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1、外研版七年级英语下册教案module1(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)外研版七年级英语下册教案Moudle1 People and places主备教师: 备课时间:2012年 月 日星期 使用教师: Unit 1 Weareatrip,thesun,alot KeystructurespresentcontinuousDifficult points: Enable the students to get familiar with the structure expressing present continuous(affirmative).Teachingtools:

2、 Taperecorder,blackboard,listeningmaterial课时安排:2 periods教 学 过 程个 性 修 改 The first period (授课时间: 年 月 日)Step1.Lead-in 1.AskthestudentswhotothegreatwallandwhatActivity1. 3.ListenandmatchthesewordsinActivity2. Step 2.Presentation 1.Studentsfindoutthemeaningofthelanguagepointsandthen makesentences 1)waitf

3、or等候 2)onaschool trip参加学校的郊游3)thesun8)alot=verymuch 2. ImstandingontheGreatWallofChinaand(Im)talkingtoyou. And连接两个并列成分,由于Im相同,可以省略。 3.sendsb.sth.=sendsthtosb e.g.sendmeapostcard=sendapostcardtome 4.anyway表示结束一个话题又接另一个话题。 5.WeregoingtheGreatwall. Wearethesun. 4)Tonyiseatinganicecream. Step4. Expansio

4、n在英语中有些动词如go、come、leave等用现在进行时表示将来。Were going 1. review phrases2. review thepresentcontinuous tenseStep 2.Presentation1.Listening practice(1).StudentslistentothetapeandfinishActivity4. (2).Listenagainandchecktheanswers:b-d-a-e-f-g-c 2.StudentswritefullsentencesfortheiranswersinActivity4 (Activity5)

5、1)Bettyistalkingtothesun. 4)Tonyiseatinganicecream. 5) LinglingandBettyarewritingpostcards. 6)WangHuiistakingphotos. 7)Thechildrenareenjoyingtheschooltrip. Step3.Pronunciation practice1.Studentsreadthedialoguetogetherwiththetaperecorder. 2.StudentsreadthepronunciationandwordsinActivity7&8 3.Onestude

6、ntreadthewordstoletthepartnercheckifthewords arepronouncedinacorrectway. 4.Studentslistenandcheckthewordsthey 1. another,theother,others,theothers 2. 1) another同类人或事物中的“另一个”;theother两个人或事物中的“另一个” 3. e.g.Thispairofshoesistoosmall.Pleaseshowmeanotherpair. 4. Iarered,othersarewhite(另一些是白色的). 5. Afewoft

7、hemarered,theothersarewhite(剩下的是白色的). 6. 2.Groupworking:tosaywhatpeoplearedoingatthemomentHomework:Do activity 8教学反思Moudle1 People and places主备教师: 备课时间:2012年 月 日 星期 使用教师:Unit 2 Theyre going to the operaTeaching aims:1.To get information from the reading material about what people are doing in differ

8、ent places 2. To get to know ,at this moment,leave work,get dressed,see you soon,wait forrun for trains, tea, walk to pubs, have a drink, go to the opera,watch a ballet Key structures Present continuous tense Difficult points: Presentcontinuous tense 的运用Teachingtools: Taperecorder,blackboard,listeni

9、ngmaterial, handouts 课时安排:2 periods教 学 过 程个 性 修 改The first period (授课时间: 年 月 日)Step 1.lead in Revision Ask students to do some actions and the others talk about what they are doing. Step 2 Presentation 1.Read and find words that a car or bus (driving) 5). music and singing (opera) 6). put on your cl

10、othes (get dressed)2.To pronounce some new words and expressions of Unit 2 1)Students read the words after the tape. 2)Students practice pronouncing the words by themselves. 3)To t getting up. (起床) 3) The child is putting on the clothes. (穿上) 4) They are visiting (探望) friends. 5) She is washing the

11、sweater. (洗) 4. Show some expressions, and them students should remember them as quickly as possible leave work 下班 wait for run for trains 跑去乘火车 tea 喝下午茶 walk to pubs 去酒馆的路上 the cloths 5) 中国长城 the Great Wall of China 6) 在太阳下 in the sun 2. Choose the right answer: 1) Im _ to you . A. talk B. talking

12、C. talkes 2) Daming is _lunch and _ in the sun. A . eating, lieing B. eatting, lying C. eating,lying 3) Hes _ the school trip a lot. A enjoys B enjoing C. enjoying step 4. Expansion Explain “world time” to the students: The worlds surface is divided into 24 time zones, each one of 15 longitude, or o

13、ne given as the number of Time. Beijing 01:00 = London 17:00 = Moscow 20:00 = Los Angeles 9:00 = New York 12:00 Homework: 1. Copy and read the passage2. TofinishUnit2,Module1,HB The second period(授课时间: 年 月 日)Step 1. lead in Practice句型转换: 1) Im writing the postcard. 否定句: Im not writing the postcard.

14、一般疑问句: Are you writing the postcard? 2) Tony is t the blanks: 1) 现在是5点钟. 人们在喝下午茶. Its five and people are tea. 2) 这小孩不是在穿衣服. The boy isnt getting dressed. 3) 他们在探望朋友. They are seeing friends. 4) Tony在写明信片吗?对 Is Tony writing a postcard? Yes, 1. To say what the people in the photos are doing in groups (Activity 2) Picture 1 They are running for the train. Theyre waiting for the bus. Picture 2 The people are watching ballet in the opera. Picture 3 They are sle

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