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牛津小学六年级英语Unit7 At Christmas教案.docx

1、牛津小学六年级英语Unit7 At Christmas教案牛津小学六年级英语Unit7 At Christmas教案 六 年级 英语 科目集体备教案题:Unit7 At hristas本初备时共 时,本第 1时个人复备栏教学目标: 1能听懂,会说,会读单词:a ath, a allet, a teapt, a alulatr, a satebard, a b, a irrr, a hairdrer 2能听懂会说:This is fr h are the fr? 3了解东西方接受礼物的不同反应,培养学生良好的明礼仪。重点难点: 本时的教学重点是有关日常用品的8个单词和讨论谁送的礼物的有关语言,本

2、时的难点是:This is frh are the fr? 这组句型前准备: 教学图片,圣诞老人服饰,一个礼物袋,有关日用品的实物 录音机,磁带 每人一张纸条和一份礼物。教学过程: 1 aring up: 1)师生热情地问候:Hell, hildren Nie t see u H are u tda? 2)共同演唱前几节学的歌曲。 2 新呈现: T:Hi,bs and girls hat festival is De2? Ss: Its hristas Da T: D u lie hristas Da? Ss: es T: hildren lie hristas Da ver uh h? Ss

3、: Beause e an get se presents T: es is fail ere ver happ n hristas Da Lets ath the artns 3 新教学: Step 1 rds f Dailthings 1) 学生观看录像,初步体会内容。 2)教师根据录像内容提问: hat are the presents? 学生指着图片将中涉及的物品找出: A / 3)根据学生找出的图片,教师进行单词教学:a ath, a teapt, a allet, a alulatr, a satebard, a b, a irrr, a hairdrer 4) 教师示范朗读,学生

4、跟读单词。重点指导alulatr, satebard,hairdrer的发音。在教学satebard, teapt, hairdrer时,教师可借助单个单词和在一起的做法,帮助学生了解复合词,提高记忆的效率。 ) 单词巩固游戏:hat is it? T: I have a present Its n big nr sall an puts ne and ards in it hat is it? S1: Its a allet T: an u spell it? S1: es, -A-L-L-E-T, allet 然后进行全班的问答。 Step 2 Drills: h is it/are th

5、e fr? Its /The are fr 1) T: is fail have gt s an presents h are the fr? 2) 出示句型,教师带领学生朗读三遍。 3)T:h are the fr? Lets listen t the tape then ath 4) 学生听录音,完成匹配题:grandfather grandther father ther i a ath allet teapt hairdrer satebard ) 交流答案: T:h is the ath fr? Ss: Its fr Grandpa and granda T:h is the all

6、et fr? Ss: Its fr granda T:h is the teapt fr? Ss: Its fr Grandpa T:h is the hairdrer fr? Ss: Its fr Grandpa and granda T:h is the satebard fr? Ss: Its fr is u and Dad T: h is the alulatr fr? Ss: Its fr is u and Dad, t 6) Ss齐读匹配结果:The ath is fr is Grandpa and granda/ Step 3 nslidatin 1 T: hristas is

7、ing Everne has a present fr his friends h are u ging t send ur present? Lets rite a ard 2 教师指导学生写卡片:Dear err hristas and Happ Ne ear! Fr: 3 学生写完后贴在自己准备的礼物上,然后将礼物集中在老师的礼物袋里,让一位学生扮演圣诞老人,给学生送礼物:He! He! err hristas and Happ Ne ear! Heres a present fr T: h is this present fr? Santa lause: L! Ss: Its fr 这

8、两个同学都上台,接受礼物的同学拆开礼物,教师在一边提示说:h, its a H beautiful! I lie it ver uh像这样演示组,逐渐由老师带着学生表达过渡到学生自己表达。 2 圣诞老人将礼物分派给个学生,由这个学生给大家送礼物:h is this present fr? Its fr pen it h, its a Its 。 3 礼物送完后,大家齐唱:e ish u a err hristas and a Happ ne ear 4 做书上D部分练习。板书设计: Unit7 At hristas 单词图片练习设计: 1 朗读记忆本的有关日常用品的单词。 2 根据堂情景,用学

