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1、 1 下 Lesson One The Company in Which I work 我工作的公司 By Joseph Heller In the company in which I work,each of us is afraid of at least one person.6 我工作的公司里每个人都至少害怕一个人。The lower your position is,the more people you are afraid of.职位越低所惧怕的人越多。And all the people are afraid of the twelve men at the top who

2、helped found and build the company and now own and direct it.所有的人都害怕那十二位顶层上司他们帮助创建了这个公司而且现在仍然大权在握。All these twelve men are elderly now and drained by time 歲月滄桑 and success of energy and ambition.所有这十二位都已经上了年纪而且岁月的沧桑和对成功的执著追求使他们心力交瘁。Many have spent their whole lives here.They seem friendly,slow,and c

3、ontent when I come upon them in the halls and always courteous(有禮貌的)and mute 沉默不語的when they ride with others in the public elevators.他们中很多人在这儿干了一辈子。当我在大厅里遇见他们时他们看上去非常友善、沉稳而心满意足而且他们与别人一起乘坐公共电梯时又总是彬彬有礼、沉默不语 They no longer work hard.They hold meetings,make promotions,and allow their names to be used on

4、 announcements that are prepared and issued by somebody else.他们不再努力工作。他们主持会议决定别人的晋升任凭别人在准备发布的通告中使用他们的名字 Nobody is sure anymore who really runs the company(not even the people who are credited with running it),but the company does run.没有人知道谁真正经营这家公司甚至连人们认为现在经营着这家公司的那些人都不知道 然而公司的确在运转。In the normal cou

5、rse of a business day I am afraid of Jack Green because my department is part of his department and Jack Green is my boss;在平常的工作日里我很害怕杰克?格林这是因为我所在的部门属于他的部门而杰克?格林是我的上司。Green is afraid of me because most of the work in my department is done for the Sales Department,which is more important than his dep

6、artment,and I am much closer to Andy Kagle and the other people in the Sales Department than he is.格林害怕我则是因为我的部门的绝大部分工作是为销售部所做的 而销售部比他的部门更重要 而且同他相比 我与迪?卡葛勒以及销售部的其他人员的关系更加密切。Green distrusts me fitfully.格林偶尔也对我不信任 He makes it clear to me every now and then that he wishes to see everything coming out o

7、f my department before it is shown to other departments 他有时会向我表示他希望我的部门的每一项工作在其他部门知道前要先让他知道。I know he does not really mean this:he is too busy with his own work to pay that much attention to all of mine,我知道这不是他真正的意思他自己的工作非常忙根本就无暇顾及我们所有的工作。and I will bypass him on most of our assignments rather than

8、take up his time and delay their delivery to people who have an immediate need for them.我会将大部分工作绕过格林并直接交给需要它们的人而不愿意占他的时间。Most of the work we do in my department is,in the long run,trivial(鎖事).毕竟我们部门绝大部分工作只是微不足道的。But Green always grows alarmed when someone from another department praises something th

9、at has come from my department.但是每当其他部门赞扬我们部门的工作时格林就会变得不安 2 He turns scarlet with rage and embarrassment(惱羞成怒)is he has not seen or heard of it.如果他从未看见或听到过的话就更是恼羞成怒。In my department,there are six people who are afraid of me,and one small secretary who is afraid of all of us.在我的部门里有六个人害怕我其中一个小秘书害怕我们所

10、有的人。I have one other person working for me who is not afraid of me who is not afraid of anyone,not even me,and I would fire him quickly,but Im afraid of him 有一个为我工作的人他对任何人都毫不惧怕甚至连我也不怕我真想尽快把他解雇掉然而我害怕他 The people in the company who are most afraid of most people are the salesmen.They live and work und

11、er pressure that is extraordinary.When things are bad,they are worse for the salesmen;when things are good,they are not much better.公司里非常惧怕大多数人的人是销售人员他们都生活和工作在极大压力之下当情况不好时对销售人员来说就会更糟。而当情况较好时他们也不会好到哪儿去。They are always on trial,always on the verge of failure,collectively and individually.不论是从整体上还是个人他们

12、总是在接受检查总是处于不合格的边缘。They strain 工作努力 even the most secure and self assured of them,to look good on paper;他们工作非常努力就连他们中那些很有保障的和充满自信的人都是这样以使在书面评语上看上去好一些 and there is much paper for them to look good on.况且要让他们看上去好的表格多得很。Each week,for example,a record of the sales results of the preceding week for each sa

13、les office and for the Sales Department as a whole for each division of the company is kept and compared to the sales results for the corresponding week of the year before.比如每星期为各部门准备的每个销售办事处及销售部所作的前一星期的销售业绩总记录加以保存并且与前一年同期的销售业绩相比较。The figures are photocopied and distributed throughout the company to

14、 all the people and departments whose work is related to selling.这些数字被复印后发到公司的每位员工和与销售有关的部门。The result of the photocopying and distributing is that there is almost continuous public scrutiny 公開審查 and discussion throughout the company of how well or poorly the salesmen in each sales office of each di

15、vision of the company are doing at any given time.这样做的结果是公司几乎一直在对每一个分公司的销售办事处中的销售人员在某一既定时间内的工作业绩进行公开审查和评论。When salesmen are doing well,there is pressure upon them to begin doing better,for fear they may start doing worse.当销售人员业绩好时他们因为要开始使工作做得更好以免不如以前从而感到压力重重。When they are doing poorly,they are doing

16、 terribly.当他们的业绩不佳时他们就会做得一塌糊涂 When a salesman lands a large order or brings in an important new account,his elation is brief,当一个销售人员争取到了一份大订单或者得到了一笔大的应收的账款他的兴奋也是短暂的 for there is danger he might lose that large order or important new account to a salesman from a competing company the next time around.因为很可能他的那份大订单或者大笔的进账下一次有被竞争对手的公司拿去的危险 It might even be canceled before it is filled,甚至在完成前被取消 in which case no one is certain if anything was gained or lost.对这种情况没有人能肯定谁输谁赢。So there is crisis 危機 and a

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