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1、人教版全国通用高考英语阅读理解一轮选练72016高考英语阅读理解一轮选练(7)【2015高考复习】阅读理解 “Ive changed my mind.I wanted to have a telescope,but now I want my dad back.” Lucien Lawrences letter to his father for Christmas written after his father had been knifed to death outside his school gate,must have touched everyones heart.Lucien

2、went on to say that without his father he couldnt see the stars in the sky.When those whom we love depart from us,we cannot see the stars for a while.But Lucien,the stars are still there,and one day,when you are older and your tears have gone,you will see them again.And,in a strange way,I expect tha

3、t you will find your father there,too,in your mind and heart.I find that my parents,who died years ago,still figure in many of my dreams and that I think of them perhaps more than I ever did when they were alive.I still live to please them and Im still surprised by their reactions.I remember that wh

4、en I became a professor,I was so proud,or rather so pleased with myself that I couldnt wait to cable my parents.The reply was a long time in coming,but when it did,all my mother said was “I hope this means that now you will have more time for the children!” I havent forgotten.The values of my parent

5、s still live on.It makes me pause and think about how I will live on in the hearts and minds of my children and of those for whom I care.Would I have been as ready as Philip Lawrence have been to face the aggressors,and to lay down my life for those in my care?How many people would want me back for

6、Christmas?Its a serious thought,one to give me pause.I pray silently,sometimes,in the dead of night,that ancient cry of a poet “Deliver my soul from the sword,and my darling from the power of the dog.” Yet I know the death comes to us all,and sometimes comes suddenly.We must therefore plan to live f

7、orever,but live as if we will die tomorrow.We live on,Im sure,in the lives of those we love,and therefore we ought to have a care for what they will remember and what they will treasure.If more parents knew this in their hearts to be true,there might be fewer knives on our streets today.【语篇解读】一个孩子在圣

8、诞节对已经去世的父亲撕心裂肺的呼唤让人情不能已,潸然泪下。孩子,虽然亲人与我们两世相隔,可是他们永远活在我们心中,恍如昨天。虽然世人难免一死,但是如果大家互相关怀,没有了暴力和谋杀,世界岂不更加美好?1According to the whole text we can see that the first paragraph_.Aputs forward the subject of the textBshows the authors pity on the kidCrelates a kid wrote a letter to his fatherDmakes a clear state

9、ment of the author views解析文章结构题。第一段从一个孩子的一封信谈起,下文则动之以情,晓之以理,娓娓道来,委婉地纠正了孩子的观点,由此可知第一段在文中的作用是引出话题。答案A2In the second paragraph the author mainly wants to explain to us_.Ahow much he misses his parents nowBwhy his parents often appear in his dreamsCwhen Lucien will get over all his sadnessDhow proud he

10、was when he succeeded in life解析段落大意题。作者在本段不惜笔墨,用自己的亲身体会倾诉了对父母的怀念之情以及父母对自己的深刻影响,再结合本段最后一句的内容可知B项正确。答案B3What feelings did the authors mother express in her reply?AProud. BHappy.CDisappointed. DWorried.解析推理判断题。作者因成为教授而非常自豪,无比高兴,迫不及待地想要把这个好消息告诉父母,可是母亲却委婉地提醒作者要多花点时间陪陪孩子,由此可推知,她很担心。答案D4In the authors opin

11、ion,the value of a persons life is_.Ato leave a precious memory to those he loves and cares forBto have a high sense of duty to the whole societyCto care for what others will remember and treasureDto share happiness and sadness with his family解析推理判断题。根据第三段第一句的内容以及最后一段后半部分的内容可推知,作者认为人生的价值在于给自己爱和在乎的人留

12、下珍贵的回忆。答案A5What does the writer mean by mentioning the sentence taken from an old poem?ACall on criminals and murderers to lay down their guns.BAdvise parents to stay with their children safely at home.CSpend every day meaningfully while alive.DTry to keep violence and murder far away from society.解

13、析推理判断题。诗歌的大意是“求你救我的灵魂脱离刀剑,救我的生命脱离犬类”,而且作者是在深夜中祈祷,再结合本段后半部分的内容可推知,作者引用该诗句意在让社会远离暴力和谋杀。答案D【阅读理解】For those who study the development of intelligence (智力) in the animal world,selfawareness is an important measurement. An animal that is aware (意识) of itself has a high level of intelligence. Awareness can

14、 be tested by studying whether the animal recognizes itself in the mirror, that is, its own reflected image (反射出的影像). Many animals fail this exercise bitterly, paying very little attention to the reflected image. Only humans,and some intelligent animals like apes and dolphins,have been shown to reco

15、gnize that the image in the mirror is of themselves.Now another animal has joined the club. In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers report that an Asian elephant has passed the mirror selfreflection test. “We thought that elephants were the next important animal,”said Dia

16、na Reiss of the Wildlife Conservation Society, an author of the study with Joshua M. Plotnik and Fans B. M. de Waal of Emory University. With their large brains,Reiss said, elephants “seemed like cousins to apes and dolphins.”The researchers tested Happy. Maxine and Patty, three elephants at the Bronx Zoo. They put an 8footsqua

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