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步步高高考英语一轮复习 unit 6 various workplaces同步导学 重庆大学版必修4.docx

1、步步高高考英语一轮复习 unit 6 various workplaces同步导学 重庆大学版必修4【步步高】2015届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 6 Various Workplaces同步导学 重大版必修4.重点单词识记1challenge /tlInd/ n挑战2technique /teknik/ n技术,技巧3improve /Impruv/ vt./vi.改进4prove /pruv/ vi./vt.证明,证实5stress /stres/ n重压,压力stressful adj.紧张的,有压力的6interruption /Intrpn/ n中断,打断interrupt vi./

2、vt.打断(正在说话或动作的人);妨碍7addition /dIn/ n增加;添加物additional adj.附加的,额外的8tiresome /taIsm/ adj.烦人的tire vt.(使)厌倦;(使)疲劳tiring adj.令人厌倦的;令人劳累的tired adj.疲倦的,厌烦的9significantly /sInIfIkntlI/ adv.有意义地,重大地significant adj.有意义的,重大的significance n意义,重要性10explore /Ikspl/ vi./vt.探究;探险exploration n探测,探究11pollution /plun/ n

3、污染;弄脏;污染物pollute vt.污染;弄脏12practical /prktIkl/ adj.实际的,实践的;实用的practically adv.实际上;几乎practice n& v实践,练习13application /plIkeIn/ n应用;申请apply vt./vi.应用;申请applicant n申请人,求职人14threatening /retnI/ adj.胁迫的;危险的threaten vi.威胁,恐吓.重点短语识记1instead of代替,而不是2spend (time) doing花(时间)在3pay for偿还,赔偿4a pile of一堆5lead to

4、导致;通向6out of touch与世隔绝,与外界隔绝7in addition另外,而且8first of all 首先,最开始把加到10fly across飞越,飞过11pay the price (for)为付出代价12give attention to专心.经典原句默写与背诵1What makes it possible is technology.使之成为可能的是科技。2Telecommuting also makes many workers feel lonely and out of touch,leading to less productivity.电讯家庭

5、办公也使得许多员工觉得寂寞,觉得似乎与世隔绝,因而导致了办事效率的下降。3In communication,the telephone has made it possible for us to talk to anyone without leaving our homes or offices.在信息交流方面,电话的出现使我们足不出户就能跟所有人交谈成为可能。4While it is possible to keep a terminally ill person alive through drugs and machines,it may not be the most humane

6、 procedure.虽然通过药品和仪器可以让终难幸免的病人暂时存活下来,但这未必就是最人道的做法。5During future years,increasing attention must be given to the moral as well as the practical applications of science.在未来岁月里,如何维持道德准绳和将科学投入实践都同样应该受到越来越多的关注。1As time went on,Einsteins theory proved to be correct.(prove)2We should not only know the the

7、ory but also how to apply it to practice.(application)3No wonder you are tired and hungry.(tiresome)4Training makes workers highly productive.(productivity)5Yet there is plenty of room for improvement.(improve)6He tried to speak,but she interrupted him.(interruption)7Im ready to do all those things

8、which are more challenging.(challenge)8These measures will help reduce waste and air pollution.(pollute)1 stress n.压力;强调;紧张 pressure ;重要性 emphasis ;重音;vt.强调 emphasize ;使紧张;加压力于 press ;用重音读under stress在压力之下under the stress of在的压力下lay/place/put stress on强调stress the importance of强调的重要性The spokesman st

9、ressed the measures did not amount to an overall ban.该发言人强调这些措施并不等同于全面禁止。Katy could think clearly when not under stress.在没有精神压力的情况下凯蒂思路清晰。夯实基础同义句改写He stressed the importance of a good education.(用place stress on改写句子)He placed stress on a good education.2 prove oneself证明自己;表现自己Its proved that.证明give

