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Module 12 Save our world导学案 教师版.docx

1、Module 12 Save our world导学案 教师版Module 12 Save our worldUnit 1学习目标一、掌握本单元pollute ,recycle,hopeless ,such as等单词和短语。(重点)二、掌握并灵活运用下列句子:(重点)1. Pollution is our great enemy , and we have to fight it .2. Its no use talking about things we cant do.3. Nice idea !三、能听懂有关环保的日常对话,获取正确信息,并能自如地谈论环保等相关话题。自主预习根据句意及

2、汉语提示完成单词。1. I feel it is our duty not to pollute (污染)our environment.2. He refused to have dinner with his old enemy / enemies(敌人).3. We have found oil (石油)under the North Sea.4. The success of the crop (庄稼)depends on the weather.5.A cat killed (弄死)my bird yesterday。课堂导学1.Its no use talking about th

3、ings we cant do.谈论我们不能做的事情是没有用的。句型1:Its no use doing sth.做某事是没有用的。固定句式Its no use doing sth.意为“做某事是没有用的”。其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是动名词短语。 It is no use telling him not to worry.告诉他不要担心没有用。 It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收即学即练一单项选择It is no use C back to ones lost youth.A. look B. looked C. looking D. to

4、look解析:句意为“回顾流逝的青春是没有用的”,Its no use doing sth.意为“做某事是没有用的”。故选C。2. Such as ?比如?短语1: such as 例如,比如such as,意为“例如,比如”。用来列举同类人或物中的几个例子,as后面不可以有逗号。The farm grows different kinds of crops , such as wheat ,corn , cotton and rice.这个农场种植不同种类的庄稼,例如小麦、玉米、棉花和水稻。辨析:such as与for example的区别(1) such as一般用来列举同类人或物中的几个

5、例子,插在被列举的例子和前面的名词之间,as后没有逗号。He has been to many countries , such as America , Japan and Germany.他去过很多国家,比如美国、日本和德国。(2)for example一般只举同类人或物中的一个例子,作插入语,前后用逗号隔开,置于句首、句中、句末均可。A lot of people here ,for example , Mr John ,wound rather have coffee.这儿的许多人,例如约翰先生,宁愿喝咖啡。即学即练二单项选择In America , parents want thei

6、r children to do something they can. A , they want them to use money wisely.A. For example B. For examplesC. As example D. Such as解析:such as一般用来列举同类人或物中的几个例子, for example一般只举同类人或物中的一个例子。由句意可知,“they want them to use money wisely”是其中的一个例子。故选A。3. That means less waste这意味着更少的浪费。单词1: less 较小的;较少的less作形容词

7、,意为“较小的;较少的”。less是little的比较级,可用来修饰不可数名词。He spent less time doing the experiments.他做实验花的时间较少拓展:less也可修饰形容词或副词,意为“较不;更不”。It is less cold than it was yesterday.今天的天气不如昨天那么冷。辨析:fewer与less的区别词条原级词义用法例句fewerFew更少的修饰可数名词复数There will be fewer trees in the future.将来的树木会更少lesslittle更少的;更小的修饰不可数名词She has less

8、money than me .她的钱比我的少即学即练三单项选择To live a green lift , we should try to save A energy and produce pollution.A. more ; less B. less ; moreC. more ; fewer D. most ; least解析:more是much和many的比较级,意为“更多的”,可用来修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词; less是little的比较级,意为“较小的;较少的”,可用来修饰不可数名词。根据句意“为了过绿色的生活,我们应该节省更多的能源,制造更少的污染”可知选A。4. Tho

9、ugh pollution is heavy now , I dont think its hopeless.尽管现在污染很严重但我认为它不是没有希望。单词2: hopeless无望的hopeless作形容词,由“hope+后缀-less”构成,意为“无望的”。Its hopeless trying to convince her.想说服她简直是徒劳。归纳:常见的加后缀-less构成的形容词-less是形容词后缀,可加在一些名词之后,表示“无,没有”。careless粗心的useless无用的fearless无畏的homeless无家可归的即学即练四根据句意及英语提示完成单词He failed

10、 his job interview again , and he felt really hopeless (with no hope) about the future.Unit 2学习目标一、掌握本单元divide,reuse,use,do with , throw away等单词和短语。(重点)二、能利用构词法理解一些生词的意思。(重点)三、能在写作中用适当的句型提出建议并简要说明理由自主预习新词自测读写单词或短语并熟记看谁记得快。1.瓷器 n. china 2.分开;分隔v. divide 3.塑料n. ;塑料的adj. plastic 4.二手的adj. used 5.扔掉;丢弃n

11、. throw away 6.重说;重新做n. repeat 7.减少;减低v. reduce 8.橡胶n. rubber 9.快速的;迅速的adj. rapid 10.孙女n. granddaughter 课堂导学1. And what do you do with the bottles when they are empty ?当它们空了的时候你如何处理那些瓶子。短语1:do with 对待;处理;应对do with是固定短语,意为“对待;处理;应对”,常与what连用。其同义短语是deal with。What do people do with their old but still

12、useful computers?人们怎样处理他们的旧的但还能用的电脑呢?辨析:do with与deal with的区别(1) do是及物动词,后面可接宾语,因此do with要与可作宾语的疑问代词what连用构成特殊疑问句。(2) deal是不及物动词,因此要与疑问副词how连用构成特殊疑问句I dont know what the do with the problem.= I dont know how they deal with the problem.我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。即学即练一单项选择What are you going to A the money you have

