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1、词法分析#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;ifstream fp(source.txt,ios:in);char cbuffer;char *key13=if,else,for,while,do,return,break,continue,int,void,main,const,printf; /关键字char *border7= , , ; , , , ( , ) ,/; /分界符char *arithmetic6=+ , - , * , / , + , -; /运算符char *relation

2、7= , , = , = ,!=; /关系运算符 char *lableconst80; /标识符int constnum=40;int lableconstnum=0; int linenum=1; /统计常数和标识符数量 int search(char searchchar,int wordtype) int i=0,t=0; switch (wordtype) case 1: for (i=0;i=12;i+) /关键字 if (strcmp(keyi,searchchar)=0) return(i+1); return(0); case 2: for (i=0;i=6;i+) /分界符

3、 if (strcmp(borderi,searchchar)=0) return(i+1); return(0); case 3: for (i=0;i=5;i+) /运算符 if (strcmp(arithmetici,searchchar)=0) return(i+1); return(0); case 4: for (i=0;i=6;i+) /关系运算符 if (strcmp(relationi,searchchar)=0) return(i+1); return(0); case 5: for (t=40;t=constnum;t+) /常数 if (strcmp(searchcha

4、r,lableconstt)=0)/判断该常数是否已出现过 return(t+1); lableconstt-1=(char *)malloc(sizeof(searchchar);/为新的元素分配内存空间 strcpy(lableconstt-1,searchchar);/为数组赋值lableconst指针数组名 constnum+; /常数个数自加 return(t); case 6: for (i=0;i=lableconstnum;i+) if (strcmp(searchchar,lableconsti)=0) /判断标识符是否已出现过 return(i+1); lableconst

5、i-1=(char *)malloc(sizeof(searchchar); strcpy(lableconsti-1,searchchar); lableconstnum+; /标识符个数自加 return(i); default:cout错误!; char alphaprocess(char buffer) /字符处理过程 int atype; int i=-1; char alphatp20; while (isalpha(buffer)|(isdigit(buffer) /这两个函数分别是判字符和判数字函数位于ctype.h中 alphatp+i=buffer; fp.get(buff

6、er); alphatpi+1=0;/在末尾添加字符串结束标志 if (atype=search(alphatp,1) coutlinenum: linenum String= alphatpttt关键字endl; else atype=search(alphatp,6); /标识符 coutlinenum: linenum String= alphatpttt标识符endl; return(buffer);char digitprocess(char buffer) /数字处理过程 int i=-1; char digittp20; int dtype; while (isdigit(buf

7、fer) digittp+i=buffer; fp.get(buffer); digittpi+1=0; dtype=search(digittp,5); coutlinenum: linenum String= digittpttt数据endl; return(buffer);char otherprocess(char buffer) /分界符、运算符、逻辑运算符、等 int i=-1; char othertp20; int otype,otypetp; othertp0=buffer; othertp1=0; if (otype=search(othertp,3) fp.get(buf

8、fer); othertp1=buffer; othertp2=0; if (otypetp=search(othertp,3) /判断该运算符是否是 /由连续的两个字符组成的 coutlinenum: linenum String= othertpttt运算符endl; fp.get(buffer); goto out; else /单字符逻辑运算符 othertp1=0; coutlinenum: linenum String= othertpttt逻辑运算符endl; goto out; if (otype=search(othertp,4) /关系运算符 fp.get(buffer);

9、 othertp1=buffer; othertp2=0; if (otypetp=search(othertp,4) /判断该关系运算符是否是 /由连续的两个字符组成的 coutlinenum: linenum String= othertpttt关系运算符endl; fp.get(buffer); goto out; else /单字符逻辑运算符 othertp1=0; coutlinenum: linenum String= othertpttt逻辑运算endl; goto out; if (buffer=!) /=的判断 fp.get(buffer); if (buffer=) /co

10、ut!= (2,2)n; fp.get(buffer); goto out; else if (otype=search(othertp,2) /分界符 coutlinenum: linenum String= othertpttt分界符endl; fp.get(buffer); goto out; if (buffer!=n)&(buffer!= ) cout错误!,字符非法tttbufferendl; fp.get(buffer); out: return(buffer); void main() int i; for (i=0;i=50;i+) lableconsti= ;/用于保存标识

11、符 if (!fp) cout文件打开错误!endl; else fp.get (cbuffer); while (!fp.eof() if(cbuffer=n) linenum+; fp.get(cbuffer); else if (isalpha(cbuffer) cbuffer=alphaprocess(cbuffer); else if (isdigit(cbuffer) cbuffer=digitprocess(cbuffer); else cbuffer=otherprocess(cbuffer); cout标识符个数是:lableconstnum分别是endl; i=0; whi

12、le(ilableconstnum) coutlableconsti+ ; coutendl; cout amax then /如果是常量,判断是否大于最大值,若是则报30号错 begin error(30); num :=0 end; val := num /否则保存数值 end; varible: begin level := lev; adr := dx; dx := dx + 1; /如果是变量,填写变量内部表示,LEVEl是变量的层次,adr为地址 end; proc: level := lev /如果是过程,保存过程的层次 end end end enter;/查找符号表的位置 f

