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1、高三英语第一轮单元课时复习题8课时作业(十八)选修模块6Unit 3Understanding each other限时:30分钟.语法填空1Next day was to be the great meeting _ the Russian revolution.Ain spite ofBin celebration ofCin favour of Din place of2We Americans do a lot of business _ lunch,but people here prefer to tell stories.AinBoverCwithinDwithout3The o

2、ld lady requested that the vase _ upstairs quickly.Ashould bring Bbe broughtCbrought Dbring4The professors present at the meeting exchanged a few _ in a low voice when the chairman made a speech.Aremarks BcommentsCopinions Dsuggestions5Ill go now.I wont _ any more of your time.Ahold up Bkeep upCtake

3、 up Dput up6Would you have told him the answer,if possible?Yes.I would have,but I _ very busy.Awas BwereChad been Dwould be7You didnt accept my help.If we _ it together,you _ so tired.Adid;didnt getBdo;wouldnt getCwere doing;wouldntDhad done;wouldnt have got8I am not sure what time Ill arrive,maybe

4、7:30 or 8:00._,Ill be there as early as possible.AAnyway BHoweverCThus DTherefore9Now I have _ over him.I can make him do anything _ I want.Aforce;which Bpower;/Cstrength;that Dcontrol;what10He speaks English well indeed,but of course not_ a native speaker.Aas fluent as Bmore fluent than Cso fluentl

5、y as Dmuch fluently than11He _ his relatives for several years because of being kidnapped.Ahas lost contact toBhas lost contact with Chas been out of contact withDhas been out of contact to 12Jack cant concentrate on his lessons recently.Yes,that might _ why he did so badly in the last test.Aanswer

6、for Bapply for Caccount for Dcall for13They are quiet,arent they?Yes.They are accustomed _ at meals.Ato talk Bto not talk Cto talking Dto not talking14Ill wait for you at the gate of the Music Hall.See to _ that youll get there on time.Ayourself Bit Call Deverything15My camera can be _ to take pictu

7、res in cloudy or sunny conditions.Atreated Badopted Cadjusted Dreminded.完形填空(一)About a year ago I remember getting a call from the school just as I came home after having driven 20 minutes to the school and 20 minutes back. “Mrs. Brown, your son _16_ us to call. He forgot his sports clothes. Can you

8、 come back to the school and drop them off?” I got very _17_ ! I had already spent 40 minutes in the busy weekday morning traffic. I replied, “Sorry, Im working at the moment. Im afraid that my son needs to learn to be _18_ .” Ouch. Yes, it was tough to do so, but I hated it that my son thought my o

9、nly _19_ in life was to always be ready to do what he wanted.So today, about a year later, the school called me again. This time my son got on the phone. “Mom, Im really sorry but I forgot my sports clothes. Would you _20_ if you dropped them off for me?” His _21_ was genuinely sweet and unassuming(

10、谦逊的). I decided to say _22_ . I had some flexibility in my schedule and more importantly, my son had the right _23_ he was not assuming anything. When I arrived at the school and got to the main office, the school secretary _24_ that my son had been very reluctant to call me. While passing the cloth

11、es to my son, I told him that I would _25_ to do that sort of thing_26_ he forgets something, I wont come back to the school to drop it off.Being a good parent requires delivering tough love sometimes because kids need to learn to be _27_ and manage things on their own. If you always do everything t

12、hey want for them, theyll never learn to look after themselves, and probably fail in todays competitive world.16A.forcedBorderedCasked Dwished17A.worried BangryCdisappointed Dnervous18A.educated BadvisedCcriticized Dorganized19A.purpose BpleasureChobby Didea20A.think BhateCmind Dlike21A.appearance B

13、voiceCpersonality ByesCsorry Dhello23A.attitude BlifestyleCapproach Dintention24A.believed BensuredCagreed Dexplained25A.volunteer BhesitateCrefuse Dmanage26A.because BthoughCunless Dif27A.independent BconfidentCthoughtful Dhelpful.阅读简答Many of the problems facing todays world arent new

14、s to us. The environment is in dire need of help because its being damaged, hunger is widespread throughout the world, and workers in third world countries are continuously being exploited. Therefore, individuals across the globe need to band(团结) together for a cause and use their collective efforts to make all the difference in the world.For instance, one person recycling a can or a bottle doesnt seem like much. But if every household in a given city were to recycle and conserve energy, that city could make a huge positive impact on environmental damage. Similarly,

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