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1、考研英语大作文模板通用版考研英语大作文模板(通用版)英语一考图画,英语二考图表,因此他们的首段是有区别的,但是功能句都是可以通用 的,因此本次分享分为三个部分。部分(I)介绍英语一首段模板部分(2)介绍英语二首段模板部分(3)介绍通用写作功能句(小作文同样适用)第一部分英语一首段模板ThiS is a SinrIPle but thought-provoking Ca rtoon. (具体描述图画):EVentUally, SeVeral ChineSe CharaCterS Can be nOtiCed, WhiCh Say that ThiS SCene IOOkS funny at th

2、e firstSight but enlightening On the SeCOnd thought.【模板说明】(1) 加深字体为模板的“功能句”,即背下来直接写上就可以。(2) 划线句为根据图片内容进行描述,需自行填充。【句子说明】1,ThiS is a SimPle but thoughtprovoking CartOOn.“这是一幅简单而启人深思的漫画”万用开头。2,描述图画(1)要求:简明扼要地描述图画中的人物、动作、环境、文字等(文字见下句)。(2)可能会用到的句型:1There be句型:引出人物或图画主体。例如,thee is a IittIe boy (有一个小男孩)。2W

3、ith引导的定语从句,用以补充说明图画主体的动作、神情、 状态等,即with+主体状态、动作、神情:例如,thee is a IittIe boy With Slnile (这有一个小男孩,他微笑着);更加复杂一点的例 如,thee is a Iittle boy, With a huge PhOne in his Iland.(个小男孩 手里拿着巨大的手机)3动词ing形式引导的定语从句,功能与相同,可用来丰富句 型。彳列女口,there is a Iittle boy , yelling at his ParentS, With a huge PhOne in his hando (小男孩

4、拿着巨大的手机,并对他的父母大喊 大叫。)4如果图片为一组图片且构成对比时,需要表达出这种对比关系,可用的句型为 although itshehe , the (主体人物或事物) o :例如,although IIe is Small and thiJthe brave Inan decide to Chanenge the Inan StrOnger than IIim(虽然他又小又瘦,但这个勇敢的男人决定挑战比他强壮的人)3, EVentUally, SeVeral Chinese CharaCterS Can be noticed, WhiCh Say that .最后,一些汉字写道:

5、描述汉字。4, ThiS SCene IOOkS funny at the first Sight butenlightening On the SeCOnd thought.“这些图片乍看起来非常有趣,然后稍加思索便令人有所感 悟。”万用结尾,承上启下,为第二段首句点出主题做铺垫。第二部分,英语二首段模板GiVelI is a Colilmn Chali WhiCh CIearIy illustrates theStriking COiltraStS between and from to .It is noticeable that decrease SlightIy from in to

6、 in .Meanwhile increaseCOnSiderably from to OVer the Same PeriOd-Such aSCenariO CaiI be HatUraiIV associated With the=Z=Z= BUt What resulted in the differences above? At IeaSt two reasons CaiI account for this phenomenon.【模板说明】同英语一【句子说明】:I9Given is a CoIumll ChiUt (图表类型)WhiCll ClearIy illustrates th

7、eStrikilIg COntraStS behveen (数据类型 1) HiId (数据类型2)from (开始年份)to (终止年份)“所给出的柱状图淸晰地展示了年到年二十年间一与 的鲜明对比。”第一句话总述图表的内容与时间范围。附:英语二大作文图表大致分为曲线图(graph),柱状图(bar Chart),饼状图(Pie Chart)和表格(table)2,It is noticeable that (数据类型 1) decrease (下降)SIightly from (最高数值)in (年份)to (最低数值)in (年份)MeanWhiIe,(数据类型2) increase (上

