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1、泛读教案教 案Reading Course泛读教程教研室:英语 教师姓名:郝东清 课程名称Reading Course授课专业和班级12级英语授课内容Unit 3 Body Language授课学时4教学目的To enhance students reading skills by doing reading practice;To enlarge students vocabulary;To get students to realize the common false stereotype of reading and form the right concept of reading,

2、 thus improving their reading efficiency.教学重点Words expansion, reading skill analysis, false statements about reading教学方法Reading and discussing教学过程1. Check homework: Section C of Unit 2 and Section A of Unit 3 (45 minutes)2. Do the exercises of Section B (40 minutes)作业1.finish Section C of Unit 3 and

3、 Section A of Unit 4. 2. Read novels. 辅助手段Multimedia software 教学内容1. snapa. do sth. quickly with little/no warning 仓促的,匆忙的 a snap decision 仓促的决定v. 突然折断;拉断He snapped the stick in two. 使发劈啪声He snapped his fingers to attract the waiter. 他打了响指叫服务生。厉声责骂(+at)Shut up! She snapped at him.n.突然折断The snap of a

4、 twig broke the silence. 一根树枝突然折断打破了寂静。 3.劈啪声;厉声的斥责CThe box shut with a snap. 箱子啪地一声关上了。 2. antipathyn.反感,厌恶(+to/towards/against/for)He felt a strong antipathy towards them. 他对他们非常反感。a. antipathetic3. assumev. 以为;假定为;(想当然地)认为I assumed that he had gone for a stroll. 我想他去散步了。 2.承担;就任;取得 assume power 掌

5、权,assume office 就职 3.呈现;采取;采用His illness assumed a very grave character. 他的病显得非常的严重。 装出,假装He assumed a look of surprise. 他装出吃惊的神色。 n. assumption 4. aspirationn. strong desire or ambition热望,志向,抱负CU(+for/after/to)+to-vHe has no aspiration for fame or gain. 他不图名利。 She has aspirations to become a great

6、writer. 她有做名作家的抱负。 热望,向往;怀有大志to/after+to-vThe boy aspired to become an engineer. 这男孩渴望成为工程师。 He aspired after knowledge. 他渴求知识。 5. convictionfirm opinion or belief 确信,信念Dont sell out your conviction for the sake of profits.不要为了利益而出卖你的信仰.定罪;证明有罪This was his third conviction. 这是他第三次被判罪。v. convict decl

7、are sb. is guilty sb. of sth. eg. She has twice been convicted of fraud.6. token n. I sent her a gift as a token of my congratulation. 我给她寄去一件礼物表示祝贺。in of sth.: as evidence of sth. He did that in tokenof good faith.他那样做是为了表示诚意。7. trait n.特征,特点,特性Jims two most pleasing traits are generosity and energ

8、y. 吉姆最讨人喜欢的特征是豪爽和充满活力。 一点,少许,微量(+of)He made a speech with a trait of humor. 他的话很有幽默感。 8. perceive 察觉;感知I cant perceive any difference between these coins. 我看不出这些硬币有什么差别。 意识到;理解He gradually perceived that his parents had been right. 他渐渐地意识到他的父母是对的。 课程名称Reading Course授课专业和班级12级英语授课内容Unit 4 Animals授课学时

9、4教学目的To enhance students reading skills by doing reading practice;To enlarge students vocabulary;To get students to realize the common false stereotype of reading and form the right concept of reading, thus improving their reading efficiency.教学重点Words expansion, reading skill analysis, false stateme

10、nts about reading教学方法Reading and discussing教学过程1. Check homework: Section C of Unit 3 and Section A of Unit 4 (45 minutes)2. Do the exercises of Section B (40 minutes)作业1.finish Section C of Unit 4 and Section A of Unit 5. 2. Read novels. 辅助手段Multimedia software 教学内容1.eradicatev. 连根拔除,根绝;消灭Eradicate

11、 such social evils as pornography gambling and drug abuse铲除黄、赌、毒(吸毒和贩毒)等社会恶习2.exclusivelyad. 专门地;专有地She writes exclusively for New York Times. 她专门为纽约时报写稿。 a. exclusive唯一的,排外的;除外的The hotel charges $20 a day, exclusive of meals. 饭店每天收费二十元,不包括用餐。 Painting has not been her exclusive occupation.绘画并非她唯一的职

