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1、广东省高考听说练习题基础篇模拟试题1Part A 模仿朗读21st century Europe. 730 million people. A relentless force of change. Man and nature must find new ways to coexist. In Europes cities, people and animals crowd together. The changes that have made Europe what it is today have been ever accelerating. 400 generations had

2、to pass to take Europe from Stone Age farming to industrial agriculture. And it has taken only 10 generations to fell more forest than all their ancestors combined. 生词:1. relentless adj. 持续的,不停的2. accelerate v. 加速3. fell v. 砍倒Part B 三问五答情景介绍 你参加了学校组织的英语能力大赛。比赛第一个环节要求参赛者观看视频后,向对手提问,并回答对手提出的问题角色:你是学生。

3、任务:(1)请观看视频后,向你的对手提问; (2)请回答你对手提出的问题。生词:San Francisco 旧金山 decent adj. 体面的原文:Rebecca: Nancy? Nancy: Rebecca! . . . Is that you? Rebecca: Yes, its me . . . Hi, how are you? Its so nice to see you, after all these years.Nancy: Its good to see you! My, my . . . you certainly look like your mother! Welco

4、me. Welcome to San Francisco.Rebecca: Its good to be here. It was a long trip. Nancy: What exactly happened to your car?Rebecca: Well, my car broke down in the desert, and I didnt have the time or the money to fix it, so I sold it.Nancy: What a shame! That was the car your father bought you, wasnt i

5、t? But at least you made it. Now lets go home.Rebecca: That sounds good. Rebecca: Its hard to believe Im really in San Francisco.Nancy: Well, you are. See that building? Thats the TransAmerica building. Some people like it, but not me. Its too big.Nancy: Hows your father?Rebecca: Hes doing pretty we

6、ll. His leg bothers him every now and then. Nancy: Im sorry to hear that. And your little brother? Hows he doing?Rebecca: Kevin? Hes not so little anymore. Hes almost six feet tall, and he just graduated from high school.Nancy: Is he going to college? Rebecca: At the moment he has a job, but I hope

7、hell consider it.Nancy: A college education is so important these days. Its hard to find a decent job without it.Rebecca: Youre telling me. Nancy: The house isnt very far from here. I hope youll feel comfortable there. Rebecca: Im sure I will.Questions to ask:1. Rebecca的车到底出了什么事?2. 那是Rebecca父亲买给她的车,

8、是吗?3Rebecca的弟弟要读大学了吗?Keys:1. What exactly happened to Rebeccas car?(计算机回答:Her car broke down in the desert and she didnt have the time or the money to fix it.)2. That was the car Rebeccas father bought her, wasnt it?(计算机回答:Yes, it was.)3. Is Rebeccas brother going to college?(计算机回答:At the moment he

9、has a job, but he might consider it.)Questions to answer:1. Why didnt Rebecca fix her car?2. Why doesnt Nancy like the TransAmerican Building?3. How tall is Rebeccas brother now? 4. According to Nancy, why is a college education is so important?5. Where does the conversation take place?Keys:1. She d

10、idnt have time or money to fix it.2. Because she thinks its too big.3. He is six feet tall.4. Because she thinks it hard to find a decent job without it.5. In San Francisco.Part C 短文复述故事梗概:我曾在一个精神病院工作,给一位老太太带来了帮助和快乐,我为此感到自豪。关键词:mental institution 精神病院 valuable adj. 有价值的 volunteering adj. 当志愿者的 原文:A

11、volunteering experienceMany years ago, while I was employed full time at a busy job, and also being a newly married lady, I gave my time, talent and energy to a mental institution in our town. At first it was somewhat frightening to be in this environment, but I had a reason for doing this. I learne

12、d from this valuable time how to deal with these situations and how to work with those with mental problems. To my surprise, I found that a friend of my parents from many years back was a patient of this institution. When I was a baby, this lady wanted to keep me as she was unable to have children.

13、I showed her some pictures and special items and brought her up to current times. The time came when she was able to remember something in her past, and she said to me one day please dear, you should not come here, as this is not a place for you, but I still wanted to bring something into this ladys

14、 life. Together, after much time, we came to know each other better. Later, I was told that she would have been able to leave the institution, but because she had no family to go to, she couldnt leave. So I brought her to my home for dinner many times, and I saw the joy in her eyes. I have never for

15、gotten this volunteering experience. The joy I found and the satisfaction I felt was great. This lady later passed away but I was proud that I have done a little to make a difference in the life of one person.参考答案:Many years ago, I worked full time at a mental institution. At first I did feel somewh

16、at frightened to work in this environment, but the valuable experience of working with people with mental problems satisfied me. When I worked there, I was surprised to find that a friend of my parents was a patient in this institution. This lady wanted to keep me when I was a baby, because she was unable to have ch

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