological weapon inside one of them. America claims they are so worried because it feels they may be the target (目标) of such a weapon after the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington last year. On October 2, 2002, US President George W. Bush got

30、 the support he wanted from the Congress (国会) for a military attack on Iraq if Iraq doesnt agree to a full inspection. A son of a poor peasant, Saddam came into power in 1972. He led Iraq through a decade long war with Iran in the 1980s, and in August, 1990 Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait (科威特). A US-led alliance (联盟) ran Saddams forces out of Kuwait in the Gulf War, which ended in February of 1991,with Saddam still in power. Iraqis will vote (投票) on October 15 probably to give Saddam Hussein another seven-year mandate (授权). “All Ira

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