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1、 B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Joyce24th.Jun.2002 The files you downloaded is from http:/ -2-中国时事英语汉英词汇 1.霸占 dont hog the toilet!Hog 2.菜鸟 novice 3.大款(特指又老又丑)sugar-daddy 4.盗版、pirate 5.穷人 have-nots 6.纹身 tatao 7.爱国者导弹 Patriot missile 8.“东突恐怖分子 East Turkistan terrorist 9.“豆腐渣工程 jerry

2、-built project 10.(把当成)耳旁风 Like water off(on)a ducks back 11.(北爱尔兰)皇家警察部队 Royal Ulster Constabulary 12.(比赛等的)观众 spectator 13.(补贴协议)可诉补贴 actionable subsidy 14.(产品)分销 subunderwriting,distribution”15.(吃)”皇粮”public grainfunds,goods,etc provided by the government;salary paid by the state 16.(船只或飞机发出的)无线电

3、求救呼号 a mayday call 17.(大学)专科 Major Types of Education in China short 2-to 3-year higher education programs 18.(大学的)研究小组;讨论会 seminar 19.(帝王等)统治;朝代,在位时代 reign 20.(翻译)信、达、雅 faithfulness,expressiveness and taste”21.(各州推选组成的)总统选举团 electoral college 22.(公路)隔离带 median 23.(股票的)中签 win the lot for IPO 24.(股票的

4、)中签率 lot winning rate 25.(国家)助学金(state)stipend/subsidy 26.(基督教)传教 to do missionary work 27.(解决争端)调查结果 findings 28.(精通电脑和网络的)高手 geek 29.(领导人)与民众的直接对话 town hall conference/meeting 30.(美国)中下层南方共和党人 pickup-truck Republican 31.(农产品)综合支持量 AMS(Aggregate Measurement of Support)32.(农产品国内支持)黄箱措施 Amber Box mea

5、sures 33.(女)修道院 convent,nunnery 34.(企业集团的)松散层 loose level(of an enterprise group)35.(日本银行主持的)季度短观调查报告 Tankan survey 36.(西方的)三权分立 separation of executive,legislative,and judicial powers 37.(系)主任 chairman;chairperson 38.(行业中的)龙头老大 leading enterprise;flagship of the industry 39.(学术)讨论会、座谈会 symposium 40

6、.(原文是绕口令:tongue-twister)41.(争端解决)专家组 panel 42.(重要而难懂的)专门术语 buzzword;jargon 43.(祝愿)一路平安,一路顺风 speed somebody on their way;speed the parting guest 44.AA 制 Dutch treatment;go Dutch 45.的一个主要的部分 an integral part of.46.迟做总比不做好。Better late than never 47.法规定;条款 provision/It is on the festival occasions when

7、one misses his dear most.48.集合词(与教士、僧侣等相对的)俗人 laity 49.集合词教士;牧师(天主教神职人员,新教教职人员的统称)clergy 50.天主教耶酥会会士 Jesuit 51.伊斯兰教、基督教朝圣 pilgrimage 52.宗安魂弥撒 requiem mass 53.宗教、政治教义;原则 doctrine 54.“封圣”canonization of“Saints”55.“各就位”“On your marks!”56.“好球”“Strike”57.“坏球”“Ball”58.“黄、赌、毒”pornography,gambling and drug

8、abuse and trafficking“59.“既成事实”fait accompli(noun)“60.“篱笆墙”barriers/blockage to inter-regional trading“61.“两个对等的政治实体”“two equal political entities“62.“两思”(致富思源,富而思进)to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress 63.“三个代表”“three represents”theory(The Party should always represent the d

9、evelopment 64.“三讲”教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气)“three emphases”education(to stress theoretical 65.“扫黄”、”打非”eliminate pornography and illegal publications“66.“跳进黄河洗不清”eve if one jumped into the Yellow River,one can not wash oneself clean-theres nothing one can do to clear ones name“67.“宰人”rip off 68.阿 Q 正传 The Tru

10、e Story of Ah Q 69.巴黎航空公约(1919)The Paris Aviation Covenant 70.北美自由贸易协定 NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement)71.本草纲目 Compendium of Materia Medica 72.伯尔尼公约(有关保护文学和艺术作品版权的公约)Berne Convention 73.不见不散 Be there or be square.74.春秋 Spring and Autumn Annals 75.浮士德 Faust 76.国际民用航空公约(1944)The Internationa

11、l Civil Aviation Covenant 77.国际先驱论坛报 International Herald Tribune 78.红楼梦A Dream in Red Mansions(The Story of the Stone)79.联合国海洋法公约 The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 80.聊斋志异 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio 81.论语 Analects of Confucius 82.三国演义The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 83.山海经

12、the Classic of Mountains and Rivers 84.神曲 Divine Comedy 85.生死抉择 Live or Die 86.水浒传 Heroes of the Marshes;Water Margins 87.围城 A Surrounded City 88.西厢记 The Romance of West Chamber 89.西行漫记 Red Star over China 90.西游记Pilgrimage to the West;Journey to the West 91.信息技术协议 ITA(Information Technology Agreemen

13、t)92.中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法 The Law on Chinas Territorial Waters and Their Contiguous Areas 93.中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法 Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Protection of Consumers Rights and Interests 94.中美三个联合公报 The Three Sino-US Joint Communiqu 95.资治通鉴 History as a Mirror 96.Shi Ji/Historical Records 97.20

14、08 夏季奥运会 2008 summer Olympics 98.360 度环幕电影 Circamara 99.AA 制 Dutch treatment;go Dutch 100.A 股市场 A share market 101.B to B(B2B)business to business-3-102.B to C(B2C)business to consumer 103.BP 机 beeper,pager 104.B 超 type-B ultrasonic broad daylight 光天化日 106.low-cut 低腰 107.Money makes the mare

15、go.有钱能使鬼推磨。108.moped 助动车 109.More haste,less speed.欲速则不达。110.Spare the rod and spoil the child.不打不成器。111.step up my effort 再把劲 112.Still water runs deep.真人不露相(静水流深)113.To give up halfway 半途而废 114.To heart and soul 全心全意 115.阿訇 ahung,imam 116.矮 子 里 拔 将 军 choose a general from among the dwarfs-pick the

16、 best out of a mediocre bunch 117.艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合征)AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)118.爱吃甜食 sweet tooth 119.爱尔兰共和军 Irish Republic Army(IRA)120.爱国民主人士 patriotic democratic personages 121.爱国人士 patriotic personage 122.爱国统一战线 patriotic united front 123.爱国主义教育 education in patrotisem 124.爱丽舍宫 Elyse Palace 125.爱鸟周 Bird-Loving Week 126.爱屋及乌 Love me,love my dog.127.爱心工程 Loving Care Project 128.安第斯集团峰会(拉美国家)Andean Summit 129.安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project;Housing Project for low-income families

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