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1、旅游酒店英语【酒店】 1. Can you get someone to bring our bags to our room? 你可以叫人把我们的袋子拿到我们的房间吗? 2. Are the sheets changed every day? 床单每天更换吗? 3. We didnt take anything from the mini-bar. 我们没有拿迷你吧台的任何东西。 4. I locked my key in my room. 我把我的钥匙锁在我的房间了。 5. Do I leave the key at the reception desk? 我将钥匙留在接待柜台吗? 6.

2、Do I have to pay upfront ? 我必须预先(提前)付钱吗? 7. Is there somewhere I can exchange money around here? 这附近有地方可以让我兑换钱吗? 8. Is this service free, or do I have to pay for it? 这个服务是免费的吗?或是我必须付钱呢? 9. Can I get a wake-up call at 6:30 AM? 请你在早上6:30的时候打电话叫我起床,可以吗? 10. Our bed sheets are dirty. Could you please ch

3、ange them? 我们的床单很肮脏,你可以更换它们吗? 11. How much does it cost to make a call to Shanghai? 打电话到上海要花多少钱呢? 12. The coffee maker doesnt work. 咖啡机(壶)坏了(不管用了)。 13. Is breakfast included in the price? 早餐有包含在这个价格当中吗? 14. Do you have room service? 你们有客房服务吗? 15. The remote control doesnt work. 遥控器坏了(不管用了)。 16. What

4、s the combination for the safe? 保险箱的暗码是多少? 17. This room is too noisy. 这个房间太吵了。 18. Our bed is very uncomfortable. 我们的床非常不舒服。 【酒店入住】 Tony: Hello, My name is Tony Bee. I have a reservation. Tony:你好,我的名字是Tony Bee. 我有预订(房间)。 HOTEL CLERK: Certainly, sir. Yes, would you like a room facing the pool or the

5、 ocean? 酒店职员:没问题,先生。是的,你想要面对泳池或海的房间呢? Tony: Is there a difference in price between the two? Tony:这两者在价格上有什么不同呢? HOTEL CLERK: Yes, the rooms that face the ocean are $2000 per night, while the ones facing the pool are $1500 per night. 酒店职员:是的,面海的房间每晚二千元,而面对泳池的房间每晚一千五百元。 Tony: OK, Ill go with the one f

6、acing the ocean, please. Tony:好,请给我一间面海的房间。 HOTEL CLERK: And you would like that for three nights, correct? 酒店职员:你要订三晚, 对吗? Tony: Yes, thats right. Tony:是的,没错。 HOTEL CLERK: Ill have the porter bring up your bags. 酒店职员:我会叫行李员将你的袋子拿上去(你的房间) Tony: No, thats fine, Ill do it myself. Tony:不用了,没关系,我自己来就好。

7、【在机场_寻找办理登机手续柜台】 At the airport:(Looking for the check-in desk) 在机场寻找办理登机手续柜台 Passenger: Hi, wheres the check-in counter for United Airlines? 登机旅客:嗨,请问联合航空的登机柜台在哪里? Airport worker: Thats in terminal 2. This is terminal 1. 机场工作人员:在第二航厦,这是第一航厦。 Passenger: Is there a shuttle bus that goes between termi

8、nals? 登机旅客:有往来航厦的穿梭巴士吗? Airport worker: Yes, theres one right in front here. 机场工作人员:有的,前面就有一班穿梭巴士。 Passenger: Next to the taxi stand? 登机旅客:在出租车招呼站旁边吗? Airport worker: Yes, thats right. 机场工作人员:是的,没错。 Passenger: Thanks. How much time should I allow to check in? 登机旅客:谢谢,我应当容许多少时间去办理登机手续呢? Airport worke

9、r: If youre on an international flight I believe you have to check-in 3 hours before your flight. 机场工作人员:如果你是搭乘国际班机,我想你必须在你的班机起飞前三个小时,办理登机手续。 Passenger: And for local flights? 登机旅客:国内航班呢? Airport worker: On those flights you have to check in 1 and a half hours before. 机场工作人员:搭乘那些航班,你必须提前一个半小时办理登机手续。

10、 【在机场登机柜台_1】 Check-in worker: Hello. Where are you flying today? 登机柜台工作人员:你好,请问你今天飞往哪里? Passenger: Hi, Im flying to Singapore. 登机旅客:嗨,我要飞往新加坡。 Check-in worker: Can I see your ticket and your passport, please? 登机柜台工作人员:请问,我可以看你的机票和你的护照吗? Passenger: Sure. Heres my passport. And heres my e-ticket. 登机旅客

11、:当然可以,这是我的护照,这是我的电子机票。 Check-in worker: Thank you. Would you like a window seat? 登机柜台工作人员:谢谢你,你想要靠窗的座位吗? Passenger: No, Id like an aisle seat please. 登机旅客:不,我想要靠走道的座位。 Check-in worker: OK, and is all this luggage yours? 登机柜台工作人员:好的,这全部的行李都是你的吗? Passenger: These two bags are mine. 登机旅客:这两个袋子是我的。 Chec

12、k-in worker: All right. One of your bags is overweight. Im going to have to charge you for the excess weight. 登机柜台工作人员:好的。你的其中一个袋子超重了,我必须向你收取超重的费用。Passenger: I see. How much extra do I have to pay? And can I pay by credit card? 登机旅客:我明白,我必须额外付多少钱呢?我可以用信用卡付费吗? Check-in worker: $30 dollars more, sir,

13、and yes, we accept credit cards. 登机柜台工作人员:先生,你必须多缴30元。是的,我们接受信用卡。 【在机场登机柜台_2】 Check-in worker: Hi. Where are you flying today? 登机柜台工作人员:嗨,你今天要飞往哪里呢? Passenger: Hi, Im flying to Okinawa, but I need a ticket. Can I buy one here? 登机旅客:嗨,我要飞往冲绳,但是我需要机票,我可以在这里买机票吗? Check-in worker: No, youll have to go t

14、o the ticket counter. Thats over in terminal 3. 登机柜台工作人员:不行,你必须去售票柜台,就在第三航厦。 Passenger: How do I get there? 登机旅客:我怎么去哪里呢? Check-in worker: You can walk there. The are connected. Just turn right and go all the way to end of this terminal and youll be in Terminal 3. 登机柜台工作人员:你可以走路到那里,航厦是连接的,只要向右转,一路走到

15、这个航厦的尾端,你就到第三航厦了。 (AT THE TICKET COUNTER 在售票柜台) Passenger: Hi there. I was told I could buy a ticket here? 登机旅客:嗨,你好,有人告诉我可以在这里买机票? Ticket counter worker: Yes you can. Where to? 售票柜台工作人员:是的,你可以买,去哪里呢? Passenger: I need a ticket to Okinawa for today if possible. 登机旅客:如果可能的话,我需要一张今天去冲绳的机票。 Ticket counter worker: All right. Yes, I can get you on the flight at 2:00 PM this afternoon, which arrives in Okinawa at 7:00 PM. This ticket is $1500. 售票柜台工作人员:好的,你可以搭乘今天下午两点的班机,晚上七点抵达冲绳,这张机票是一千五百元。 Passenger: Do you have anything cheaper? 登机旅客

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