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新编英语教程第一册完整版包括READING II.docx

1、新编英语教程第一册完整版包括READING IIUnit 1DIALOGUE IBack from the Summer CampA: You know what? Ive just come back from a wonderful summer camp. B: You have? Where did you go? A: Mount Tai. B: Ive been there too. Its one of Chinas most beautiful mountains. Therere many scenic spots and places of historical inter

2、est. I was greatly impressed by its natural beauty when I took a study tour there two years ago. A: It really is a very beautiful tourist attraction. But we went there as campers, not as tourists. It was a study program organized by our local community committee. B: I bet you had lots of fun there.

3、A: Yes, it was a wonderful experience. You know it was the first time Id been to a summer camp in five years, and it brought back such sweet memories. B: Were there any other camping groups when you were there? A: Not when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. But soon we were joined by many simil

4、ar camping groups from other cities. By the time we arrived at the campsite, night had fallen. And we were so happy to see that the campers who arrived there the day before were giving a performance by the campfire. B: You remind me of my last trip there. I wish I had been there with you this time.

5、What did you do at the summer camp? A: Oh, lots of things. Most of the time we studied plants, rocks, insects. things like that. We also had lots of fun, hiking, climbing mountains, taking pictures. B: I guess you had the life of a natural scientist. A: And the life of an athlete, too. B: I had a si

6、milar experience during the summer two years ago. I remember my summer camp was subdivided into what we called hobby groups, such as the music group, the drama group, and the model aircraft and ship group. People sharing similar interests and hobbies worked together. Were there any hobby groups in y

7、our program? A: Yes, of course. We had a number of hobby groups for campers with varied interests. We called them project groups because each group worked on a particular project. At the completion of their projects, each group presented their fruits to all the campers. Some gave oral reports, some

8、staged an exhibition, and others put on a performance. B: You had a marvelous time this summer! Your story has really brought back happy memories of my own camping experience. DIALOGUE II Dialogue: Sally Jones, an English language teacher from Oxford University, has just arrived at Beijing Airport.

9、She is going to spend three months here, lecturing and teaching at different colleges and universities. Miss Wang, Secretary of the English Department, and Mr. Yu, Vice Chairman of the English Department, have come to the airport to meet her. Miss Wang: Excuse me, are you Miss Jones? Sally: Yes, tha

10、ts right. Miss Wang: Oh, how do you do? Im Wang Xinfu, Secretary of the English Department. Sally: Oh, yes, Miss Wang, hello. Im very pleased to meet you. (They shake hands.) Miss Wang: Miss Jones, may I introduce you to Mr. Yu, Vice Chairman of the English Department? Mr. Yu: Hello, Miss Jones, Ive

11、 been looking forward to meeting you. Sally: How do you do? (They shake hands.) Its very kind of you both to come and meet me at the airport. Miss Wang: Not at all. I hope you had a good flight. Sally: Well, not too bad. It was a bit bumpy as we came in to land; some low clouds, I think. Mr. Yu: Yes

12、, we had a storm here yesterday and the weather is still a bit unsettled. Sally: Oh, dear! I was rather lucky then! Miss Wang: You must be rather tired after your long flight. Sally: Well, yes, I am actually. Ive been travelling for 21 hours! Mr. Yu: In that case, I think we should go straight to th

13、e hotel. Miss Wang: Yes, I agree. This way then, . if youd like to follow me. READING I Herberts Homecoming Herbert Marshall was a student at Cambridge, but his hometown was St. Albans. It was August and the family had gone to the seaside. Herbert went to France for his holiday, but he ran out of mo

14、ney, and came home a week earlier than he had expected to. His train didnt get into St. Albans until just before midnight. The last bus had gone, so he had to walk home. He let himself into the kitchen, and as he was feeling hot and sticky, he took off his shirt to have a wash. Suddenly he heard hea

15、vy footsteps running up the path. The back door burst open, and he found himself surrounded by policemen. They pushed him into the living-room next door, made him sit down, and began asking him question. Whats your name? Where do you live? Whats in that case? What are you doing here? I live here, sa

16、id Herbert, Ive been on holiday. But nobody listened to him. They just went on asking questions. Then suddenly one of the policemen said: Watch him, Frank well go and search the house. They left a tall, very young policeman to guard him. Can I put my shirt on? asked Herbert. No, said the policeman, stay where you are. Then the othe

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