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参考中考英语辽宁省复习精练考点跟踪突破12 八年级下册 Units+56.docx

1、参考中考英语辽宁省复习精练考点跟踪突破12 八年级下册 Units+56参考-中考英语(辽宁省)复习精练:考点跟踪突破12八年级下册Units+56一、单项选择。1I _B_ for him at nine last Saturday.He often kept me _.(2015,抚顺模拟)Awas waiting;wait Bwas waiting;waitingCwaited;waiting Dwaited;wait【解析】本题考查动词的时态及固定搭配。句意为:上周六九点我正在等他。他经常让我一直等他。根据句意可知第一空应用过去进行时;keep sb. doing sth.表示“让某人

2、一直干某事”。故选B。2His father is _A_ the newspaper for something new.(2015,辽阳模拟)Alooking through Bfinding outCgetting over Dputting up【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。句意为:他爸爸正在浏览报纸上的新鲜事。look through“浏览”;find out“找到”;get over“克服”;put up“举起”。根据题意可知选A。3When will you return the book to me?Ill give it to you _C_ I finish it.(201

3、6,原创)Aonce BuntilCas soon as Dunless【解析】本题考查连词的用法。as soon as的意思是“一就”。句意为:“你什么时候将这本书还我?”“我一看完就会把它还你。”故选C。4Amy was reading a book _A_ I came in.AwhenBwhileCbecauseDthough【解析】本题考查时间状语从句的引导词。when“当时候”,常引导时间状语从句;while引导时间状语从句时通常用进行时态,表示主句的动作发生的同时,从句的动作也正在发生;because“因为”;though“尽管,虽然”。根据句意可知选A。5As soon as

4、I _C_,I will call you.(2016,原创)Afinishes work Bfinished to workCfinish working Dfinished working【解析】本题考查由as soon as引导的时间状语从句,主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,故排除B和D;finish后跟动词ing形式,故选C。6The Australians are like the English in many ways _B_ they have many British relatives.Aif Bbecause Cso Dalthough【解析】本题考查连词的用法。句意

5、为:澳大利亚人在很多方面都很像英国人,_他们有很多英国亲戚。解释原因应用连词because。if意为“如果”,so意为“因此”,although意为“尽管”,三者都不合适。故选B。7Youll be late for school _A_ you hurry up.Aunless Bas Cif Duntil【解析】本题考查条件状语从句中从属连词的用法。句意为:你_快一点,你上学将会迟到。unless“如果不”;as“因为,由于”;if“如果”;until“直到才”。只有unless符合题意,故选A。8Where were you at 7:00 yesterday evening?I _B_

6、 with my parents at home.(2016,预测)Aam talking Bwas chattingCwill spend Dhave been lived【解析】由问句中的“at 7:00 yesterday evening”判断答语应用过去进行时,表示过去某时刻正在发生的动作。9Did you tell Jack about the picnic yesterday?No.I called him but nobody _D_(2016,预测)Atook up Bgot upCcame up Dpicked up10Its _B_ to take lots of warm

7、 clothes to travel to Kunming in June.(2015,盘锦模拟)Aperfect BstupidCinteresting Dcorrect【解析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。perfect意为“完美的”;stupid意为“愚蠢的”;interesting意为“有趣的”;correct意为“正确的”。句意为:在六月份带大量的暖和的衣服去昆明旅游是很愚蠢的。故选B。二、补全对话。(2015,营口)从所给句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话。A:Hello,Mingming!11._D_B:Im watching Running Man.A:Whats that?Ive

8、never heard of it.B:Its a new reality TV show.A:Really?12._A_B:Its about teamwork.In the show,we can see some famous stars.Theyre keeping running for their dreams and happiness.We cant help laughing when we watch the show.A:13._C_ In fact,teamwork is very important in our life.B:I think so.14._G_A:Y

9、ou are right.Unity is strength (团结就是力量).15._E_B:On Zhejiang Television.AWhat is it about?BWhat a pity!CSounds interesting.DWhat are you doing?EWhich channel is the show on?FAre there many ads in the show?GWe should help and learn from each other.11【解析】根据答语Im watching Running Man.可知在询问对方正在干什么。12【解析】根

10、据答语Its about teamwork.可知应询问节目是关于什么的。13【解析】根据前后句可推知应对上句发表自己的观点。14【解析】根据前后句可知,对团队合作发表看法。15【解析】根据答语On Zhejiang Television.可知询问节目在哪个频道播放。三、选词填空。(2014,盘锦)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个单词只能使用一次)nobody,decide,same,when,talk,off,solve,with,besides,properMany teenagers often feel the 17.same as Pan.Growi

11、ng up,they might feel as though their parents want to control (控制) them.20Besides,both children and parents have stresses in their own lives.Children have to study hard.Their parents need to support the whole family.21.Without a proper way to ease (减轻) the stress,its easy to bring it home.To 22.solv

12、e the problem,children should walk in their parents shoes (从父母的角度思考问题)After all,25.nobody wants to argue on an empty stomach!16【解析】根据下文“Pan refused”可知她的妈妈让她关了电脑,可是她拒绝了。turn off意为“关闭”。17【解析】根据下文“Growing up,they might feel as though their parents want to control them.”可知他们都感觉父母想控制他们,因此他们的感受是一样的。the sa

13、me as意为“和一样”。18【解析】根据上文的independent可知在现在的青少年都很独立,他们想自己做决定。decision为可数名词,根据their可知这里需要用复数形式。19【解析】Pan的妈妈认为她太小,不能正确地使用电脑。这里修饰动词use需要用proper的副词形式。20【解析】besides可置于句首用逗号隔开,意为“除此之外还有”,表示添加一个更有说服力的理由。21【解析】根据下文“its easy to bring it home”可推断,如果没有正确的方法减压的话,就会很容易把压力带回家中。without意为“没有”。22【解析】根据下文“children shoul

14、d walk in their parents shoes”可知这是一种解决问题的方法。solve通常与problem搭配,意为“解决问题”。23【解析】根据题意可知,父母生气的时候,不应该和他们争吵,这里when引导时间状语从句“当的时候”。24【解析】talk to sb.意为“同某人谈话”,suggest doing sth.意为“建议做某事”因此应用talk的ing形式。25【解析】这里缺少的是主语成分且指人,只有填nobody。四、阅读理解。(2015,阜新)Once upon a time,a boy was walking through a forest when he fou

15、nd a big blackboard hanging on an old tree.There was also a box of chalk beside the blackboard.The boy took a piece of chalk and started to draw on the board:first a tree,then a rabbit,then a flower.To his surprise,whenever he finished drawing a picture,it came to life (活了) and jumped out of the blackboard.Very soon,the place became a wonderful green forest,full of animals playing happily.Th

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