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2、h:Oh,thatmustbedangerous._John:Becausewewanttodosportsandsomethingexciting.Smith:Youdbetternot. _John:UncleSmith,dontworry.Wecantakegoodcareofourselves.Smith:_John:Yes.Wearereadyforit.Smith:Goodluck.John:_Smith:OK.Illtellhimtocallyoubacklater根据所给提示完成下列句子。1让我们尽最大的努力来帮助贫困地区的孩子们。Lets _ the children in

3、poor areas.2你去过盐城科技博物馆多少次了?_ Yancheng Science and Technology Museum?3要想更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语。It is necessary_ to know more about the world.4钟晶医生做着如此重要的工作,村民很感激她。Doctor Zhong Jing is doing _ the villagers are grateful to her.5这部纪录片帮助人们近距离观察野生动物的生活。This documentary helps people_.6I plan to go on a trip _

4、(七月).7The show Im a singer helps audience rediscover many good _(嗓音).8To keep fit, we should have more vegetables and fruit _(代替) too much meat.9The world is _(充满) chances, and we must make a quick decision when we meet one.10这本新杂志将在月底出版。_11扬州机场已经投入使用一年多了。_12我们应该多关心那些需要帮助的孩子们。_第二套A: Hello, may I spe

5、ak to David? B: _.(1)A: Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking. B: Hi, Lin Tao . Whats up?A: What are you going to do next Sunday?B: _.(2) Do you have any ideas?A: Shall we go to the zoo? I hear theres a dolphin show there.B: A dolphin show? Good idea! _ ?(3)A: By bike.B: _? (4)A: At half past nine.B:

6、_? (5)A: Lets meet outside the zoo gate.B: All right .See you then.根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。11熊猫主要以竹子为食。Pandas mainly_ _bamboo.12托尼的书在2012年出版了。Tonys book _ _ in 2012.13开始我不太喜欢这个工作。I didnt like the job very much _ _.15全世界人民热爱和平。People _ _the world love peace.。16很抱歉我没能参加你的生日晚会。_for missing your birthday pa

7、rty.17你在课余时间喜欢读书吗?Do you _ in your spare time?18杰克会和同学们相处得很好。Jack will _ his classmates.19这个演讲非常精彩。我们都听得很认真。The speech _ we all listened carefully.20他们很难在这么短的时间内想出新的办法。_ a new way in such a short time.24我们所需要的一切就是有足够的钱来继续我们的工作。_25生活在乡下对我来说是件轻松的事。_第三套A: Good morning, Doctor.B: Good morning, my boy! _

8、? (1)A: Ive got a headache and a cough. Im sure theres something wrong with me.B: _? (2)A: Im feeling even worse now.B: _. (3) Oh, its a bit high. Im afraid youve got a cold. How long have you been like this?A: Even since last night. Is it serious, doctor?B: No. _. (4) Did you eat anything for break

9、fast this morning?A: No, I didnt feel like eating anything. What should I do, doctor?B: Well, dont worry about it. Take the medicine three times a day. Stay in bed to have a good rest and drink more water. Youll get well soon. A: _, (5) doctor. Goodbye.B: Thats all right. Goodbye.27Its polite to kee

10、p our voice down _. (在公共场合)28The world is thirsty, so we should _ in our daily life. (节约水) 30The great artist _ his amazing use of colors and shapes. (以而闻名) 31简每周至少去图书馆两次。Jane goes to the library _ _ twice a week.32许多青少年过于依赖父母。Many teenagers _ _ their parents _ _.33王奶奶提醒我不要接近那条狗。Grandma Wang warned me _ _ _ near the dog.34当迈克尔醒来时,妈妈正在收拾屋子。Mum _ _ _ the house when Mike woke up.35我期待生日那天收到他的礼物。I _ _ _ _ a present from him on my birthday.36今天下午我们将一起去北京。 Well go to Beijing _ _ this afternoon.37开始他们有点儿紧张。 _ _ they were a little nervous.38王老师说他会帮助我们克服数学难题。 Mr Wan

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