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1、英语地震慰问信英语地震慰问信篇一:a letter of condolence 地震慰问信 1 中国四川汶川大地震灾害 严重, 已造成500多万人无家可归。请你 代表 我校写一封 慰问信 向 灾区人民 表示 关怀和慰问。1. 简要描述灾区的情况2. 对灾区人民 表示 关怀 和 慰问3. 表达 灾后重建家园 的信心 dear victims,the earthquake which happened two weeks ago in sichuan province is an enormous disaster for our whole nation. it has caused both

2、financial and life loss. until now, fifty thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and much more injured seriously. five million peoplehave no homes to return as the majority of the buildings werecollapsed we are sorry about this accident. its a pity that many children losttheir parent

3、s and many couples lost their lovers. i could not help butcry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster. our whole nation is a big family, every member would like to give ahelping hand to the people who suffered from the earthquake. we must show our warm-heartedness and ma

4、ke donations to the stricken area so that their broken heart can be warmed. a series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened. ibelieve the stricken area will soon be restored with the soldiers and other warm-hearted peoples help. the future will be bright, cheerup! yours sincerely zz

5、ia - - 地震慰问信2 dear victims,a week ago, i was shocked at the news about the earthquake inwenchuan. and im very sorry to hear that this earthquake was the greatest disaster after 1949. and there are 40075 people who are founddead in the disaster till now and there have been more than 500 million peopl

6、e who are homeless. the floor was ripped through, manyblocks and houses were seriously damaged, and even were as flat as a pancake. im deeply moved by the volunteers and the international rescue teamsvictims and survivors with our warm heart. moreover, we contribute a large amount of money to you. a

7、nd our school will try our best to helpyou.last but not the least, i hope we all have the confidence to rebuildyour home after the disaster. only we have the perseverance can we defeat the natural disaster.good luck and best wishes to you! yours sincerely zzia - - 地震慰问信3 dear victims,on the 12 of ma

8、y in 20XX, an incredible and unknown earthquake suddenly happened in wenchuan, sichuan province. almost half of china was affected. it was a huge calamity to chinese people.until now, there are nearly 50 thousand people who died in this earthquake and more people injured. many people lost their rela

9、tives and fell into the deep sorrow. and they also lost their homes and hometowns. a large number of buildings were damaged. whats more, many children and students lost their lives because of the collapse ofschools. and their parents who suffer from this big calamity cantaccept the fact until now. a

10、ll of the chinese people begin to act and do everything they can whenthey hear the news. almost every one of us contributes a great number of money and goods which people in sichuan need. as students, we dont have enough money to donate, but we should do all that we could do. whats more important, w

11、e consider that we can help sichuan peoplerebuilt and their home and live happily.yours sincerely zzia 注明:june 6, 20XXdear mrs. corbin,i was so sorry to learn of your illness. you must hurry and get well!everybodyin the neighborhood misses you, and were all hoping youll be back soon. mr. burke joins

12、 me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery. sincerely yours,mary burke译文亲爱的科宾夫人:听说您病了,我非常难过。您一定要尽快地恢复健康,因为邻居们都很想念您,大家都希望您早日出院归来。伯克先生和我共祝您很快康复。您真挚的玛*伯克20XX年6月6日-3. 慰问受伤的人(to those who have been injured)写给受伤的人的慰问信要尽量简短、中肯。信中不必查问事故是怎么发生的,是谁的过错,或有无见证人;而应表达你听到友人受伤后的难过心情,以及希望他不久就能痊愈等等。换言之,你关心的不是事故

13、的前前后后,而应该是受伤者的身体和恢复情况。june 16, 20XXdear tom,i just cant tell you how sorry i was to learn of your accident. your familytells me that your are progressing nicely, and that youll be out of the hospitalin about ten days, im certainly relieved to know that!in the next day or so youll receive a little pa

14、ckage from margaret and me. ihope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly. with every good wish for your swift recovery. sincerely,译文亲爱的汤姆:知道您受到意外伤害时,我简直难以形容我心中是多么难过。您的家人告诉我,您恢复得很好,再有十天左右的时间就可以出院了。听到这一情况后,我心中感到很宽慰。在一两天内,您会收到玛格丽特和我寄给您的一小包东西,我希望您喜欢它,并希望它能帮助您更愉快地消遣时光。衷心祝愿您尽快

15、地恢复健康!您真诚的鲍勃20XX年6月16日4.慰问蒙受物质损失的人 人们在蒙受损失时,总希望能得到朋友的安慰。这种慰问信一般都比较简短,只表示关心和同情。june 25, 20XXdear mr. thompson,i was extremely sorry to hear of the fire that destroyed your beautiful house.i know well how much that house meant to you and i hasten to offer my sympathy. with best wishes to you both. sincerely yours,smith译文亲爱的汤普森先生:听说火灾毁了您漂亮的住宅,我难过极了。我知道您和夫人是非常喜爱那座房子的。特立即

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