10、proof of提供的证据It would give me great pleasure to prove Sam innocent.能证明萨姆的清白让我很高兴。Theres no proof that he was on the crime spot.没有证据证明他当时在犯罪现场。夯实基础同义句改写This method is proved to be more efficient.(用It is proved.改写句子)It is proved that this method is more efficient.3 meet a challenge 应对挑战face a challeng

11、e面临挑战challenge sb.on.就向某人提出质疑challenge do.向某人挑战做challenge sth.邀请比赛challenging adj.有挑战性的They rose to the challenge of entertaining 80 schoolchildren for an afternoon.他们一个下午成功接待了80名学童。He left a note at the scene of the crime,challenging detectives to catch him.他在犯罪现场留了个字条,向警探挑衅。夯实基础用所给词的适当

12、形式填空(1)Some children want to challenge themselves(they) by learning a language different from that their parents speak at home.(2)Mike found a challenging(challenge) job as a computer programmer.(3)She challenged the newspaper to prove(prove) its story.单项填空1Cooperation or teamwork,the importance of

13、which is often ,plays an important part in football matches.Astressed Bthought ofCpaid much attention Dtalked答案A解析stress the importance of.强调的重要性。2During the longterm cooperation,your uncle a smart,honest and trustworthy man.Aproved BappearedCturned Dmade答案A解析句意为:经过长时间的合作,你叔叔证明是一个聪明、诚实和值得信任的人。prove证

14、明是,符合句意。3Things can easily go wrong when people are under .Astress BweightCload Dstrength答案A解析句意为:人们在压力之下容易出错。under stress在压力之下,符合题意。4The government should take measures to carbon dioxide emission from cars.Adirect BlimitCchange Dimprove答案B解析direct指导;limit限制;change改变;improve改进。由句意知应选B项。5Great as New

15、ton was,many of his ideas have been today.Achallenging BchallengedCthreatened Ddeposited答案B解析句意为:虽然牛顿很伟大,但他很多的原理现在还是遭到了质疑。challenge质疑,符合句意。.汉译英不念旧恶也是一种美德,尤其在这样一个竞争激烈压力巨大的社会。(stressful)(2012江苏书面表达)It is also a virtue to forgive and forget,especially in such a competitive and stressful society. 1The m

16、ovie star always gives attention to her public.2Taxes are what we pay for civilized society.3I wish mother was here instead of you!4What have you added to the sauce?5These patients should consult their own doctors first of off得到好结果;付清;(付清工资后)解雇;取得成功pay back偿还;向报复pay up付清;还清pay a visit to访问Yo

17、ull pay for that remark!你要为你的话付出代价的!Pay off your credit card every month.记得每月还清你的信用卡。夯实基础用pay off,pay back,pay for的适当形式填空(1)Whichever one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.(2)Two hundred workers have been paid off.(3)Can you lend me $10?Ill pay you back on Friday.单项填空1When I was a chi

18、ld,mother great stress my proper behaviorAput;on Badd;inCgive;in Dadd;up答案A解析put stress on sth.强调,重视,符合句意。2In the evening the car broke down suddenly and the heavy rain the helplessness of the girl driver on the country road.Aresulted from Bmade upCturned out Dadded to答案D解析根据句意,此处应用add to(增添)。3We sh

19、ould pay attention to the environment and we must do all we can the pollutionAprotect,to reduceBprotecting,to reduceCprotect,reduce Dprotecting,reduce答案B解析pay attention to,to为介词;第二个空考查不定式作目的状语,因此选B项。4Li Feng won the first prize in the national English competition.Oh,really?Im glad that his efforts a

20、t last .Aworked out Bgot backCpaid off Dturned out答案C解析后句句意为:真的吗?我很高兴他的努力最终获得了回报。pay off取得成功,获得回报。.汉译英1但是,由于整天只顾忙于自己的学习,我很少注意妈妈的需要和感受。(pay attention to) (2011江苏书面表达)But,totally engaged in my own study,I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels. 2我们应该多沟通并且换位思考,而不是互相指责。(instead of) (2012江苏书

