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1、Urban Design for the Core Area of Guangzhou New City North Center AxisJuly 2009135广州新城市中轴线北段核心区城市设计第十章六运小区6 YUN NEIGHBORHOOD100M01:2000200MN分区一:北大门District 1 North Gateway分区一:南大门District 1 South Gateway分区二:花园街道District 2 Garden Street分区二:花园街道District 2 Garden Street分区四:紧凑的商业街District 4 Intimate Stre

2、et分区四:紧凑的商业街District 4 Intimate Street分区五:街道交叉口District 5 Intersection分区三:小广场District 3 Pocket Plaza分区三:小广场District 3 Pocket Plaza Awnings and CanopiesThese architectural elements will provide year round protection for pedestrians from both rain and harsh sun.Additionally,these awnings and canopies

3、will visually reduce the large buildings to a more human scale,enhancing the pedestrian experience.13 Trellises and ShadingTrellises are one means of providing shade and protection from the elements.Integrating landscape onto these Trellises will soften their impact and further enhance the“Garden St

4、reet”.14 ArcadesArcades are formal covered areas that provide fl exibility of space.Arcades can function as covered passageways,gathering spaces,seating areas,or extensions of retail spaces.15 KiosksKiosks are an additional element in the hierarchy of scale along the streetscape.Kiosks located along

5、 the breezeway will offer a pedestrian scale retail component while creating opportunities for seating and gather-ing.1614)花架及遮阴设计:花架是众多遮阴设计手法之一。与植物相配合,可以软化构筑体的生硬感觉。更加提升花园街道的立体氛围。13)入口雨蓬和遮阳蓬错落其间:该设计元素提供对恶劣天气下步行人群的保护。同时,雨蓬设计降低建筑体量,强调了人的尺度。16)特色售货亭:售货亭沿中间净空步行街边沿布置,提供沿街方便的步行尺度商业,围绕售货亭提供聚集空间和休息座位。15)拱廊:

6、拱廊以一种经典模式提供了多样空间。从功能上,它是有顶的步行聚集空间,是商业店铺空间的延续。KioskAwningLegend图例特色售货亭雨蓬和遮阳蓬13610.2 分区一:大门设计10.2.1 北大门六运商业大门设计创造出与众不同的步行系统起始点。通过便道沿和可调节升降的分隔柱区分步行系统和机动车道,提供安全的步行空间,并且提供夜间商业上货的可能.玻璃雨蓬提供遮光挡雨的灰空间,并加强主入口设计。特殊的铺地设计跨越街道,从视觉上将宏城广场和六运商业有机的联系在一起。The Gateways of the 6 Yun Neighborhood will create distinct point

7、s of arrival to the unique pedestrian context of this neighborhood.To ensure a safe environment for all passers-by,vehicular and pedestrian traffi c will be completely separated through the use of bollards and curbs.Canopies will be encouraged to provide protection from rain and the harsh sun,furthe

8、r enhancing the pedestrian experience.Enhanced paving will visually connect the North Gateway to Hong Cheng Plaza.LIST OF STRATEGIES街道更新策略 强化铺地设计:Enhanced Paving 可升降分隔柱:Movable Bollards 水景:Water Feature 入口雨蓬和遮阳蓬错落其间:Awnings&Canopies1135111351平面图 PLAN平面图 PLAN入口大门111经典入口大门5NUrban Design for the Core A

9、rea of Guangzhou New City North Center AxisJuly 2009137广州新城市中轴线北段核心区城市设计第十章六运小区6 YUN NEIGHBORHOOD街景 STREET VIEW实地照片 EXISTING PHOTON北大门六运商业大门设计创造出与众不同的步行系统起始点。通过便道沿和可调节升降的分隔柱区分步行系统和机动车道,提供安全的步行空间,并且提供夜间商业上货的可能。玻璃雨蓬提供遮光挡雨的灰空间,并加强主入口设计,特殊的铺地设计跨越街道,从视觉上将宏城广场和六运商业有机的联系在一起。The North GatewayWhere the South

10、 Gateway is more traditional in its form,the design for the North Gateway,refl ective of its adjacent contemporary context,is more modern in its expression.Enhanced paving will extend across the public street to help defi ne the connection to Hong Cheng Plaza.13810.2.2 南大门街景 STREET VIEWN南大门相对于北大门设计,

11、南大门立面设计相对经典与传统。通过经典的拱大门区分,步行系统与与机动车辆分离,宣示着六运商业的起始点。South GatewayThe South Gateway is the more traditionally ex-pressed entry to the 6 Yun Neighborhood.The pe-destrian dominated environment is separated from the street traffi c with curbs and bollards as well as a more formal arched gateway announcin

12、g the southern tip of the pedestrian shopping experience as it connects to the Zhujiang New Town.实地照片 EXISTING PHOTOUrban Design for the Core Area of Guangzhou New City North Center AxisJuly 2009139广州新城市中轴线北段核心区城市设计第十章六运小区6 YUN NEIGHBORHOOD10.3 分区二:花园街道10.3.1 北花园街道1110米宽净空步行街13716尺度随街道平面图 PLAN剖面 1-1

13、 SECTION 1-1入口大门291314167建筑外立面重新喷涂推荐商业72 2花园街道161113147轻餐饮配以室外餐座次入口到住宅区N入口大门66六运商业通过一系列大小空间的组合与变化,由一条十米宽的步行主道由南到北联系贯通。花园街道由步行主道贯穿于一系列的、有层次的繁茂绿化、小售货亭、街景公共艺术、室外座位、水景布置之间。花园式绿化降低了周边住宅建筑的高尺度,以绿化为载体,提供休闲式商业建筑空间,并且通过步行主道的特殊铺地与其它区域相联系。The 6 Yun Neighborhood will have a variety of streetscapes to provide vi

14、sual interest and diverse experiences for the public.The paths of the Garden Street areas will envelop the pedestrian in a lush greenscape with kiosks,benches,public art and water features sprinkled throughout.The lush planting will help provide ample shade,lowering the ambient temperature while als

15、o providing a respite from the hardscape paving prevalent in the other areas.LIST OF STRATEGIES街道更新策略强化铺地设计:Enhanced Paving层次绿化系统:Landscape Hierarchy经典街道灯饰:Lighting Feature强化商业街道气氛:Enhanced Streetscape入口雨蓬和遮阳蓬错落其间:Awnings and Canopies特色花架提供休闲空间:Trellises and Shading特色售货亭:Kiosks140N街景 STREET VIEW实地照片

16、 EXISTING PHOTOUrban Design for the Core Area of Guangzhou New City North Center AxisJuly 2009141广州新城市中轴线北段核心区城市设计第十章六运小区6 YUN NEIGHBORHOOD10.3.2 南花园街道平面图 PLAN南花园街道有效利用了建筑店面间略微宽广的空间,加以绿化设计,使商业街道设计更加柔性,更加贴近人体美学的尺度。它的设计手法类似于北花园街道。加入了更多的公共场所休闲内容,如灯光、座位、小品等,成为人们室外聚集购物场所。The South Garden Street area takes advantage of the wider space between building facades to introduce more landscape areas into the overall 6 Yun Neighborhood.This area is very similar to the North Garden Street area in character but

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