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1、四级真题词汇大串讲四级真题词汇大串讲 参考:2006 - 2010 大学英语四级真题 2006年6月 四级阅读 Passage One 关于“说谎与通讯工具”一、核心词汇1. Communications technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth. convey vt.传送,传达 vey = way 方式,通过某种方式来传达 vehicle n.车辆,载体 veh = way, 一种载体就是一种方式 voyage v. n.航行 voy = way, 沿着某个路线航行 2. Emails are a

2、utomatically recorded - and can come back to haunt you. automatic a.自动的 auto 自己,mat mot 运动 automobile n.汽车 自己会移动 autograph n.亲笔签名 亲自写名字 haunt vt.萦绕,困扰 n.常去的地方 谐音:hunt 打猎,这个词常用来表达“闹鬼”,假如你们家房子 闹鬼,不就是鬼来“猎杀”你吗,房子闹鬼,就是房子被鬼萦绕,这个房子是鬼常去的地方 3. In the diary they noted the number of conversations or email exch

3、anges they had and confessed to how many lies they told. confess v.坦白,忏悔 坦白就是把你做过的坏事全说出来, 词根 fess 表示“说”, 该词根不是 很常见,简单词如:professor,一个在前面说话的人 4. It is crucial whether a conversation is being recorded and whether it occurs in real time. / They are afraid of leaving behind tracesof their lies. crucial a

4、.关键的,至关重要的 cruc cross 处在十字路口,每一个决定都很关键; 近:critical 关键性的 trace n.痕迹 近:evidence, mark track v.追踪,跟踪 对比:truck 卡车 5. People are more likely to lie in real time than if they have time to think of a response. response n.反应,回答 respond v.反应 responsible a.负责的 responsibility n.责任 sponsor vt.发起 n.发起人,赞助商串记:上课老

5、师提问,学生举手发言就是一种 response,学生就是 sponsor, 而回答老师问题也是学生的责任 responsibility6. The phone might be the best medium for sales where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth. stretch v.延伸,伸展 stret(看成street)- ch(想成车),大街上的车,在不断向前延伸 extend v.延伸 词根 tend 表伸展 exaggerate v.夸张 ex(外)- ag(加强)- ger(看成gen 生)- ate, 夸张就

6、是向外强烈地生长 7. Telephone is a preferable medium for promoting sales. preferable a.更好的 类比: loveable a.可爱的 preference n.偏爱 promote vt.推动,促进 pro(向前)- mote(运动) motion n.运动 emotion n.情绪 内心运动的外露 8. Work assessment where honesty is a priority, might be best done using email. assess vt.评估,估计 ass 屁股,“评估”与“屁股” 谐

7、音;近:estimate access vt.接近 n.进入,通道 ac(加强)- cess(走), 朝一个目标不断走,就接近目标了 prior a.在前的 priority n.优先,优先权 prime a.主要的,最初的 primitive a.原始的9. Email is now the dominant medium of communication within a company. dominate vt.统治,支配 dominant a.占优势的,有统治权的 domestic a.家庭的,国内的 词根 dom 表示“家”,谐音:洞 10. Hancocks study focus

8、es on the consequences of lying in various communications media. consequence n.结果,因果关系 词根 sequ 表示“跟随” (原型 seek 寻找), 结果就是随之而来的 全部东西 sequence n.次序,顺序 就是一个接着一个 various a.各种各样的 variety n.种类,多样性 vari = very, -ous 有“多”的含义, 非常多,所以各种各样 diverse a.多种多样的 diversity n.差异,多样性 di(分开,来自于divide)- vers(转)- e, 方向不一样,结

9、果就多种多样 二、补充词汇face-to-face interactions (面对面交流)human-computer interaction (人机交流)interpersonal communications (人与人之间的交流)deception (欺骗) makes people uncomfortablefeel less restrained(拘谨的) to exaggerate2006年6月四级阅读 Passage Two 关于 “美国逮捕非法移民”一、核心词汇1. In a country that defines itself by ideals, not by share

10、d blood, who should be allowed to come work and live here? ideal n.理想 a.理想的 define vt.定义 definition 词根 fin 表“范围”,给一个事物下定义就是告诉你它属于什么, 用来干嘛的,即给它划一个范围 confine vt.限制 即控制在某个范围内,如孙悟空给唐僧画个圈,把唐僧的活动 confine 在圈内 finance n.财政 financial a.财政的 财政是有限的 finite a.有限的 infinite a.无限的 即 没有范围的 2. Those captured were any

11、thing but (决不) terrorists, most of them were illegal immigrants from Central or South America. capture vt. n.捕获 cap 帽子,小时候我们抓蝴蝶,就是用帽子,加根棍,跟着蝴蝶跑,然后把它 扣住;如果捕获的蝴蝶逃跑了,就叫 escape immigrant n.移民 谐音:移民过来的 migrate vt.移居,迁徙 migrant n.候鸟,移居者3. They felt as if they were being treated like disposable goods. disp

12、ose vi.处理 dis(分开)- pose(放),处理垃圾就是把不同的垃圾放在不同的地方 disposable a.可任意使用的,一次性的 deposit v.存放 n.存款,押金 即 把钱放下 compose v.组成 即 放到一起来 component n.成分; composition n.作文,成分 propose v.提议 把建议放到前面来,大家来商讨 proposal n.建议4. While she awaits the outcome, the government has granted her permission to work here. await vt.等候 辨

13、析:await是及物动词,后面直接接宾语, 宾语大都是抽象名词,如:decision, reply,arrival,return等;wait 一般作不及物动词用,与for,to,until 等词连用,wait for的宾语 一般是具体的东西, 如等车 outcome n.结果 考试结果 出来 come out, 再如:战争爆发 break out outbreak n.爆发 output n.产量,输出 grant vt.给予,批准,拨款 n.助学金 助学金 需要申请,通过上级批准 allow vt.允许 allowance n.津贴 permit v.许可 permission 每个人都承认

14、,才能批准 admit v.承认 admission5. How did the immigrants in Salt Lake City feel about “Operation Safe Travel”? A) Guilty. B) Offended. C) Disappointed. D) Discouraged. guilty a.有罪的,内疚的 谐音:故意踢,你故意踢我,你是有罪的 innocent a.无辜的,清白的 in-no-cent, 里边没有一分钱, 比如,查一官员,结果发现他家里没有 一分钱,他是清白的 offend v.冒犯 offensive a.冒犯的;offended a.被冒犯的 比如有同学课上经常用中指推眼镜, 这其实是一个 offensive action, 我在台上 feel offended defend vt.防御 谐音:提防 defensive a.自卫的 disappointed a.失望的 该单词 核心 point 点,失望就是因为没有达到你所期待的点 appointment n.约会 正式的约会要先告知时间点和地点,男女朋友的约会叫 date, 只需约个日期, 地点随便,可见这是非正式的 discourage vt.使泄气,阻碍 该词就是 “ encourage 鼓励” 的反义词 6. There are other ways

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