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高中英语 Module1 Small Talk阅读训练2外研版选修6.docx

1、高中英语 Module1 Small Talk阅读训练2外研版选修6Module1 Small Talk阅读训练(2)阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。【2014山东省实验中学一模】Depression (抑郁症) is a serious problem today.Depression causes workers to be unproductive,causing companies and countries to lose billions of dollars.One expert says that depression is l

2、ike cancer because it is “widespread,costly and deadly”Depression hits one person in five around the world.Although people have believed depression to be a problem among the rich and educated,studies show that depression is a problem among everyone.Over any sixmonth period,between five to seven perc

3、ent of the worlds population will be suffering from a serious depression.Suicide rates among people suffering from the disease in its extreme,or clinical form were 80 percent higher than in the population at large,and sufferers were four times more likely to have heart attacks.People who suffer from

4、 depression often have problems sleeping,getting up on time,and doing work productively.Depression,which researchers agree has its origin in the genes,brings loss of confidence and ability to concentratemaking it impossible for employees and managers to work efficiently.Depression is made more serio

5、us in China by Chineses inability to face it.Many people believe that depressed people are either weak or lazy.Besides,there is no good treatment,with few specialists available.“Most patients in China just dont get help,”a Chinese doctor says.“In my hospital,I have to see 30 or 40 patients in a morn

6、ing,just have time to say Hello,how do you feel?”In Western countries,people are not afraid to admit that they have depression,but most do not tell it to their boss,because they fear that they will be stricken_off_the_rolls.“In my experience,aging bosses are the most willing to admit they have it.Be

7、cause they feel the most secure about themselves,” an American doctor says.Hopefully,in the near future,people around the world will be able to admit that they have depression so that they can get the right treatment.1Which of the following is true according to the passage?AIt is widely believed tha

8、t everyone may suffer from depression.BDepression brings great problems to its sufferers in their life and work.CDepression is a commonlyexisting problem only in rich countries.DThe poorer and the less educated a person is,the less he will suffer from depression.2Compared to normal people,the depres

9、sed people are likely to be_.Avery unconfident and often absentmindedBeasy to avoid being hit by heart attacksCworking efficiently and productivelyDeither weak or lazy3Depression becomes more serious in China because of_.Athe understanding of the problemBthe lack of treatment and doctorsCtheir unwil

10、lingness to tell it to their bossDthe doctors careless work4What can we infer from the passage?APeople are suffering from depression because of the shortage of specialists.BThe aging bosses around the world dare to say they are depressed.CMore and more patients will turn to specialists for help.DWes

11、tern people are braver than Chinese people.5What does the underlined words in the 5th paragraph mean?AHired. BDismissed.CPromoted. DRecommended.语篇解读本文是一篇科普类说明文。抑郁症已经成为威胁人们正常生活和工作的一个重要的疾病形式,人们应正确地面对抑郁症。1解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“People who suffer from depression often have problems sleeping,getting up on

12、time,and doing work productively.”可知,答案B符合文意。答案:B2解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段“.brings loss of confidence and ability to concentratemaking it impossible for.”可知,答案A符合文意。答案:A3解析:细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句和第三句“Besides,there is no good treatment,with few specialists available.”可知,抑郁症在中国更严重一方面是因为人们不能正视这个事实,另一方面是由于缺少专家和较好的治疗。

13、答案:B4解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Hopefully,in the near future,people around the world will be able to admit that they have depression so that they can get the right treatment.”可推知,将会有越来越多的人向专家求助,故答案C正确。答案:C5解析:词义猜测题。根据对文章第三段的整体理解可以推知,员工一旦把自己抑郁的情况告诉老板,老板有可能会由于抑郁能使人没有自信或不能够集中工作而辞退员工。故stricken off the rolls与dism

14、issed的意思最为接近。答案:B。阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2014威海高考模拟)A dentists office may not be everyones idea of a perfect holiday destination.But a growing number of Europeans are travelling abroad for medical treatment to save money,or maybe to combine a visit to the doctor with some sightsee

15、ing,creating a potential but fastgrowing market for traditional tour operators.“It was simply cheaper for me to go to a dentist in Hungary,” said a 42yearold physical therapist from Berlin.He chose the clinic near Budapest from an Internet advertisement,attracted by hundreds of euros in savings comp

16、ared with the same treatment in Germany.He was happy to find when he got there that the clinic was clean,the staff qualified and the work thorough.People travel abroad for medical treatment for various reasons:its cheaper,they face a long wait at home,or the treatment they want is not available in t