12、业。n. exclusionn.(+from)排斥,排除在外,被排除在外的事物His exclusion from the tennis club hurt him very much. 他未被吸收进网球俱乐部,这使他的自尊心大受伤害。 v. Exclude拒绝接纳;把.排除在外;不包括(+from)The club excluded women from membership. 该俱乐部拒绝妇女入会。 排斥(可能性等);对.不予考虑The possibility of food poisoning has been excluded. 食物中毒的可能性已被排除。 3.haunt 经常去(某地

13、);缠住(某人)As a girl, she used to haunt the local museum. 小时候,她常去当地那家博物馆。 (思想,回忆等)萦绕在.心头;使困扰The thief was constantly haunted by fear of discovery. 那个小偷因怕被人发觉而经常提心吊胆。 鬼魂等)常出没于The building was said to be haunted by the ghost of a woman. 据说这幢大楼常有一个女人的鬼魂出没。 4.ingenuity心灵手巧;独创性;足智多谋She had the ingenuity.她心灵

14、手巧. 2.巧妙;精巧This is exactly the ingenuity of the design.这正是设计的巧妙之处。5.decoy n. (诱捕鸟兽用的)假鸟,假兽;诱饵动物用作诱饵的人;诱惑者a police decoy 替警方作诱饵的人 v. 引诱(鸟、兽等);诱骗(+into)He was decoyed into entering the room. 他被诱骗进入那个房间。 6.ban v. 禁止,取缔 sb.from (doing) sth.Swimming is banned in this lake. 这个湖里不准游泳。 They banned him from

15、attending the meeting.他们禁止他参会。n. 禁止;禁令C(+on/against)The police canceled the ban against parking in this street. 警察取消了不准在这条街上停车的禁令。 We have put a ban on smoking. 我们已禁止吸烟。 课程名称Reading Course授课专业和班级12级英语授课内容Unit 5 History授课学时4教学目的To enhance students reading skills by doing reading practice;To enlarge s

16、tudents vocabulary;To get students to realize the common false stereotype of reading and form the right concept of reading, thus improving their reading efficiency.教学重点Words expansion, reading skill analysis, false statements about reading教学方法Reading and discussing教学过程1. Check homework: Section C of

17、 Unit 4 and Section A of Unit 5 (45 minutes)2. Do the exercises of Section B (40 minutes)作业1.finish Section C of Unit 5 and Section A of Unit 6. 2. Read novels. 辅助手段Multimedia software 教学内容1.underliev. 位于.的下面;置于.之下构成.的基础The principles which underlie our foreign policy are sound.作为我们外交政策基础的原则是健全的。a.

18、在下面的;放在下面的the rock 下层的岩石2.基本的,根本的The underlying reason for the failure remains unknown. 失败的根本原因尚未搞清。 3.含蓄的;潜在的The story has an underlying theme. 这故事有一个内在的主题。 2.Subscribe 同意,赞许(+to)He did not subscribe to my proposal. 他不赞同我的建议。捐款(+to)They subscribed to local charities. 他们向当地的慈善团体捐款。 订阅;订购(书籍等)(+to/fo

19、r)What magazine do you want to subscribe for?你想订什么杂志?签名,签字(+to)He subscribed his name to a form.他在表格上签了字。3.Succumbv.(+to)屈服;委弃;听任The government succumbed to public pressure. 政府屈服于公众压力。 被压垮;死He succumbed to his injuries. 他因受伤而死。 4.garbv.穿,装扮The woman was garbed in black . 穿黑衣的女子。n.服装 military 军装5.she

20、d v. 摆脱,去除This method can help students shed nervousness. 这一方法能帮助学生摆脱紧张。脱;使(籽、毛发等)脱落;蜕(壳等)Most trees shed their leaves in autumn. 大多数树在秋天落叶。散发;放射The sun sheds light and warmth. 太阳发射光和热。流出;流下She shed tears over her loss. 她因遭受损失而流泪。 n.棚,小屋He left his bicycle in the shed. 他将自行车放在车棚内。 6.discernv. 分辨,识别;