21、面表达)Instead of blaming each other,we should communicate more and put ourselves in others place.翻译句子(1)Fishing is prohibited here.此处禁止垂钓。(2)Then I couldnt help feeling proud of our country.这时我不由得不为祖国感到骄傲。(3)The wind has stopped blowing.风已经不刮了。(4)I remember seeing the book somewhere.我记得在哪里见过这本书。1 what

22、引导名词性从句,在句中作主语。what是连接代词,引导的从句还可作宾语、表语等,what本身在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。What I said is for your own good.我说的都是为了你好。Everyone is confused by what the professor said.大家对教授说的感到困惑。夯实基础用what,that填空(1)China is no longer what she used to be ten years ago.(2)You may rely on it that I shall help you.(3)The factory w

23、as set up in what was a waste land several years ago.(4)What surprised me was that he did very well in the exam.2make的意思是“使如何”,在此结构中可用作宾补的有名词、代词、形容词、不定式(省to)、过去分词、介词短语等。make变为被动语态时,不定式作主语的补足语时要带to。We have made our school a garden.我们已使学校成了一个花园。Failure in the exam makes him discouraged.考试不及格令他灰心丧气。夯实基

24、础(1)It is difficult to make myself understood in English.我很难用英语把自己的想法表达清楚。(2)The boss made us work 16 hours a day.老板让我们每天工作16小时。(3)Paul doesnt have to be made to learn.保罗不必被逼着学习。.单项填空1Many young people in the west are expected to leave could be lifes most important decisionmarriagealmost entirely up

25、 to luck.Aas BthatCwhich Dwhat答案D解析句意为:据预料,西方许多年轻人把人生最重要的决定,即婚姻问题完全听任于命运的安排。leave后面的“ could be lifes most important decision”是宾语从句,空白处要作从句的主语,能作主语的是what或which,而which的意思是“哪一个”,不合题意。that仅仅起引导从句的作用,不在从句中作成分。2Accustomed to the steep mountains,he had no difficulty reaching the top.Aclimbing BclimbCclimbe

26、d Dhave climbed答案A解析be accustomed to习惯于,其中to是介词,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。3They got wellprepared for the exam,for they couldnt risk the good opportunity.Ato lose BlosingCto be lost Dbeing lost答案B解析risk doing.冒着做的危险。4No one really knows for sure makes a person become righthanded rather than lefthanded.Awhatever

27、 BwhoCwhat Dwhoever答案C解析know后所跟的是宾语从句。句意为:没人能确切地知道是什么使一个人用右手而不用左手。what什么,作从句的主语。whatever无论什么;who谁;whoever无论谁,不符合句意。.汉译英最重要的是我经常浏览英语网站Enjoy Reading网站里提供最新的信息、阅读材料等等。(what引导名词性从句) (2012山东写作)What is the most important is that I often surf on an English websiteEnjoyReading,in which it offers the latest

28、news,reading materials and so on.1The watch was very good,and he 20 percent down for it.(2013新课标全国,8)Apaid BcostCbought Dspent答案A解析句意为:这块手表非常不错,并且他只支付了20%的定金。pay down先付(首付、定金),符合句意。sth.cost(s) sb.money某物花费某人多少钱,主语为“物”; sth.for money某人买某物花多少钱,for后接money;sb.spend(s) money on sth.某人花钱买某物,主语为“人

29、”,与介词on搭配。2 basic firstaid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.(2013福建,22)AKnown BHaving knownCKnowing DBeing known答案C解析本题主要考查动名词短语作主语的用法。句意为:了解基本的急救知识将帮助你迅速应对突发事件。Knowing basic firstaid techniques在句中作主语。3The athletes years of hard training when she finally won the Olympic gold medal. (2012安徽,28)Awent on Bgot throughCpaid off Dended up答案C解析句意为:当这个运动员最终获得奥运会金牌时,她多年的刻苦训练总算得到了回报。go on继续,接下去;get through渡过难关;pay off得到回报;end up以告终。该

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