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1、环境保护保证书環境保護保證書身為MASTER MASCOT LIMITED供應商之一,茲保證本公司所供應之零件、元件、材料及成品,符合後附供應商保證卡(Vendor Warranty Card)之環保標準。本公司同時保證已確實了解供應商保證卡(Vendor Warranty Card)所載事項與標準,如因違反本保證責任而致龍駿國際科技股份有限公司所受之損害與所為之相關費用支出(包含但不限於律師費用、訴訟費用、通訊費用、和解費用及和解金)與自支出時之利息,概由本公司負責。本公司並且同意因本保證書或與本保證書相關事宜有所爭議時,雙方宜友好協商,取得協議,如協商未成時,雙方同意於中華民國台灣省台北市

2、聲請仲裁,並以中華民國法律為準據法。本保證書並另由台灣之 公司為連帶保證,並放棄先訴抗辯權。立保證書人公司名稱: 代 表 人: 地 址: 簽約日期: 連帶保證人公司名稱: 代 表 人: 地 址: 簽約日期: 以上業由MASTER MASCOT LIMITED 知悉並同意 MASTER MASCOT LIMITED 代表人:Hirofumi Chen地 址:Portcullis TrustNet Chambers, P.O.Box 1225,Apia,Samoa. 日 期:Vendor Warranty-Card (供應商保證卡)General product content requireme

3、nt (產品環保要求)No.ItemDescriptionConformity1Asbestos restrictions石綿Asbestos must not be present in parts, components, materials or products.零件、元件、材料以及成品不得含有石綿。 Y N N/A2Cadmium restrictions鎘Cadmium and its compounds must not be present in parts, components, materials or products.零件、元件、材料以及成品不得含有鎘及其化合物Cad

4、mium and its compounds must not used as stabilizers, coloring agent or as a surface coating treatment in parts, components, materials or products. 鎘不得作為安定劑、色料或表面批覆處理用添加劑。 Y N N/A3Chlorinated Hydrocarbon碳氫氯化物The chlorinated hydrocarbon listed in Attachment 1 must not be contained in any parts, compon

5、ents, materials or products in concentrations greater than or equal to 0.1% by weight. 零件、元件、材料或成品其所含如附件1所列之碳氫氯化物,不得大於或等於0.1%重量比。 Y N N/A4Chlorinated Paraffins Restrictions 石臘氯化物 Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins(SCCP), CAS number 63449-39-8, in concentration greater than or equal to 0.1% must not b

6、e used or contained in :1) any softeners in paints, coatings and sealings, 2) oils, or 3) flame-retardants in rubber, plastic and textiles. 任何塗料、鍍層及封膠, 油脂, 橡膠、塑膠及紡織物的阻燃劑,其所含短鏈石臘氯化物之濃度不得大於或等於0.1%Chloroparaffins with chain length 10-13 C atoms, chlorine content 50% by weight must not be present in par

7、ts, components, materials or products.零件、元件、材料以及成品不得含有碳鏈長度在10-13,氯含量大於50%重量比之石臘氯化物 Y N N/A5Halogenated Diphenyl Methanes 二苯基甲烷之鹵化物monomethyltetrachlorodiphenylmethane(CAS# 76253-60-6)monomethyldichlorodiphenylmethane(CAS# 81161-70-8)and monomethyldibromodiphenylmethane(CAS# 99788-47-8)must not be pr

8、esent in parts, components, materials, or products. 零件、元件、材料以及成品不得含有單甲基四氯二苯基甲烷、單甲基二氯二苯基甲烷及單甲基二溴二苯基甲烷 Y N N/A6Lead restrictions鉛Lead and/or lead compounds shall not be present in hardware components or parts, however, except solder, electrical components and interconnect materials. 除了焊料、電子元件及連結間材料外,硬

9、體元件或零件不得含有鉛及/或鉛化合物Lead carbonates and sulfates must not be used in any paint applied to parts, component, or products. 使用於零件、元件、材料以及成品上之任何漆類,不可含有鉛的碳酸化合物及硫化物 Y N( N/A Signature:No.ItemDescriptionConformity7Mercury restrictions水銀Mercury must not be contained in any part, material, component or product

10、, including, but not limited to switches, relays or electrical contacts. This restriction does not apply to lamps with less than 10 mg of mercury. 水銀不得存在於任何零件、元件、材料或成品,包含但不限於電氣開關,繼電器,或電氣接點。此項限制不適用於低於10mg水銀含量之燈具。( Y ( N( N/A8Hexavalent chromium (chromium VI) and hexavalent chromium compounds六價鉻及其化合物H

11、exavalent chromium (chromium VI) and hexavalent chromium compounds must not be present in parts, components, materials or products. 零件、元件、材料以及成品不得含有六價鉻及其化合物( Y ( N( N/A9Arsenic and arsenic compounds砷及其化合物Arsenic and arsenic compounds shall not be present in paints, plastics, preservatives漆、塑膠、防腐劑不得含

12、有砷及其化合物( Y ( N( N/A10Azo-based dyes and colorants with carcinogenic amino compounds含氨基化合物之偶氮基染料及著色劑(可致癌)The Azo-based dyes and colorants with carcinogenic amino compounds listed in attachment 2 must not be used in the manufacture process of any parts, components, materials or products. 零件、元件、材料以及成品不

13、得使用如附件2所列之含氨基化合物之偶氮基染料及著色劑。( Y ( N( N/A11Brominated dioxins/furans, 溴化戴奧辛/夫喃Chlorinated dioxins/furans氯化戴奧辛/夫喃Brominated dioxins/furans, Chlorinated dioxins/furans must not be present in parts, components, materials or products. 零件、元件、材料以及成品不得含有溴(氯)化戴奧辛/夫喃( Y ( N( N/A12Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and co

14、mpounds, 五氯酚及化合物Creosotes (tar oils)木餾油Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and compounds, Creosotes must not be present in parts, components, materials or products. 零件、元件、材料以及成品不得含有五氯酚及化合物/木餾油( Y ( N( N/A13Radioactive materials放射性物質零件、元件、材料以及成品不得含有放射性物質( Y ( N( N/A14Tin (organic compounds)錫(有機化合物)Tin (organic c

15、ompounds) shall not be present in Paints, dyes, colorants漆、染料、著色劑不得含有砷及其化合物( Y ( N( N/A15Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) restrictions臭氧消耗物質The ODS substances listed in attachment 3 must not be used in the manufacture process of any parts, components, materials or products. 零件、元件、材料以及成品,其製造過程中不得使用如附件3所列之臭氧消耗物質。( Y ( N( N/AThe ODS substances listed in attachment4 must not be contained in any Parts, components, materials and products零件、元件、材料以及成品不得含有如附件4所列之臭氧消耗物質。( Y ( N( N/A16Polybr

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