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新编大学英语3 unit2LANGUAGE POINTS.docx

1、新编大学英语3 unit2 LANGUAGE POINTSUnit 2 The Wedding LetterComprehension questions1. What did Simone expect her wedding day to be like?2. Who was Alice and what was she like in general in Simones eyes?3. Why did Simone think that Alice would never get it?4. What was the major conflict between Alice and S

2、imone in terms of money?5. How did Simone try to put Alice back in her place?6. How did Alice change after Simone tried to put her back in her place?7. How did Alice ask Simone about her plans for the future? Why did she do so?8. What was Simones answer?9. What did Alice mean when she said “it never

3、 occurred to me your father had that in mind for the company”? (Literally, it means Simones father did not plan to give the young couple the company penthouse, doubled allowance and ownership of the company. But Alice did not tell Simone the whole truth, which was to be revealed in the letter. )10.

4、How did Simone react when she received the letter from Alice?11. What was the truth about Simones father and his company?Language Points1. sipsip(v.) drink something slowly, taking very small mouthfuls小口地喝,啜饮e.g. The graceful lady was sitting at the table sipping (at) her tea.We chatted about learni

5、ng Chinese as we walked and sipped coffee at the same time.I just sipped (at) it suspiciously, not knowing what it was going to taste like. sip(n.) a very small amount of a drink sipped一小口之量e.g. She took another sip of her tea.Cf: down, lap, sip, suckThey downed their beer and left.The dog was lappi

6、ng water noisily.He lifted the wine glass to his lips and sipped.The little baby has just learned to such milk through a straw.2. can/could not help but do sth. = can/could not help doing sth.禁不住做;忍不住做I cannot help but feel sorry for her. I cannot help feeling sorry for her.we cant help thinking he

7、is still alive.我们总是认为他还活着.3. lavishlavish(adj. )a) very generous or wasteful in giving or using过分慷慨的,浪费的,太多的a lavish spender 挥霍无度的人a lavish party盛大的派对be lavish with/of sth.e.g. She was a bit too lavish with the salt, so the soup didnt taste very nice.We were always lavish with financial aid in times

8、 of crisis.b) given, spent or produced in great quantity过分丰富的,无节制的lavish praise大肆吹捧expenditure on a lavish scale庞大的开支be lavish in doingThe manager was lavish in praising the project.赞不绝口 lavish(v. ) to give to or spend on generously or wastefully 慷慨地给予,滥用,挥霍to lavish sth. on sb./sth.e.g. He had lavi

9、shed most of his fortune on impractical business ventures.She lavishes a lot of attention on her friends.lavishly (adv.)e.g. The apartment building was lavishly decorated. lavishness (n.U)4. hiccuphiccup(n. )a) often pl. (a sudden sharp sound caused by) a movement in the chest which stops the breath

10、 打嗝(声), 呃逆e.g. She laughed so much she got/had hiccups.In the middle of the church service there was a loud hiccup from my son.b) a temporary small delay, interruption, irregularity, error or malfunction短暂的耽搁/中断/停顿/故障等e.g. A recent sales hiccup is nothing to panic about. There is a slight hiccup in

11、the schedule due to a computer failure. hiccup(vi. ) to have/make hiccups 打嗝e.g. I couldnt stop hiccupping.5. frugal(adj.)a) not wasteful, careful in the use of money, food etc.; thrifty; economical; saving不浪费的,节俭的e.g. frugal habits节俭的习惯She lives a frugal frugal with sth.Although he has beco

12、me rich, he is still very frugal with his money.b) small in quantity and cost, meagre 少量的,不足的e.g. a frugal supper of bread and cheesefrugally(adv.)frugality(n.U)6. meek(adj.) (of people or behavior) gentle and uncomplaining; accepting others actions and opinions without argument ; docile; submissive

13、; obedient温顺的,顺服的 e.g. Their boss was always so meek and mild.The workers were too meek to complain.You can be alternately as meek as a lamb or as mad as a hornet.meekly(adv.)e.g. He nodded meekly.He meekly did everything that he was told to.唯命是从meekness( n. U)7. goodie two shoes 好人,自命清高、表现得与众不同的人Al

14、so “goody two shoes”, it refers to a person who always does the “right thing”, never does anything that theyre “not supposed to do” and acts “perfect” in every single way possible. A goodie two shoes is usually a very peppy and happy person who is a “go-getter”, and is also usually a girl. These peo

15、ple can be very annoying because of these traits.e.g. Oh my god, that girl is such a goody two-shoes. I hate the way she acts like the teachers pet.8. interfere(v.)a) intervene or intrude in the affairs of others干涉Dont interfere in what doesnt concern you. 别管与自己无关的事b)be or create a hindrance or obstacle妨碍He tries not to let business interfere with his life他尽量不让工作妨碍他的生活。interference n.interferer n. interfering interfere, intervene, meddle9. she simply was no match(for .)不是对手, 比不过She absolutely was not able to challenge my role in my fathers heart. Here, the phra

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