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1、考研考研英语英语作文作文必背名言佳句必背名言佳句1.You dont marry someoneyou can live with,you marry theperson you cannot live without.2.Grow old along with me,thebest is yet to be.Browing3.When youwere born,you werecryingandeveryone around you wassmiling.Live your life so that when you die,youre the one whoissmilingand eve

2、ryone around youiscrying.4.To enjoy yourself and make others enjoy themselves,without harming yourself or any other;that is the whole of ethics.5.I disapprove of what you say,but I will defend to the death your right to say it.6.Theonly thing wehave to fear is fear itself.(Franklin Roosevet)7.Therei

3、s a great man who makes every man feel small.But the real great man is the man whomakes every man feel great.8.To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it.9.Thereare two reasons why people fail.One is irresponsibility,the other is fear.10.Expect learning to take time.Be patient w

4、ith yourself and persevere.11.In dreams andinlove thereare no impossibilities.JanosArnay12.One always speaks badly when one has nothing to say.13.Everything that is done naturally remains mysterious.14.You can foolallthe people some of time;you can fool some peopleallthe time;but youcant foolallthep

5、eopleallthetime.15.Wisdom is,and starts with,the humility to accept the fact that you dont haveallthe rightanswers,and thecourage to learn to ask theright questions.16.Neverletan opportunity slide that may give you inspiration,forits the key to your success.17.Good temper is like a sunny day;itsheds

6、its brightness.18.Happiness grows at our own firesides,and is not to bepickedinstrangersgarden.19.He must bevery ignorant for heanswers every question he is asked.Voltaire 伏尔泰20.I never resist temptation,because I have found that things that are bad for me do not temptme.GeorgeBenard Shaw21.I succee

7、d becauseI willedit;I never hesitated.拿破仑22.If you want people to think well of you,do not speak well of yourself.23.It is to books that owe everything that is goodinme.Gorky24.Its great to be great,butits greater to behuman.25.Make yourself necessary to someone.Emerson26.No man is the whole of hims

8、elf;his friends are therest of him.27.One is never as unhappy as one thinks,nor as happy as one hopes.28.One should always liveinthebest company,whetheritbe of books or of man.29.Our mightiest feelings arealways those which remain mostunspoken.30.Poetry is a speaking picture;painting is a silent poe

9、try.诗是有声之画,画是无言之诗。31.Thegreatest lessoninlife is to know that even fools are right sometimes.32.Thepursuit of perfection is thepursuit of sweetness and light.33.Thesupremehappiness of life is the conviction that we areloved.34.Thetragedy of life is not so much what men suffer,but what they miss.35.T

10、heworld is a book,and thosewho do not travel read only apage.36.Thereare charms madeonly for distanceadmiration.37.Thereare 3 classes of men lovers of wisdom,lovers of honor,lovers of gain.Plato38.There are 2 tragediesinlife.One is not to get your heartsdesire;the other is to get it.GeorgeBenard Sha

11、w39.To spread knowledge is to spread happiness.40.Whether or not you reach your goalsinlife depends entirely on how well you prepare forthem,not how badly you want them.41.The difference between the child and the adult is that the former doesnt know who he is andthe latter does.42.Liberal knowledge

12、gives dignity to the mind.43.One of the great joys of love is loving.To be lovedinreturn is thesecond part.44.Real liberty is as transparent,as odorless and tasteless,as water.45.Amans life is surely measured by the quality of his spirit,not by the lengthinyears.一个人的价值由他的精神力量来衡量,而不是他寿命的长度。哈佛校长寇内特46.

13、Thereare heights to be gained by excessiveness and lost balance.有许多高尚的东西,由奋力而获得,求平稳则失去。-哈佛校训47.Manscapacity for justice makes democracy possible,mans capacity for unjustice makesdemocracy necessary.人行正义的本能是得民主成为可能;人行不义的本能使民主成为必须。48.The first half of life is spentinlonging for the second,and the seco

14、nd halfinregretting thefirst.49.Growing old is a bad habit which a busy man has no time to form.50.Life is like a candleinthe wind;like frost on the roof;like the wriggling of the fishinthepan.51.Articulating your confusion and need for knowledge is the first step towards getting answersto your ques

15、tions.52.Go with your instincts.53.Knowing where you are going will keep you task-oriented and focused on moving towardsachieving your goal.54.Reduce the tensioninyour life,to free yourself to work at your goal.Many outsiders mayplace pressure on you.You need to find a way to ensure that your own pr

16、essure not to add tothe burden.55.Organize your time to meet your goal.Without plans,your study cannot go forward.56.Keep on working until your dream is achieved.Self-discipline is essential.57.Find the ones who will support you.Protect yourself from theothers.58.Life gets increasingly complex.Dont put this off.59.Those who are strong-willed,stubborn,and tenacious will prevail and succeed.60.One word frees us ofallthe weight and pain of life:that word is love.61.Friendship doubles our joys,and d

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