8、升)COnSiderabIy from(最低数值)to (最高数值)OVer the Same period.“值得注意的是, 从年的略降至年的一 。与此同时,同期城市人口从增加到O 详细描述数据,注意Shghtly (轻微地)、COnSiderably (显著地) 两个副词,根据实际情况选用。首句与本句仅适用于柱状图。3, SUCh a SCenariO Can be IlatUraIIY associated With the (与图表相关的主题) BUt What resulted in the differencesabove? At IeaSt two reasons Can acc

9、ount for this PhenOmenon.“这种情况自然与 有关。但是什么导致了上述差异?至少有两个原因可以解释这一现象。”万用结尾句。前句点出图表的主题,设问句引出下段分析原因。第三部分大小作文万能功能句(1)这种现象/趋势很值得关注,因为主人公只关注了XX (不好的东西),忽略了XX (好的东西)。彳列句 :ThiS PhenOmenon/ tendency is PartiCUIarIy WOrthCOnCern for the reason that XX focus OnIy On xx, ignoring XX(2)这个图片/图表的典型特征就是XXXThiS CartOOn

10、 is best CharaCteriZed by仮!句 :Many SUCCeSSfUl PeOPIe are CharaCteriZed by their confidence, optimism, d LLl gence, enthusiasm for books, COOPeratiVe spirit, PerSeVeranCe(3)XX可以被比喻成XXXX Can be Iikened to a XX例句:COOPeratiOn Can be Iikened to a journey, Ieading to success. (A typical example is the pic

11、ture, in which-)(4)XX给我们带来希望,激发我们成功的热情,帮助我们战 胜困难。XX brings US hope , arouses OUr enthusiasm for SUCCeSS and helps US to COnqUer difficulties举例:自信(SeIf-COnfldenCe),梦想(Drearn)(5)不幸的是,XX构成了阻碍XX的障碍Unfortunately, XX has COnStitUted an ObStaCIe that hinders XX 彳列 句: Unfortunately, ParentS,excessive PrOteC

12、tiOn has COnStitUted an ObStaCIe that hinders their ChildrenlS healthy growth (6)提建议社会、家庭、学校应该营造一种好的氛围去The SOCiety as a WhOIe ShOUId forge a WhOleSOme atmosphere to criticize, reject and restrain the immoral behaviors in PUbIiC PlaCeS(7)过渡句(一般用于尾段第一句话)Accordingly, necessary measures ShOUld be immedi

13、ately taken o(8)解决办法一:我们应该发起相关的活动唤起政府和社会对一一的重视。We ShOUld IaUnCh relevant activities to arouse the attention Of the government and SOCiety to O(9)解决办法二:政府应当制定针对此问题的法律法规并进行有效地管控。(针 对不良社会现象)The government ShOUId formulate IaWS and regulations On this issue and effectively COntrOl it.(10)解决办法三:政府应当制定有效的

14、政策应对这种现象。例如,The government ShOUld formulate effective POliCieS to deal Withthis PhenOmenOn.For instance,(H)尾段收尾万用句一(倒装句):只有这样我们才能不仅 并且 OOnlyjn this Way Can We not Only but also 例句:OnIy in this Way Can We not OnIy make full USe Of the COmmUniCatiOn tool On the net but also make OUr friendship StrOnge

15、r(12)尾端收尾万用句二:通过上述手段,我相信,问题一定会在不久的将来得到改善, 我相信,社会会变得越来越美好。ThrOUgh the above means, I believe that the PrOblemS Wiil be improved in the near future, and I believe that the SOCiety Will become more and more beautiful.(13)许多伟人曾多次提到自信(某种品质)的重要性,比如比尔 盖茨、乔布斯、马云,他们说,正是这种品质使他们能够取得 他们现在的成就。Many great PeOPIe have repeatedly mentioned the importance Of self-confidence, SUCh as BiIl Gates, SteVC JobS and Ma YUlL They Say that it is this quality that enables them to achieve What they have achieved.(14)科技是一把双刃剑,它既为我们带来了诸多好处,同时 我们也要注意它不好的一面。S

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