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1、沃尔玛在中国的本土化营销策略研究Undergraduate ThesisThe Study Of Wal-Mart Marketing Strategy in ChinaYang LanSupervisor: Chen CaiMajor: Business English Student Number: 20104385School of Foreign Languages and CulturesSouthwest University of Science and TechnologyFebruary, 2014本科生毕业论文沃尔玛在中国的本土化营销策略研究杨兰*专业名称:商务英语学 号:

2、*西南科技大学外国语学院2014年2月AbstractWith the rapid development of market economy, the supermarket has become the preferred shopping sites. So all kinds of supermarket chain began to appear in our life, however, according to the worlds largest retailer Wal-marts results in 2001 , it is very likely more than A

3、merican oil giant Exxon, on the throne of the worlds largest companies of the top 500. According to AFP, Wal-mart is 45 years old and now has 4150 stores in the world, the income of more than $220 billion in fiscal 2001. In the past 20 years, Wal-mart is expanding by 20% a year, its business is also

4、 expanding rapidly. Wal-mart in such fierce competition environment can always maintain the industry giants, and let other than a shopping center can do nothing about it. What marketing strategy can make Wal-mart occupy a considerable share in the global market? There also are some famous retail com

5、mercial enterprises in the Chinese market, such as Carrefour, Lotus and other foreign capital retail business companies, Chinas market already has been become so fierce. Faced with such competition in the market, what kind of marketing strategy Wal-mart is taking in China? How is their marketing con

6、cept and marketing model to realize the localization in China? This article appears on the basis of relevant theories of marketing strategy and the research of the Wal-mart in China to find out Wal-mart market segmentation, market positioning, product strategy, promotion strategy, channel management

7、 and the advantage of the publicity strategy. Key Words: Wal-Mart, Marketing Strategy, China 摘 要随着市场经济的迅速发展,超市开始成为人们购物首选的场所。因此随之而来各种连锁超市开始出现在我们生活中,然而全球第一大零售商沃尔玛2001年业绩喜人,非常有可能超过美国石油巨擘埃克森石油公司,荣登世界第一大公司的宝座(500强第一)。据法新社报道,拥有45年历史的沃尔玛如今在全球拥有4150家连锁店,其2001财政年度的收入超过了2200亿美元。在过去的20年中,沃尔玛以每年20%的增长速度膨胀,业务迅速扩

8、张。沃尔玛在如此激烈竞争的环境中始终可以保持此行业的巨头,让其他的购物中心望尘莫及,这与其精明的营销策略密不可分。到底是怎样的营销策略能让沃尔玛在全球都能占领相当大份额的市场呢?在中国市场还存在一些知名商业零售企业,如家乐福、易初莲花等外资零售商业大鳄,中国市场竞争己呈现出白热化的格局。面对如此激烈的市场竞争,沃尔玛是采取了什么样的营销策略而在中国立足的?其营销理念、销售模式是如何实现中国本土化的呢?本文就是在市场营销相关理论的基础上,通过对沃尔玛在中国的研究找出沃尔玛市场细分、市场定位、产品策略、渠道管理、促销策略和宣传策略中的优势。关键词:沃尔玛,营销策略,中国Table of Conte

9、ntsI. ForewordRetail is refers to a kind of industry that provides the required goods and related services to the final consumer (including individual and social group). It is one of the oldest industries of a country. It is also one of the most important industry of a country, and it is also a baro

10、meter of a countrys economic operation situation. Retail format refers that the retail enterprises in form of different kinds of business to meet different consumers demand. The classification of retailing forms is mainly based on retails location, size, target customers, product structure, faciliti

11、es, mode of operation of the shop, and the service function, etc. The development of the retail industry can be traced back to the birth of the department stores in the mid Nineteenth Century. It is also known as the first retail revolution, has been 150 years of history. In the meantime, retail tra

12、de has remained constant innovation, emerging retail organizational forms appear. From the view of the world, traditional department stores are gradually lost its glory, and chain supermarkets and malls and other formats are really starting to occupy dominate position. At present, there have been mo

13、re than 50 retail enterprises into the world 500 strong”, and mainly of them are supermarket and hypermarket chains etc.Western developed countrys retail industry is developing and reforming for many years, the traditional retail model is facing more and more challenges, and it is replaced by chain

14、operation mode, especially international chain business is becoming the dominant mode of operation rapidly. As the current world retail top retailers, such as USA WAL-MART, Carrefour of France, ROYALAHOLD supermarkets in Holland, Germanys metro, Japans Ito-Yokado, without exception, all of them are

15、to rely on chain operation mode developing rapidly, and become the international retails leader. large-scale retail enterprises with the development model of chain business are mainly rely on its unique brand advantage and advanced management mode to attract some small retail enterprises join them,

16、achieving the integration and reorganization of the commercial resources rapidly, to enhance their competitiveness and the ability to resist risks. Looking at the development of the retail industry in recent years, we can see a clear trend is the controlling ability of retail business to market is enhanced slightly. And the most popular ways of shopping, such as e-commerce, online shoppin

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