17、heir own country.The Britishbased Medical Tourist Company refers about 100 patients a year to hospitals in India for treatments.And Chief Executive Premhar Shah reports rapid growth in demand from customers in Africa,where it can be harder to find wellequipped medical facilities for complex surgerie

18、s.Some patients who have immigrated may prefer to return to be close to their families when they undergo surgery.“People will want to take the opportunity to seek treatment in places where they have relatives who might be able to look after them.Im seeing that especially with younger people from eas

19、tern Europe,” said a professor at the University of Oxford.For some,there is the attraction of free treatment abroad.British lawmakers have called for tighter checks on patients arriving for treatment,out of concerns that foreign citizens are travelling to Britain to take advantage of the free servi

20、ce.The global medical tourism market is believed to be worth $40 billion to $60 billion and growing at about 20 percent per year.1The 42yearold physical therapist was satisfied with_in Hungary.Athe price instead of the service Bthe service instead of the priceCboth the price and the service Dneither

21、 the price nor the service2How many reasons are mentioned to explain why people go abroad for medical treatment?AFour. BFive.CSix. DSeven.3According to the article,_for medical treatment.Amore Africans want to travel abroadBmore Europeans want to travel to AfricaCmore Britons want to travel to India

22、Dno one would come to Great Britain4Young people from eastern Europe return to their mother countries for surgery in order to_.Aget cheaper medical service Bbe looked after by relativesChave better medical treatment Denjoy free medical treatment5What does the article mainly talk about?AOverseas sigh

23、tseeing. BHospital treatment.CMedical tourism. DTravelers health problems.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章对发展潜力巨大的“医疗旅游业(medical tourism)”进行了简要介绍。1解析:细节理解题。根据第二段内容特别是第二段第一句“It was simply cheaper for Hungary”和最后一句“He was happy.the clinic was clean,the staff qualified and the work through.”可知,他对匈牙利医院的收费和服务都相当满意。

24、答案:C2解析:细节理解题。根据第二至五段内容可知,吸引人们去国外就医涉及以下五方面的原因:收费低,甚至免费、医疗设施健全、医生资质高、等候时间短、环境干净。答案:B3解析:推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“.in Africa,where it can be harder to find wellequipped medical facilities for complex surgeries.”可知,在非洲很难找到做复杂手术的精良设备。因此推知,将会有更多的人去国外就医。答案:A4解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一、二句“Some patients.prefer to return to be

25、 close to their able to look after them.”可知,答案选B。答案:B5解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文就“医疗旅游”进行了介绍说明。答案:C 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。【山东省泰安市2014第一轮质检试题】A Nelson Mandela was a figure of international fame,and many details of his life and career were public knowledgeBut here are some things you

26、may not have known about him In his youth,Mandela enjoyed boxingEven during the 27 years he spent in prison,he would exercise every morning“I did not enjoy the violence of boxing so much as the science of itBoxing is equalI never did any real fighting after I entered politicsMy main interest was in

27、training,”he wrote in his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom Among the memorabilia in the Mandela Family Museum in Soweto,visitors call find the world championship belt given to Mandela by American boxer Sugar Ray Leonard. Rolihlahla Mandela was nine years old when a teacher at the primary Methodist

28、 school where he was studying,gave him an English nameNelsonin accordance with the custom to give all school children Christian names Rolihlahla is not a common name in South AfricaIt means“troublemaker”His circumcision name was Dalibunga,meaning“founder of the Bunga” However,in South Africa,Mr Mand

29、ela was often called by his clan(宗族)nameMadibawhich South Africans used out of respect After going underground because of his ANC activities,Mr Mandelas ability to evade(躲避)the securities services earned him the nickname“the black Pimpernel”,after the novel The Scarlet Pimpernel,about a hero with a

30、secret identityA fake(伪造的)passport in the name of David Motsamayi was used by Mr Mandela.He had disguised himself as a driver,a gardener and a chef in order to travel around the country unnoticed by the authoritiesMr Mandela studied law on and off for 50 years from 1939,failing about half the course

31、she tookIn August 1952,he and Oliver Tambo established South Africas first black law firm,Mandela and Tambo,in JohannesburgHe persevered to finally secure a law degree while in prison in 1989 41Why did Nelson Mandela become a boxing fan?AHe enjoyed the violence of boxing BHe wanted to take the championshipCHe desired to enjoy the training DHe hoped to find a better job42Which of the following is true of Mandelas name?AHis original name was not NelsonBHis parents gave him the nameNelsonCRolihlahla is a popular name in South AfricaDMadiba was his Christian name43

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