9、过的语言写一篇短:Its hristas Da Santa lause es t ur lass He gives us a lt f nie presents 教后记:参加备人员六 年级 英语 科目集体备教案题:Unit7 At hristas本初备时共时,本第2时个人复备栏教学目标: 1 能听懂,会说,会读,会写单词:urs, urs, ine, his, hers 2 能听懂,会说, 会读,会写:hse is it/are the? Its / There ine/urs/his/hers/urs 3 能听懂,会说,会读日常交际用语:pen it fr e This ne is fr G

10、randpa重点难点: 本的重点和难点是:名词性物主代词的使用,建议教师利用讨论礼物或寻找失主这一情景导入教学,使学生在交际中初步领会名词性物主代词的使用方法。在本时中,教师并不要急于让学生掌握,让他们在感受的基础上逐步掌握。前准备: 教学图片,有关日用品的实物,一些礼物 录音机,磁带 教学过程: 1热身: 1)师生热情地问候。 2)共同说唱:Send hristas ards rap presents Derate the tree Sing hristas arls pen presents 2 新呈现: T:Last lass The Santa lause es t ur lass H

11、e gives e se presentsThese presents are fr uL! This present is fr Sun an Sun an , e here, please 3新教学: Step 1 ine, urs 1) T ≈ S sh the dialgue: Hi, Sun an This present is fr u S: Than u T: Here u are Its ur present Its urs(教师示范说三遍) S: Than u T: pen it , please S: h, its a dll I lie it ver uh T: L

12、 at the ard h is it fr? S: Its fr iss Li T: es, n this dll is urs Its urs S: Than u T: ure ele 2) 教师教说Its ur dll Its urs 3) 教师再和两位同学进行演示,让全班学生共同参与演示:L at this present Ss: h is this present fr? T: Its fre here, This present is urs S: Ss:pen it and see S: pen it fr e, please, iss Li ( 教师引导学生说出) T: h,

13、its a D u lie it? S: es Ss: h is it fr? S: h, its fr T(引导全班说): This is urs, Step 2 his, hers, urs 1) 在第三遍演示的时候,逐渐将:This present is fr Its hers Its his Its urs 注意在教学his, hers, urs时,教师应充分运用肢体语言和学生的主动参与能力,使学生在老师的指导下由不会到会,由不理解到初步领会。 2)学生四人一组,每人拿一物品放在桌中间,S: This is penilIts ine S3(其余三人齐说): This is his /h

14、er Its his/hers 交换一个同学:This is rubber Its ine S3: This is his/her rubber Its his/ hers Step 3 Dialgue 1)T: is fail is ver happ tda D u n h? Listen t the tape and anser e 2) 学生带着问题听录音然后回答问题 Q1: hat da as it? Q2: here ere is fail? Q3: hat did the d ith their presents? Q4: H did the feel? 3) 教师引导学生回答完问

15、题后朗读第一段 4) 教师在实物投影仪上出示Listen and ath的图(见书上P71),学生边看图边听录音。 )学生听完后在书上完成题目,然后小结:T: hs the allet fr? Ss: Its fr Grandpa T: h is it fr? Ss:Its fr Granda T: Des Grandpa lie the allet? Ss: es, he lies the lr ver uh 6)学生听录音朗读对话,教师重点指导:pen it fr e, please pen ine fr e, i 7)学生有感情地齐读,然后分角色朗读。 8)教师出示图片,学生为图片配音。 9)学生任选一幅图进行讨论,仿照内容对话。板书设计: Unit7 At hristas hse is it/are the? Its / There ine/urs/his/hers/urs练习设计: 1听录音朗读。 2 模仿进行表演。教后记:参加备人员六 年级 英语 科目集体备教案题:Unit7 At hristas本初备时共时,本第3时个人复备栏教学目标: 1 进一步巩固单词:urs, ine, his, hers, urs 2 能听懂会说会读,会写句型:hse is it/ are the?

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