1、 学科(jp.zx )-精品系列资料 上学科精品网,下精品资料!北京学易星科技有限公司 版权所有学科精品 北京市海淀区中关村南大街 2 号(北京科技会展中心 2 号楼 3C)前前 言言 众所周知,要学好英语,词汇是关键。要想提高英语成绩,在高考中拿高分,就要在考纲词汇上下功夫。现行的考纲词汇,也就是新课标高中英语词汇,一共 3500 个。如何掌握这些词汇,一直是我们所关心的问题。我们知道,掌握词汇的一个非常有效的途就是通过“听”记单词,通过“练”来强化对单词的记忆,同时把“记”和“用”结合起来,这样运用英语的能力就得到了提高,在考试中拿高分也就不难了。新课标高中英语词汇精练依照新课标对高中英语
2、词汇(3500)的要求,并参考了最新考试大纲,按照字母顺序分词类以选择最佳答案的形式,并充分考虑历年高考英语词汇复习的特点和实际情况,进行词汇重点突破,为冲刺高考打好坚实基础。为此,所选的 1417 个句子经过了严格挑选,对高考词汇中一千多个比较常用的,并且容易出现问题的词或短语进行重点练习。对其他的词汇和短语在句子的题干和选项中加以体现。所选的句子具有良好语境,能起到触类旁通、举一反三的功效。通过体会的精美的句子,学生的单选能力、完形能力、阅读能力、词汇运用能力,尤其是完形能力会有很大提高。在优美的语境中进行词汇复习将告别词汇复习中的枯燥乏味,师生的压力可大大减轻,也让广大他们从茫茫题海解脱
3、出来,以此来提高复习效率。考虑到不同层次学生的学习,我们特邀请山东省枣庄市英语界的资深教师蔡成洋老师为新课标高中英语词汇精练做解析。蔡老师从事高中英语教学二十多年。他高尚的人格、渊博的知识、丰富的教学经验在枣庄教育界享有盛名,被师生誉为英语“活字典”、“问不倒的老师”和“小美国之音”。在山东省高中教师全员培训中,他担任枣庄地区高中英语科的指导教师。他在辅导高三学生自主学习方面尤为突出,有很多英语基础很差的学生,经过他的指导,他们的高考英语成绩提高非常快,考上了他们理想的大学。他所进行的解析简明扼要、通俗易懂、循序渐进,因此很受广大学生的欢迎。蔡老师的音频解析共 31 讲,共 24 小时,可免费
4、下载收听。同时,新课标高中英语词汇精练中所出现的问题和不当之处,也通过 学科精品()-精品系列资料 上学科精品网,下精品资料!北京学易星科技有限公司 版权所有学科精品 北京市海淀区中关村南大街 2 号(北京科技会展中心 2 号楼 3C)蔡老师的讲解加以更正。新课标高中英语词汇精练的句子大多出自于王振明主编的高中英语词汇手册第二版(于 2010 年 1 月由齐鲁电子影像出版社出版)高中英语词汇手册根据新课标为高中生精心编写。她集多本国内外英语词典和语法书籍之精华。词汇释义详细具体、同义词辨析透彻易懂;简明扼要的语法解释会令人茅塞顿开。精美新颖的例句会给读者留下深刻的印象。她是目前国内高中学生最实
5、用的英语工具书,已经成为广大高考考生的良师益友。花一本书的钱,数本名家词典和语法书的享受。一书在手,词汇语法不用愁!一书在手,高分高能,高考无忧。高中英语词汇手册为大 32 开本,551 页。另外,读者有好的建议,以及蔡老师音频解析文件的下载事宜请发邮件到 或拨打 13561198285 进行联系。学科精品()-精品系列资料 上学科精品网,下精品资料!北京学易星科技有限公司 版权所有学科精品 北京市海淀区中关村南大街 2 号(北京科技会展中心 2 号楼 3C)新课标高中英语词汇精练新课标高中英语词汇精练(1)注注:练习(1)中所练习的词汇是以 a 字母开头的单词,词汇的详细解释请参阅王振明主编
6、的高中英语词汇手册第二版(2010 年 1 月)第 1 到 32 页的相关词汇。1.He soon received promotion,for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable _.A.ability B.adult C.academy D.opportunity 2.It is well known that the Internet will let people have _ to huge amounts of information from their own homes.Aappeal Batten
7、tion Caccess Dapproach 3.Im really sorry about your camera;it was a(an)_.Aaccommodation Baccident Caccuracy Dadvantage 4.After receiving the news,immediate _ had been taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading.A.achievement B.activity C.acquisition D.action 5.Last year he starred in
8、 this film _ of Bill Cronshaws best-selling novel.A.adaptation B.adoption C.advertisement D.addition 6.Coming to another country to study requires a big _ and it takes a while to fit in.A.agreement B.administration C.admission D.adjustment 7.Being able to speak another language fluently is a great _
9、 when you are looking for a job.A.adventure B.algebra C.advantage D.ancestor 8.They had been childless for a long time so when a little girl was born in the family,the parents couldnt help showing too much _ for it.A.advance B.affection C.adolescence D.advertisement 9.Its stressed that problems conc
10、erning agriculture should be put on the top of the Partys _.A.altitude B.agenda C.agency D.assistance 10.Im allergic to _.Thats why I keep off alcoholic drinks.A.appendix B.alley C.alcohol D.ankle 11.If you set up your goal and start your preparations as early as possible,you will achieve your _ to
11、become one of the most famous scientists in the future.A.amusement B.ambition C.appointment D.agriculture 12.Many parents think that a regular _is an excellent way to teach children the value of money.A.allowance B.application C.aid D.amount 13.Our _ shows that the companys failure was caused by lac
12、k of investment.A.analysis B.anchor C.anecdote D.angle 14.The wrong youve done him is terrible,for which you should make an _ to him.A.apartment B.apology C.antique D.anniversary 15.Some people steal or damage the public facilities,which has a bad effect on peoples normal life and citys _.Aappendix
13、Babsence Cattendance Dappearance 16.Before the final examination many students have shown signs of tension.Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their _.A.appetite B.anxiety C.apartment D.atmosphere 学科精品()-精品系列资料 上学科精品网,下精品资料!北京学易星科技有限公司 版权所有学科精品 北京市海淀区中关村南大街 2 号(北京科技会展中心 2 号楼 3C)17.H
14、er rich experience gave her an advantage over other _ for the job.A.accountants B.acquaintances C.applicants D.agent 18.I wrote him a letter to show my _ of his thoughtfulness.A.achievement B.agreement C.application D.appreciation 19.It is just three months since we received official _ to go ahead w
15、ith the project.A.approach B.approval C.architecture D.arch 20.Most customers prefer to choose cloth themselves,rather than take the advice of the sale _.A.assessment B.assistance C.assistant D.aspect 21.With the Spring Festival,people can find back the warm,family _ often seen in days gone by.A.atm
16、osphere B.arrangement C.association D.assumption 22.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _.A.attraction B.attempt C.arrival D.article 23.Despite such a big difference in _ towards what one eats,there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.(2007 年高考湖北卷)A.point B.award C.attitude D.avenue 24.It has been revealed that some government leaders abuse their _ and position to get illegal p
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