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1、引进内资项目服务协议书编号: _可编辑可打印,也可以直接使用,欢迎您的下载引进内资项目服务协议书甲 方:_乙 方:_签订日期:_年_月_日第一篇_项目引进协议书 agreement of project introduction party a:yuan kou industrial park committee of the management party b:machine tool co., ltd. according to the contract law of peoples republic of china and the relate laws, for the matte

2、rs of party b invests in the dalian hua yuan kou industrial park. both parties have reach the agreement by the amicble negociation as follows: 1. party a agree to supply planning used land about 51,450 sqm for party b in the industrial park 2. party b shall guarantee the project planning and constru

3、ction must conform to the state and the relevant provisions. investment of project in fixed assets is rmb 20197.7 million 3. within one month from the date of this agreement is signed, party b should complete the project commercial registration in the industrial park, and injected into the registere

4、d capital. registered capital is 3 million yuan 4. after party b complete the registration of industrial and commercial , party a should assist party b to deal with use card of the state-owned land , land grant fee charge as stipulated in the current national land policy, the certificate charged by

5、party a, after the project completion within a week, party a shall transfer use card of the state-owned landto party b 5. total project construction term is for 23 months (project workshop have been completed, equipment in principle should be setted in the workshop in 18 months after the completion)

6、. party b promise that if they unable to invest construction funds on time, within a month of construction period,is not completed and put into operation, party a shall be entitled to recover the land use, party a has the right to public auction of party bs investment and construction, the money is

7、all for (after deduct) party b. 6. density of investment in fixed assets of party bs project to reach 1.5 million yuan/mu, if it is lower than the standard, occupation of land by 60000 yuan/mu to overweight charge construction cost. 7. to support business development, party bs factory in the inland

8、use waters, electricity, roads and other infrastructure construction party a will give support and discount interest loans, support the quota is not higher than the total amount of the charge of land use, the payment within one month after the project completed and put into production. 8. in order t

9、o ensure the agreement performed smoothly, party b shall pay the performance bond by 2019000 yuan/mu, within 30 days after this agreement is signed pay into the account of party a, party a make sure the land location. according to the provisions party b make construction, when the construction inves

10、tment is higher than the deposit, and party a should refund the performance bond totally. if party b cant input the construction funds and the project planning work within 3 months, after three-month, since every delay a day to deduct 1% performance bond, when all of the performance bond is deductio

11、n, party b still cannot start construction, party a has the right to reclaim the land. 9. matters which do not reach this agreement, both parties talk together to solve things over, do not talk things over, to a local court ruling. 2019. this agreement is in quadruplicate, each party hold two copies

12、, effective since the date of signing party ahua yuan kou industrial park committee of the management (seal) representative : party b :machine tool co., ltd. representative : signature time : march 8, 2019 第二篇_国家鼓励发展内资项目引进设备免税的审批及办理程序 国家鼓励发展内资项目引进设备免税的审批及办理程序国家对于当前国家重点鼓励发展的产业、产品和技术目录的列名国内投资项目,只要在批准用

13、汇额度内进口自用设备,除国内投资项目不予免税的进口商品目录之列,给予免征关税和进口环节增值税的待遇。以上设备免税,必须首先到海关办理审批手续。审批通过后,海关向企业签发进出口货物征免税证明,企业在通关环节凭该证明办理免税验放手续。具体办理程序如下_ 1国内投资项目法人单位填写项目备案录入申请表,向主管海关申请办理项目备案手续,同时需交验如下单证_(1)国家鼓励发展的内外资项目确认书正本1份;(2)工商行政管理部门颁发的营业执照复印件1份;(3)可行性研究报告复印件1份;(4)企业法定代表人为办理人出具的办理减免税手续委托书;(5)可行性研究报告批复复印件1份。 2国内投资项目单位填写进出口货物

14、征免税申请表,向主管海关申请办理进口设备免税审批手续,同时需交验如下单证_(1)进口发票2份;(2)合同及合同清单2份;(3)海关认为必要的其他单证资料(如装箱单、说明书等)。 3海关审核有关单证并出具进出口货物征免税证明。 二、外商投资企业进口设备免税的审批及办理程序 根据国家有关规定,外商投资企业进口自用设备可免征关税和进口环节增值税。具体规定为_ 1、1997年2019月31日前批准成立的企业,在投资总额内进口自用设 备,除外商投资不予免税的商品目录所列商品外,可以免征关税和进口环节增值税; 2、1998年1月1日后批准成立并符合外商投资产业指导目录鼓励类或限制乙类企业以及2019年4月

15、1日后批准成立并符合外商投资产业指导目录鼓励类企业,在投资总额内进口自用设备,除外商投资不予免税的商品目录所列商品外,可以免征关税和进口环节增值税。 以上设备免税,必须首先到海关办理审批手续。审批通过后,海关向企业签发进出口货物征免税证明,企业在通关环节凭该证明办理免税验放手续。具体办理程序如下_ (1)申请。外商投资企业填写项目备案录入申请表,向主管海关申请办理项目备案手续。所需交验的单证如下_国家或地区对外贸易主管部门颁发的国家鼓励发展的内外资项目确认书;外商投资企业批准证书_企业合同(外商独资企业免交);企业章程;企业可行性研究报告;企业法人营业执照;审批部门对企业合同、章程及可行性研究报告的批复。 (2

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