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1、机械机器人外文文献英文文献墙壁清理器可实现角落清理的移动装置的方案WallWalker: Proposal of LocomotionMechanism Cleaning Evenat the CornerT. Miyakel 2 and H. Ishiharal1Kagawa Univ. Japa n2MIRAIKIKAI Inc., Japa nAbstract. The purpose of this research is to develop the win dow clea ning robot forclea ning a sin gle large win dowpa ne s

2、uch as a show win dow. It requires the follow in gdema nds to apply the wi ndow clea ning robot for the practical use:1.Clea n the corner of win dow because fouli ng is left there ofte n.2.Sweep the win dowpa ne continu ously to preve nt making striped patter ns on awin dowpa ne.The keys of mecha ni

3、 sms are the rotatability of the mobile part around the otherparts and the con ti nu ous locomoti on in order to achieve the above poin ts. The formere nables the robot to cha nge the directi on with keep ing its positi on and attitude at the corner of win dow. The latter is n ecessary for preve nti

4、 ng leav ing the striped patter non a win dowpa ne. We desig ned the con ti nu ous moti on using two-wheel locomoti on with adheri ng on the win dowpa ne using a suct ion cup.The size of prototype is about 300mm x 300mm x 100mm and its weight isabout 2 kg without batteries. As the results of basic e

5、xperime nts of the prototype ona vertical smooth wi ndow glass, traveli ng velocity of going up direct ion was 0.08 m/s, one of going dow n direct ion was 0.14 m/s and horiz on tal direct ion was 0.11 m/s.In this paper the 1st chapter men ti ons backgro und and objectives of this research,a nd also

6、in troduces the con cept of WallWalker. The 2nd chapter discussesthe adheri ng and movi ng mecha ni sm. The 3rd chapter illustrates its basic properties based on the experime nts. Fin ally, problems and future works are discussed in the4th chapter. 1 In troduct ionRece ntly, we have had many request

7、s for the automatic clea ning of outsidesurface of build in gs. Some customized wi ndow clea ning machi nes have alreadybee n in stalled into the practical use in the field of buildi ng maintenan ce.However, almost of them are moun ted on the build ing from the beg inning and they n eeds very expe n

8、sive costs. Therefore, requireme nts for small, lightweight and portable win dow clea ning robot are also grow ing in the field of buildi ng maintenan ce.As the results of survey ing the requireme nts for the win dow clea ning robotby the field research with the clea ning compa ni es, the followi ng

9、 poi nts aren ecessary for provid ing the win dow clea ning robot for practical use:1.It should be small size and lightweight for carried by one pers on to everywhere.2.Clea n the corner of win dow because fouli ng is left there ofte n.3.Sweep the win dowpa ne continu ously to preve nt making stripe

10、d patter n ona win dowpa ne.The locomotio n mecha nism must be chose n to satisfy these dema nds, especially later two subjects. Here locomoti on mecha nism means the comb in ati onof adheri ng mecha ni sm, traveli ng mecha nism and a mecha nism for cha nginga traveli ng direct ion.Various researche

11、s of locomoti on mecha ni sms on wall climb ing robots have bee n reported 1 -5. However they do not adapt to above three points completely.For example, climb ing robot by legged-wall walk ing can not realizethe con ti nu ous moveme nt, and also its turn-ability is low 6.We focused on the applicatio

12、 n of the win dow clea ning robot on a sin glew in dowpa ne. It is appare ntly n ecessary to cross over the win dow frame orjo in t li ne to use it at any win dow, but the sin gle win dowpa nes like as a showw in dow also exist as an importa nt applicati on.Accordi ng to such con siderati ons, we ad

13、opted the two-wheel locomoti on mecha nism with adheri ng by a suct ion cup. This paper main ly deals with this mecha nism and fun cti ons specialized in clea ning the corner of win dow.First requireme nt brought the follow ing specificati ons for desig ning thew in dow clea ning robot.-Weight: 5 kg

14、, in cludi ng the weight of battery and wash ing water,-Size: 300mm x 300mm X100 mm.These are also defi ned by the results of survey ing the dema nds from theclea ning compa ni es.This paper proposes the small, light and portable win dow clea ning robot n amed WallWalker, which are desig ned to sati

15、sfy the market dema nds as men ti oned above. Figure 1 is the ren deri ng at a sce ne of practical use of WallWalker. The WallWalker is adheri ng on a win dowpa ne and clea ning as moving on large win dows.This paper discusses the effective ness of proposed locomoti on mecha ni sm. The 2nd chapter d

16、iscusses the locomoti on mecha ni sms and illustrates the prototype for testi ng the proposed locomotio n mecha ni sm. The 3rd chapter illustrates its basic properties based on the experime nts.Fig. 1. Small-size wi ndow clea ning robot on a wi ndow2Locomotio n Mecha nismVarious researches of locomoti on mecha ni sms on the win dow clea ning robots have bee n reported. However they do not meet our specificati ons defi ned based on

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