21、看出,察觉到He discerned her plan immediately. 他一下子就看出她的打算。 He was just able to discern the road in the dark. 黑暗中,他仅能勉强把路辨清。 辨明,分清Is it easy to discern between fact and rumor? 辨明事实与谣传容易吗? 课程名称Reading Course授课专业和班级12级英语授课内容Unit 6 Language授课学时4教学目的To enhance students reading skills by doing reading practice

22、;To enlarge students vocabulary;To get students to realize the common false stereotype of reading and form the right concept of reading, thus improving their reading efficiency.教学重点Words expansion, reading skill analysis, false statements about reading教学方法Reading and discussing教学过程1. Check homework:

23、 Section C of Unit 5 and Section A of Unit 6 (45 minutes)2. Do the exercises of Section B (40 minutes)作业1.finish Section C of Unit 6 and Section A of Unit 7. 2. Read novels. 辅助手段Multimedia software 教学内容1. luxuryn. 奢侈品CA refrigerator was then a luxury. 奢侈,奢华UThey live in luxury. 他们生活奢华。那时候冰箱是种奢侈品。 享受

24、;乐趣UCShe enjoyed the luxury of doing good. 她以行善为乐事。 luxurious奢侈的;骄奢淫逸的We are not very luxurious.我们并不是很奢侈的豪华的;非常舒适的;精选的They stayed in luxurious hotels. 他们住在豪华的旅馆里。 luxuriate v.过奢侈的生活;尽情享受The cat is luxuriating in the warm sunshine.那只小猫尽情享受着阳光。2. exotic外来的;外国产的The once exotic fruit now can be found in

25、 most supermarkets.这种外来水果现在大多数超市均有售。异国情调的;奇特的There are a wide range of exotic foods.那儿有各种奇特的食物3. resort 诉诸,凭借,求助(+to)If negotiations fail we shall have to resort to force.如果谈判不成,我们就要诉诸武力。 .经常去(+to)The beggar resorted to the restaurant for some soup. 这个乞丐常去该饭店要汤喝。 n. 常去的休闲度假之处;名胜CThere are many summe

26、r resorts in the mountains. 在山里有许多避暑胜地。 常去UA park is a place of popular resort in good weather. 天气好的时候公园是人们爱去的地方。 诉诸,凭借,依靠(+to)The resort to force is forbidden in this school. 该学校禁止动武。 Books are her resort when she is lonely. 当她寂寞的时候就看书解闷。 借出;借出的东西May we have the loan of your ladder? 我们可以借用一下

27、你的梯子吗? 贷款The bank made a loan of ten thousand pounds to the factory. 银行贷给那家工厂一万英镑。 v.借出He loaned me twenty dollars. 他借给我二十元5. exploit 利用;利用.而自肥We should exploit our rich resources to expand the economy. 我们应该利用我们丰富的资源发展经济。 开发,开采,开拓They are exploiting the oil under the sea. 他们在开发海底石油。 剥削We must not al

28、low the system to exploit us.我们不能让体制来剥削我们。exploitable 可开发的,可利用的,可剥削的Exploitative 开发的,利用的,剥削的Exploitation 开发;开采,利用,剥削6. assimilate v. 使(民族、语音)同化(+to/into)Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life.有些外国人容易被我们的生活方式同化。消化吸收(食物)We assimilatesome kinds of food more easily than others.我们对某些种类的食物

29、比别的食物容易吸收。吸收(知识等);理解Its not easy to assimilate so many ideas. 吸收那么多思想很不容易。 7. alien a. 外国的,外国人的;外国侨民的,陌生的Her past behavior seems alien and incomprehensible.过去的行为好像陌生又难以理解。 性质不同的;不相容的(+to/from)Such principles are alien to our religion. 这些原则与我们的宗教信仰相抵触n. (住在他国的)外国人,侨民,外星人Jack was an alert alien.杰克是一个机

30、灵的外侨。You look like an alien.你看起来像个外星人!8. sensitive敏感的;易受伤害的(+to)Youre far too sensitive.你也太敏感了。Donna is sensitive to strong smells. 唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感。 神经过敏的;易怒的(+to/about)She is sensitivetowhat people think of her.她很敏感人们对她是怎么想的灵敏的,灵敏度高的Dogs have an extremely sensitivesense of smell.狗的嗅觉异常灵敏。感光的I need some sensitive paper. 我需要一些感光纸。 机密的sen

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