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1、中考英语命题研究第一部分教材知识梳理篇八下Units56精讲试题八年级(下)Units 56中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.heavy(副词)_heavily_(反义词)_light_2.sudden(副词)_suddenly_3.strange(名词)陌生人_stranger_4.wood(形容词)_wooden_5.fall(形容词)落下的_fallen_(过去式)_fell_(过去分词)形容词)_icy_7.silence(形容词)_silent_(形容词的近义词)_quiet_(反义词)_noise_(形容词的反义词)_noisy_8.west(


3、ime_13.爱上,喜欢上_fall_in_love_14.结婚_get_married_15.接电话_pick_up(the_phone)_句型再现1.暴风雨来临时你正在干什么?_What_were_you_doing_when the rainstorm came?2.下暴雨时这个女孩在干什么?What was the girl doing _at_the_time_of_ the rainstorm?3.外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样。_With_no_light_outside_,it felt like midnight.4.本的爸爸正在拿几块木板盖住窗户,同时他妈妈在确认手电筒和收

4、音机都能正常使用。Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom _was_making_sure_ the flashlights and radio were working.5.他和家人来到外面,发现社区一片狼藉。He went outside with his family and _found_the_neighborhood_in_a_mess_.6.她记得当时(自己)正在距离两座塔楼不远的办公室工作。She _remembers_working_ in her office near the t

5、wo towers.7.我如此害怕,以至于从那以后我几乎不能清晰地思考。I was _so_scared_ that I could hardly _think_ clearly after that.8.但是不把山移开,愚公还能做什么呢?But what could Yu Gong do _instead_of_moving_ the mountains?9.但是如果他不能把尾巴藏起来,他就不能把自己变成人。But _unless_ he can hide his tail,he cannot _turn_himself_into_ a man.10.有一年天气太干旱,以至于粮食颗粒不长。O

6、ne year,the weather was _so_dry_that_ no food would grow.11.妻子告诉丈夫,除非他把孩子们留在森林里死掉,否则全家人都将会死掉。The wife told her husband that unless he _left_the_children_to_die_ in the forest,the whole family would die.12.你们一醒来就必须和爸爸去森林里。_As_soon_as_you_wake_up_,you must go to the forest with your father.语法结构1.过去进行时

7、。2.状语从句。话题1.Unforgettable events(难忘的事情)2.Legends and stories(传说和故事)3.Facts about the world(有关世界的事实)贵阳五年中考真题演练系表结构短语(C)1.(2016贵阳33题)Elephants have good memories. They can walk for a long time and never_Aget worriedBget madCget lost副词比较等级(C)2.(2011贵阳35题)Some Chinese singers sing English songs just as

8、_ as native speakers do.AgoodBbetterCwell从属连词3(2013六盘水82题)她非常聪明,很快就做出这道数学难题。She was _so_ clever _that_ she worked out the math problem quickly.(B)4.(2016贵阳45题)The little boy is saving every coin_he can buy his mother a present on Mothers day.Aeven if Bso that Cas soon as(B)5.(2013贵阳32题)Can you speak

9、 English?Of course,I have studied it _ I was six years old.Athough Bsince Cbefore(C)6.(2012贵阳43题)Teresa is _ nervous _ she cant talk in front of the class.Asuch;that Btoo;to Cso;that(C)7.(2013遵义37题)He dressed _ quickly _ he put his shoes on the wrong feet.Aso;as Bsuch;that Cso;that动词的时态8(2015贵阳90题)W

10、hile I _was_waiting_(wait) for the bus at the bus station,it began to rain.9(2012六盘水79题)莉莉敲门的时候我正在洗衣服。I _was_ _washing_ my clothes when Lily knocked at the door.(C)10.(2014黔南30题)We couldnt find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening.Im sorry for it.My mother and I _ in the square.AdancedBwill da

11、nceCwere dancing Dare dancing贵阳中考重难点突破辨析sleep,sleeping,sleepy与asleep【满分点拨】sleep动词或名词睡觉go to sleep睡觉;入睡Last night I slept very well.我昨天晚上睡得很好。I have a good sleep.我好好睡了一觉。sleeping形容词睡着的Please take a sleeping bag with you.请随身携带一个睡袋。sleepy形容词困倦的想睡的She is always sleepy.她总是想睡觉。I feel very sleepy now.我现在昏昏

12、欲睡。asleep表语形容词睡着的fall asleep睡着了The children have been asleep.孩子们已睡着了。He was too tired and fell asleep at once.他太累了,立刻就睡着了。【考点抢测】sleep,sleeping,asleep,sleepy1I didnt sleep well last night,so Im feeling _sleepy_2Keep quiet,dont wake up the _sleeping_ baby.3I was too excited to go to _sleep_4The moment

13、 he lay down,he fell _asleep_(C)5.(2016南充中考改编)Be quiet! The baby_AsleepsBare sleepingCis sleepingpick up接电话;拣起【满分点拨】pick up的用法(1)pick up意为“接电话;拣起”,还有“(用车)接人”的意思。(2)pick up是“动词副词”型短语,代词作宾语时必须放中间。若名词作宾语,既可以放在二者之间,也可以放在动词短语之后。【图解助记】【一言辨异】He picked up a wallet on the way to picking up daughter.他在接他女儿的路上拣到一个钱包。【考点抢测】6我七点打电话,你没有接。I called at seven and you didnt _pick_ _up_(A)7.(2016安顺中考改编)Look! Whats on the ground?Oh,its my sweater.Please_Apick it up Bput it onCgive it out(A)8.(2015绍兴中考)Do you _ your son from school

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