13、unction position(id: alfa): integer; var i: integer; begin find indentifier id in table /从后向前查找 := id; i := tx; /找到保存类型 while id do i := i-1; position := i /返回标志符在符号表中的位置 end position; procedure block(lev,tx: integer; fsys: symset); var dx: integer; data allocation index /数据分

14、配索引 tx0: integer; initial table index /初始符号表索引 cx0: integer; initial code index /初始代码索引 procedure enter(k: object1); /填写符号表,下次分析 begin enter object into table tx := tx + 1; with tabletx do begin name := id; kind := k; case k of constant: begin if num amax then begin error(30); num :=0 end; val := nu

15、m end; varible: begin level := lev; adr := dx; dx := dx + 1; end; proc: level := lev end end end enter; function position(id: alfa): integer; /查找符号表,下次分析 var i: integer; begin find indentifier id in table := id; i := tx; while id do i := i-1; position := i end position; proce

16、dure constdeclaration; /常量声明 begin if sym = ident then /如果是标志符,读入一个TOKEN begin getsym; if sym in eql, becomes then /读入的是等号或符值号继续判断 begin if sym = becomes then error(1); /如果是“=”报1号错 getsym; /读入下一个TOKEN if sym = number then /读入的是数字,填写符号表 begin enter(constant); getsym end else error(2) /如果不是数字,报2号错 end

17、 else error(3) /不是等号或符值号,报3号错 end else error(4) /如果不是标志符,报4号错 end constdeclaration; procedure vardeclaration; /变量声明 begin if sym = ident then /读入的是标志符,填写符号表 begin enter(varible); getsym end else error(4) /不是标志符,报4号错 end vardeclaration; procedure listcode; var i: integer; begin list code generated fo

18、r this block for i := cx0 to cx-1 do with codei do writeln(i:5, mnemonicf:5, 1:3, a:5) end listcode; procedure statement(fsys: symset); var i, cx1, cx2: integer; procedure expression(fsys: symset); /表达式分析 var addop: symbol; procedure term(fsys: symset); /项分析 var mulop: symbol; procedure factor(fsys:

19、 symset); /因子分析 var i: integer; begin test(facbegsys, fsys, 24); /读入的是“(”,标志符或数字 while sym in facbegsys do begin if sym = ident then /是标志符,查表 begin i:= position(id); if i = 0 then error(11) else /未找到,报11号错 with tablei do /找到,读入标志符类型 case kind of constant: gen(lit, 0, val); /写常量命令 varible: gen(lod, l

20、ev-level, adr);/写变量命令 proc: error(21) /过程名,报21号错 end; getsym /读入下一个TOKEN end else if sym = number then /读入的是数字 begin if num amax then /如果数字大于最大数,报30号错误 begin error(30); num := 0 end; gen(lit, 0, num); getsym /调用数字命令,读入下一个TOKEN end else if sym = lparen then /读入的是“(” begin getsym; expression(rparen+fs

21、ys); /调用表达式分析函数 if sym = rparen then getsym else error(22) /如果“(”后无“)”,报22号错 end; test(fsys, lparen, 23) end end factor;/因子分析结束 /项分析 begin term factor(fsys+times, slash); /调用因子分析程序 while sym in times, slash do /取得是乘、除号循环 begin mulop:=sym;getsym;factor(fsys+times,slash); /记录符号,调用因子分析 if mulop=times t

22、hen gen(opr,0,4) else gen(opr,0,5) /写乘除指令 end end term; begin expression if sym in plus, minus then /如果是加减号 begin addop := sym; getsym; term(fsys+plus,minus); /记录符号,调用项分析程序 if addop = minus then gen(opr, 0,1) /写加减指令 end else term(fsys+plus, minus); while sym in plus, minus do /如果是加减号循环 begin addop :

23、= sym; getsym; term(fsys+plus,minus); if addop=plus then gen(opr,0,2) else gen(opr,0,3) end end expression; /条件过程 procedure condition(fsys: symset); var relop: symbol; begin if sym = oddsym then /如果是判奇符 begin getsym; expression(fsys); gen(opr, 0, 6) /取下一个TOKEN,调用expression,填指令 end else begin express

24、ion(eql, neq, lss, gtr, leq, geq+fsys); if not(sym in eql, neq, lss, leq, gtr, geq) then /如果不是取到逻辑判断符号,出错.20 error(20) else begin relop := sym; getsym; expression(fsys); case relop of eql: gen(opr, 0, 8); / =,相等 neq: gen(opr, 0, 9); / #,不相等 lss: gen(opr, 0, 10); / ,大于 leq: gen(opr, 0, 13); / ,小于等于 e

25、nd end end end condition; begin statement if sym = ident then /如果是标识符 begin i := position(id); /查找符号表 if i = 0 then error(11) else /未找到,标识符未定义,报11号错 if tablei.kind varible then /如果标识符不是变量,报12号错 begin assignment to non-varible error(12); i := 0 end; getsym; if sym = becomes then getsym else error(13)

26、; /如果是变量读入下一个TOKEN,不是赋值号,报13好错;是则读入一个TOKEN expression(fsys); /调用表达是过程 if i 0 then /写指令 with tablei do gen(sto, lev-level, adr) end else if sym = callsym then /如果是过程调用保留字,读入下一个TOKEN begin getsym; if sym ident then error(14) else /不是标识符报14号错 begin i := position(id); if i = 0 then error(11) else /是标识符,未定义,报13号错 with tablei do /

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