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八年级英语上册 Module 3 Sports Unit 3 Language in use新课落实 新版外研版.docx

1、八年级英语上册 Module 3 Sports Unit 3 Language in use新课落实 新版外研版Unit 3Language in use短语互译1. play against _与对抗_2. so that _以便,为了_3. warm up _热身_4. be late for _迟到_5. 有的机会 _have_a_chance_of_6. 对满意 _be_pleased_with_7. 保持健康 _keep_fit_8. 迷路 _get_lost_9. 慢跑 _go_jogging_10. 为加油 _cheer_on_句型在线 1. 我们都尽可能早到,以便有时间热身。W

2、e all arrive _as_ _early_ _as_ we can _so_ _that_ we have time to warm up.2. 在冬天训练更难,因为白天的时间短而且天气也冷。_It_ _is_ more difficult _to_ _practise_ in winter because the days are short and the weather is cold too.3. 多么遗憾啊!_What_ _a_ _pity_!4他们大声地为我们欢呼加油,我们感到更有信心赢得比赛了。They _cheer_ us _on_ loudly and we feel

3、 more confident to win the game.5. 你慢跑得越多,你就会感觉越健康。_The_ _more_ you go jogging, _the_ _healthier_ you will feel.1beat v. 打败,战胜观察 The other team beat us last year.去年另一支球队打败了我们。We played very well, and we beat them. 我们发挥得很好,打败了他们。 探究 beat的宾语是比赛、竞争的对手,即指人或团队的名词或代词。其过去式是beat。 辨析 beat 与 winbeat和win都可作及物动

4、词,其区别主要在于所接宾语的不同:(1)beat的宾语是比赛、竞争的对手,即指人或团队的名词或代词。We beat the strongest team in the football match this time.在这次足球赛中我们战胜了最强的那支球队。(2)win的宾语是表示比赛、战争、奖品、金钱等的名词,即race, match, game, competition, war, prize之类的词。He won first place in the surfing competition.他在冲浪比赛中获得了第一名。The little boy won second prize in

5、the drawing competition.那个小男孩在绘画比赛中得了二等奖。 活学活用()Im not very good at playing chess. He often _ me.AbeatsBwinsChits Dfights解析 A表示“在比赛中战胜对手”用beat; win指“赢得”,后接表示比赛项目的名词。2against prep. (在比赛或战斗中)对(某人或某事物)观察 I am in our school team and we are going to play against another school next week.我在我们的校队,并且下周我们要对阵

6、另一个学校。They fought bravely against the enemy. 他们英勇地与敌人战斗。探究 against为介词,意为“(在比赛或战斗中)对(某人或某事物)”,常与动词play, fight等连用。拓展 against还可以表示“反对;(表示方位)紧靠着”。We are strongly against the suggestion. 我们强烈反对这条建议。He stood against the tree. 他靠树站着。 活学活用()广东中考Most people are _ building a paper factory near here. They are

7、worried the river will get polluted. A. forB. withC. against D. beyond答案 C3train v. (体育)训练, 操练观察 This year we are training more carefully.今年我们训练得更认真。He takes a train to the stadium to train every Friday.他每周五乘火车去体育馆训练。探究 Mother trained us to be honest.母亲教育我们做人要诚实。 活学活用(1)去年他们为贫困地区培养了许多教师和医生。They _tra

8、ined_ lots of teachers and doctors for poor areas last year.(2)我父亲每周六乘火车回家。My father comes home _by_ _train_ every Saturday. 4practice n. 练习观察 The practice starts at 10 am.练习从上午10点开始。We need conversation practice every day.我们每天都需要对话练习。 探究 practice是不可数名词。拓展 practice 还可写作practise。 practise后接名词或动词ing形式

9、作宾语,而不用动词不定式作宾语,即practise (doing) sth.,意为“练习(做)某事”。The young man practised speaking English with Mr Green.这位年轻人与格林先生练习说英语。 活学活用(1)你需要更多的练习。You need more_practice_(2)姑娘们正在隔壁练习唱新歌。The girls are _practising_ _singing_ the new song in the next room.5warm v. 使暖和;使温暖观察 We have time to warm up.我们有时间做准备活动。W

10、e must warm up before the match.比赛前我们必须热身。 探究 拓展 warm 作形容词时,意为“暖和的,温暖的”,其反义词是cold;其比较级和最高级分别是warmer, warmest。The weather is very warm in spring. 春天的天气很暖和。Its warmer today than yesterday. 今天比昨天暖和。 活学活用()(1)The children jumped up and down to keep_Ahot BwarmCcold Dcool ()(2)_ before you do sports.ALook

11、 up BWarm upCDo exercises DListen to music答案 (1)B(2)B6usual adj. 通常的;平常的观察 We are training harder than usual.我们比平常更加努力地训练。I got up at six that morning as usual.像往常一样,那天早上我六点起床。探究 as usual意为“像往常一样”。usual的副词形式是usually,意为“通常”,表示“通常如此,很少例外”。其频率比always小,约为80%90%。He usually comes very late. 他通常来得很晚。 活学活用(

12、)(1)How long does the journey_take?AusuallyBusualCas usual Dnever()(2)Theyre training harder than _ because they want to win the match.Ausual BusuallyCoften Dalways答案 (1)A(2)A7pleased adj. 开心的;满足的观察 Our coach is pleased because we are playing better as a team now.我们的教练很高兴,因为现在我们整个球队配合得更好了。辨析 pleased

13、 与 pleasure(1)pleased是形容词,描述人的情感,意为“感到高兴的,感到满足的”,主语是人,常用结构为“be pleased with”,意为“对感到满意”。His parents are pleased with his study.他的父母对他的学习感到满意。(2)pleasure是名词,意为“快乐;高兴;娱乐;令人高兴的事”。“Its a pleasure.”和“My pleasure.”常用来回答道谢。“With pleasure.”表示客气地接受或同意,意为“愿意,当然”。Thanks very much!非常感谢!Its a pleasure./My pleasur

14、e.不用谢。 活学活用用pleased或pleasure填空(1)Reading gives me great _pleasure_(2)He will be _pleased_ to help you. 1We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up. 我们都尽可能早到,以便有时间热身。探究 so that 引导目的状语从句,意为“以便,目的是”。I get up early so that I can catch the early bus. 我起床很早,以便能赶上早班公交车。 活学活用为了能够参军,木兰女扮男装。Mulan dressed up as a man _so_ _that_ she could join the army.2They cheer us on loudly and we feel more confident to win the game. 他们大声地为我们欢呼加油,我们感到更有信心赢得比赛了。探究 (1)cheeron 意为“用欢呼声激励;为加油”。We cheered our favourite team on.我们为最

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