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1、英语课堂新坐标高三一轮复习课后作业28课后作业(二十八).语法和词汇知识1(2013届德州质检)The rain lasted three hours on _ end and came to _ end when the class was over.Aan; an Ban; /C/; an D/; /【解析】句意:大雨连续下了三个小时。下课的时候停了。on end意为“连续地”;come to an end意为“结束”。【答案】C2Could I have the small table by the window? Sorry, sir.It _ in advance.Ahad been

2、 booked BbookedCbooks Dhas been booked【解析】考查被动语态。句意:我能坐窗边的那张小桌旁吗?对不起,先生,已经有人提前订了。table与book之间存在被动关系,排除B和C;因情景发生在当前,故选D。【答案】D3(2013届济南模拟)They are stamp collectors;they often _ stamps with each other.Achange BtrainCtreat Dtrade【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:他们是集邮者,经常相互交换邮票。trade.with.与交换,为固定搭配。 【答案】D4When did you last

3、 see your first teacher? On a party last June _ her 40th year of teaching.Ain celebration of Bin place ofCin favor of Din memory of【解析】句意:你最后一次见到你的启蒙老师是什么时候?去年6月,在庆祝她从教40年的聚会上。in celebration of庆祝,庆贺;in place of代替;in favor of有利于,支持,赞同;in memory of为纪念。【答案】A5I invited some friends to a restaurant to di

4、nner where each room _ with names of foreign places.Ais marked Bhad markedCmarked Dbeing marked 【解析】句意:我邀请了一些朋友在一家饭店吃饭,那里的每间房都标有外国地名。room与mark之间为被动关系,又因该空在where引导的定语从句中作谓语,故选A。 【答案】A6 Id like to _ a table for four at seven tonight.OK.And your name please?Amark BorderCtake Dbook【解析】句意:“我今晚七点想订一张四个人的桌

5、子。”“好的。请问尊姓大名?” mark意为“标志”;order意为“订购”;take意为“拿走”;book意为“预订”。【答案】D7(2013届济宁检测)If you pretend _ what you dont know, youll only make a fool of yourself.Aknowing Bhaving knownCto be knowing Dto know【解析】句意:不懂装懂就会闹笑话。pretend意为“假装”,后跟动词不定式。know无进行时。【答案】D8Canada is a country _ many different nationalities

6、as well as one with foreign immigrants _ the majority of its population.Amaking up of;occupied withBconsisting of;making upCmade up of;consisting ofDconsisted of;taking up【解析】句意:加拿大是一个由许多不同民族组成的国家,也是一个外来移民占大多数人口的国家。consisting of和 making up均为现在分词作定语,分别修饰country和 foreign immigrants。consist of 意为“由组成”,

7、make up 意为“组成,构成”。consist of一般无被动形式。【答案】B9There is no need _,for the clock says we have about ten minutes to go.Oh, dont be foolish.The clock on the wall is five minutes _ .Dont you know?Ato rush;later Bto worry;laterCto worry;lately Dto rush;late【解析】句意:没必要慌张,看钟表还有约10分钟的时间。哦,别傻了,墙上的表慢5分钟,你不知道吗?there

8、 is no need to do为固定句式,worry后面要加about, 故排除B和C; later意为“以后,后来”;故排除A。【答案】D10Its said that this book has been split into two films,_ the first will hit theaters this fall.Aof them Bof whichCit Dwhich【解析】句意:据说这本书被拍成了两部电影,第一部今年秋天在影院上映。根据句中的“,”可知此题考查非限定性定语从句,the first与two films之间是部分与整体的关系,故答案为B。【答案】B11_ q

9、uickly,_ you wont be able to catch the first bus.ATo get up;or BGetting up;andCGet up;or DIf getting up;but【解析】考查“祈使句and/or/then陈述句”结构。句意:快点起床,不然你就赶不上第一班公交车了。结合句意,连接词应用or表示转折。【答案】C12With everyones face _ behind the mask, its hard to tell who they really are.Ahidden Bbeing hiddenChaving hidden Dhidin

10、g【解析】句意:每个人的脸都藏在面具后,很难分辨他们是谁。face与hide构成动宾关系, 故用过去分词作宾补。【答案】A13Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview._ will certainly do you good.AWell dressed BWell dressingCBeing well dressed DWell dressing up【解析】考查非谓语动词作主语。句意:参加求职面试时有必要做准备。穿合适的衣服肯定对你有好处。v.ing作主语;表示“穿什么样的衣服”需用be dressed in,由此可知答案为being

11、 well dressed。【答案】C14Can you _ your visit for a few days more? Ill show you around some famous places of interest.Aexpand BaddCspread Dextend【解析】句意:你能把你的访问再延长几天吗?我将带你游览一些名胜。expand意为“扩大,膨胀”;add意为“加”;spread意为“传播”;extend意为“延伸,延长”。【答案】D15You seem to show interest in cooking.What? On the contrary,_.AI ha

12、te it BI love itCit s OK DI really like it【解析】考查表示厌恶的I hate it。句意:“你好像对烹饪很感兴趣。”“(你说)什么?正相反,我讨厌烹饪。”【答案】A.翻译句子1动动脑筋,你就会想出办法来的。(祈使句)_2当我问他们的时候,他们假装已经知道了这个秘密。(pretend)_3他们谈论过一部电影,我决不会忘记片名。(of关系代词)_4计算机的发明标志着一个新时代(new era)的开始。(mark)_5你没有必要等。(need)_【答案】1.Use you head, and youll find a way.2.They pretended

13、 to have known the secret when I asked them.3.They talked about a movie,the name of which Ive never forgotten.4.The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.5.There is no need for you to wait.完形填空(2013届烟台检测)Searra, an eightyearold brain cancer patient, was a “regular” in the Radiation Department.With my office located near the _1_ , I could hear Searra, also called CC, coming.Several steps behind, CCs grandmother, also called Mommie, would follow as she tried _2_CC.I had prepared toys and coloring materials for her in my office.When

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