13、 got.A. do with B. doing withC. deals with D. deal with解析:be going to 是一般将来时的结构, to后面应接动词原形,因此排除B、C两项。Do with与what搭配使用,而deal with常与how搭配使用,因为该题干中是what, 所以只能用do with。故选A。2. Do you divide the waste into things to recycle and things to throw away ?你将废物分成要回收的和需丢弃的两类吗。单词1: divide 分开分隔divide是动词,意为“分开;分隔”,

14、是指把一个整体分成若干部分。常用短语divideinto,意为“把分成”。Please divide the apple into four pieces.请把这个苹果分成四块辨析:divide与separate的区别(1) divide指把整体划分为若干部分,被分开的对象在一定的条件下具有一定的统一性。Lets divide ourselves into several groups.我们分成几个小组吧(2) separate,意为“分离;隔离”,常与form连用,表示“把从分离”,指把原来连在一起或靠近的各个部分分隔开来,被分隔的对象没有任何统一性。Will wants to separa

15、te his music career from his movie career.威尔想把自己的音乐事业和电影事业分开。短语2:throw away 扔掉;丢弃throw away是动副短语,意为“扔掉;丢弃”,后接代词作宾语时,代词须放在短语中间。We have to throw away some things because they are bad to us.我们不得不丢弃一些东西,因为它们对我们是有害的。Remember to throw it away .记得把它扔掉即学即练二一、单项选择You can C the cake then pieces.A. divided ; i

16、nto B. be divided ; intoC. divide ; into D. be divide ; into解析:句意为“你能把这块蛋糕分10成份”。Divideinto意为“把分成”,题干中的主语you是divide这一动作的执行者,故应用主动语态,can后接动词原形。故选C。二、根据汉语意思完成句子不要到处乱扔垃圾。 Dont throw away garbage everywhere.3. We all need a healthy environment , but we produce waste every day, and ti is harmful to our e

17、nvironment. 我们都需要一个健康的环境,但我们每天都在制造垃圾,垃圾对我们的环境有害。短语3: be harmful to对有害be harmful to,意为“对有害”,to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词,相当于 do harm to 。其反义短语为be good for,意为“对有好处”。Watching TV too much is harmful to /does harm to your eyes.看电视太多对你的眼睛有害。即学即练三根据汉语意思完成句子被污染的水对鱼类有害。Polluted water is harmful to fish.4.Recycle means

18、“change things into something else to be reused”.再循环是指“把某些东西变成其他东西来再次使用”。短语4:changeinto把变成,使变为changeinto,意为“把变成,使变为”,相当于turninto。change是动词,意为“改变”。People are changing desert into green fields.人们正在把沙漠变成绿地The magician changed the pen into a book.这个魔术师将这支钢笔变为一本书。即学即练四根据汉语意思完成句子这种新款面包机可以将大米变成可口的面包。The ne

19、w bread-making machine can change/turn rice into delicious bread.Unit 3学习目标一、掌握前缀、后缀构词法。(重点)二、根据本单元学到的知识和自身的体会写一篇与节约能源、保护环境相关的文章。自主预习用所给词的适当形式填空1. Be careful (care) not to fall off the ladder.2. I received an unusual (usual) present from my aunt. She gave me a surprise.3. Dont throw boxes ,bags , an

20、d other things away because you can reuse (use) them.4. It is impossible (possible) not to make mistakes.课堂导学It was impossible to clean up the whole river in such a short time.在这么短的时间内把整条河清理干净是不可能的。短语1:clean up 弄干净;清理clean up是固定短语,意为“弄干净;清理”。clean up是“动词+副词”结构的短语,后接代词作宾语时,代词须放clean 在up与之间。Lucy , you

21、 put your school things everywhere . Please clean them up .露西,你到处乱放学习用品。请把它们收拾干净。即学即练单项选择Your bedroom is too dirty . Please A .A. clean it up B. clean up it C. clean-up it D. have clean解析:句意为“你的卧室太脏了。请你把它打扫干净”。Clean up意为“弄干净;清理”,后接代词作宾语时,代词须放在clean与up之间。所以选A。语法规律总结构词法一、合成词1.名词+名词volley +ball = volle

22、yball(排球)sun + light =sunlight(阳光)2.动词+名词play + ground =playground(操场)pick + pocket = pickpocket(扒手)3.形容词+名词short + hand = shorthand(速记)loud + speaker = loudspeaker(扬声器)4.介词+名词over + coat = overcoat (大衣)after + noon =afternoon(午后)5.副词+名词out + side = outside(外面)down + stairs = downstairs (楼下)6.动名词+名词

23、waiting + room = waiting-room(等候室)sleeping + pill = sleeping-pill(安眠药)二、派生词1动词名词(加-or /- er /-ing /-ess / -tion)visit(参观) visitor(参观者)read(读) reader(读者)build(建造) building(建筑物)host(主持) hostess(女主持人)educate(教育) education(教育)2.名词形容词(加-ful /-less /-en /-ly /-ous /-y)hope(希望) hopeful(充满希望的)home(家) homele

24、ss(无家可归的)gold(金子) golden(金色的)danger(危险) dangerous(危险的)wind(风) windy(有风的)三、转化1.动词名词rest(休息) rest(休息时间)run(跑) run(奔跑)2.名词动词boat(船) boat(划船)cook(厨师) cook(烹调)3.形容词动词slow(缓慢的) slow(减慢)narrow(狭窄的) narrow(使变窄用)即学即练所给词的适当形式填空1. The boy was homeless (home), so we took him in.2. There are friendly (friend) relations between them.

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