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奥利弗 斯通812在日本广岛的演讲全文.docx

1、奥利弗 斯通812在日本广岛的演讲全文奥利弗 斯通8.12在日本广岛的演讲全文Thank you to all of you being here, and Im very pleased to have said that this is my first time in Hiroshima (广岛),and I expresses very strong emotions these last two-three days, especially this morning watching the ceremony in the park, I think many of you were

2、 there. I think it was a very well done ceremony and I think the best of the Japanese spirits, the best of the Japanese consciousness was evident today. But as with the much of the Japanese character for what I can tell, there was also much hypocrisy(虚伪) today, there was also much talk of peace, nuc

3、lear abolition, and people like primeminister (Shinzo) Abe(安倍晋三) would say these words, but I did not believe him. And I dont think those of you who know better, who know history would disagree with me.感谢各位!很荣幸来到这里。我十分高兴地说,这是我第一次来到广岛。在过去的两三天中,我内心翻涌着强烈的情感,尤其是今早在公园观看纪念仪式。我想在座许多人都参加了。我认为这场仪式很有水准,日本人最优秀

4、的精神及觉悟在今天得到了体现。但据我对日本人性格的了解,今天的仪式同样反射出其虚伪的一面。有不少人谈到和平与废除核武器,安倍首相等人就此发表了讲话,但我却不相信他!凡是了解历史的人也都不会认同他!I am sixty-seven years old. And Peter and I wrote, we wrote about seventy years of American Empire. The biggest losers, two biggest nations defeated by in world war two were Germany and Japan. Look at t

5、hem side by side, and think about that, because in Germany we see a country that laterly turned inward and exam itself and feel very guilty about what had happened and what they did to militarize(军国化) the wars. They apologized and more importantly, they became a moral force in Europe,for peace, a re

6、al moral force. Around the ninety sixty or seventys, they lobbied and protested the road with anti-nuclear. They were never with militarize to the degree the American forces want them to. And when Iraq war erupted around 2003, under the Germany Schroder, Gerhard Schroder, they said no to the Iraq wa

7、r. France, Germany and Russia said no to George Bush.我今年67岁,彼得和我撰写了美利坚帝国约七十年的历史。在二战中最大的两个战败国是德国和日本。对这两个国家进行比较、考虑一下,因为我们看到德国从本质上发生了变化他们进行了自省,并对发生的事实以及自己发动军事化战争的行为感到十分愧疚,他们做出了道歉,更重要的是他们成为了欧洲提倡和平的道德力量,真正的道德力量!在20世纪六七十年代他们进行了游说和抗议,并一直反对核武器,他们不肯实行美国军队希望其达到的军事化程度。2003年伊拉克战争爆发,当时的德国总理是格哈德施罗德,他们反对伊拉克战争,法国、德

8、国和俄罗斯对乔治布什说“不”!But when I look at Japan since World War two, I see, I see great culture union. From my point of view, I see great movies, I see great music, great food. But I do not see one! One politician! One prime minister that he stood out for anything, for peace, for moral, integrity(正直), not o

9、ne! The only one that I even remember is the one that Obama got rid of recently, because the prime minister opposed the new policy in Okinawa(冲绳)。但当我审视二战以来的日本,我看到了优秀的文化,依我所见,我看了精彩的电影,还有动听的音乐,美味的食物。但我却没有看到一位政客,没有一位首相为任何事挺身而出!无论是为了和平、道德,还是正直,根本没人出头!我唯一记得有所作为的一位还是最近被奥巴马赶下台的那位首相,因为他反对冲绳的新政策。 I think my

10、question is to you, my question to you iswhy. Why? Germany horrible experience, but what they did, what they mean? They mean, they still a peace keeping force in the world. Japan? No! Youre simply a satellite state a clinging (附属的) state of the United States. You have great economy, great work ethic

11、, but you dont stand for anything!我的问题是向你们发出的,我想问你们的问题是,为何会这样?!为什么?!为什么?!德国经历了惨痛的教训,他们是怎么做的?这样又意味着什么?在我看来,他们仍是维护世界和平的力量。而日本呢?!不是!你们就是一个美国的一个附属国家。你们有着强大的经济实力,良好的职业道德,但却没有任何主张!When I left Vietnam in 1968 as a soldier, and even I thought this was over. I thought we were in a new era, a new age. The Uni

12、ted States was finished with its Asian preoccupation. I thought so. But lo and behold(你瞧),after disastrous wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, and frankly Kuwait, after these middle East adventures, the United States is back in Asia, with Obamas 野心 to Asia. This policy is not about North Korea, thats camo

13、uflage(掩饰,幌子) . Thats nonsense! Its rubbish! Its about China! And its about the containment of China the same way we try to contain the Soviet Union after world war two. The Soviet Union, we infuriated into a monster. China, we are already may built it up into a super power that threatens our super

14、power states. Its a very dangerous situation. 当我1968年以一个士兵的身份离开越南时,我以为这一切都结束了,我们进入了一个新时代,新纪元,美国已经完成了它的亚洲事务,我是这么认为的。但没想到,经过在以下地区的一系列战争和灾难阿富汗、伊拉克以及科威特,还有中东地区的一系列事件后,美国带着奥巴马的野心,再一次回到了亚洲。这项政策针对的并不是朝鲜,这只是个幌子,纯属胡扯!这针对的是中国!这是想炮制二战之后美国遏制苏联政策来遏制中国。美国曾将苏联激怒成一头猛兽,而美国已经把中国塑造成一个能够威胁到我们超级大国地位的超级大国,这是一种极其危险的处境!Oba

15、ma is a snake, he talks soft, but hes ruthless. His major allies, he sold 12 billion dollars worth of arms to Taiwan. Hes resupplying Japan with steel fighters. Japan as the forth largest military in the world, no one admits that. You call yourselves the self-defense force fire. Youre the forth larg

16、est military in the world. Greater, greater than China. The US is your full conspirator. Youre some of the best buyer. We make you not just pay for the weapons we sell you, then we make you pay for the wars we fire, we make you pay for Kuwait, we make you pay as much as you could, for your involves in Iraq.奥巴马是一条“蛇”!发表温和的言论,却做着残酷的事。他向主要盟友台湾出售了价值120亿的军火,向日本补充提供歼击机,作为全球第四大军事力量的日本也承认了此事。你们称自己的军队为自卫队,可你们是全球第四大军事大国,仅次于英国和中国之后,美国是你们最大的同谋!你们是最好的买家,我们

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