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1、连词配套练习 史上最小白的讲解与练习初中英语分类练习连词部分 I. 填入适当的连词。1. My brother is ill, _ I have to stay at home.2. The film must be very interesting, _ many people are buying tickets in line.3. My computer is new, _ it is too expensive.4. She felt hungry, _ she didnt have breakfast.5. A customer came in, _ I stopped my wo

2、rk.6. He has a lot of money, _ he spends little.7. Come here early, _ you cant see him.8. Take some medicine, _ you will feel better.9. There are a lot of stories about the UFOs, _ no one knows whether they are true or not.10. Put on your coat, _ you will catch cold.11. She got a “C” in English test

3、, _ she had tried his best.12. My little cousin can _ read _ write.13. Please call me _ you need my help.14. _you have a few more days rest, youll feel better.15. _ my father _ my mother is a doctor. They are teachers.16. I really dont know _ it is going to rain or not this afternoon.17. You may _do

4、 it yourself _ leave it to me.18. Hurry up, _ youll miss the next bus.19. Li Ming was a brave boy, _ he had one shortcoming.20. Its a fine day, _ we have a wonderful time.21. I dont know _ she can speak Russian or not.22. We havent decided _ and _ we shall meet next time.23. Thats _ they didnt pass

5、the exam.24. _ you are right, _ he is.25. He _ _ read the book _ _ remembered what he read.II.选择填空:1. They are all new, _ Im not.A. and B. but C . so D . or2. Is there a letter _ a postcard ? Theres a letter.A . and B . or C . not D. but3.The old woman cant read _ write.A . and B . or C . but D . an

6、d can4. _ my classmates _ our class teacher was there then.A . not onlybut also B . both andC . Neither or D . Eithernor5. Have one more try, _ you will not succeed.A . and B . or C. then D . but6. _ you are ill, you should go to the clinic right now.A . For B. Though C. Until D. Since7. _ the midni

7、ght he waited for his mother.A. Till B. Since C. Until D. At8._the men drivers _ the woman driver have been to the village.A. Neithernor B. Both ofand C. Eitheror D. None ofand9.She is the lady _ helped the old woman yesterday.A. whom B. which C. what D. who10. Are your father and mother retired? -W

8、ell, _ of them is. _ of them are at work.A. both, Neither B. none, All C. neither, Both D. all, None11. _he felt tired, _ he still went on working.A. Because, so B. Although, but C. / , so D. Though, /12. Ill offer some bread to Li Ming. Li Ming,_, may not want it.A . but B . however C . yet D. stil

9、l13. _ I looked for my toy, I could not find it.A. But B. Yet C. Because D. However14. I dont know _ this evening.A. if he will be free B. whether he is free C . when he is free D. when is he free15. Theres _ on the moon.A . no air but water B. not any air or water C . not any air and water D. no ai

10、r or no water 16. Lucy has seen the film , _ Lily hasnt . A. and B. or C. but D. so17. Hurry up , _ we will miss the trian . A. but B. and C. or D. so18. Im going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend . _ you are there , can you buy me some green tea ? A. Because B. While C. If D. Though19. _ he wa

11、s out of the room , he turned back and knocked at the teachers door again . A. Before B. Since C. As soon as D. Until20. Study hard , _ youre sure to have a good result in the exam ! A. but B. and C. for D. or21. Im looking for a babysitter (保姆) . She must be _ too old _ too young . A. neither ; nor

12、 B. both ; and C. either ; or D. not only ; but also22. Which is bigger , the sun _ the moon ? A. or B. and C. but D. so23. Why not look up the new word in a dictionary _ you dont know it ? A. if B. that C. though D. whether24. _ all the passengers are here , why dont we start at once ? A. As soon a

13、s B. After C. Now that D. When25. He hurt her _ badly _ she had to see a doctor . A. too ; that B. so ; that C. either ; or D. too ; to26. I cant understand this passage _ there are no new words in it . A. if B. because C. though D. andIII.把下列句子译成英语:(用括号内连词)1 虽然天已很晚了,但他仍在写作。2 人类没有水和空气就不能活。3 他把这件事告诉我

14、前,没有人知道这件事。4 如你不赶紧,你就要开会迟到。5 他写字不如她仔细。6 我们不仅去了北京,也去了哈尔滨。7 他准是开玩笑,要不他是疯了。8 等他一到我们就去弄点咖啡。9 众所周知,金钱不会从树上长出来的。10. 他什么时候到的,我们大家都不知道。IV.改错:( )1. Not only May but also her sisters was asked to sing some songs. A B C D( )2. Bread and butter in the shop are sold out.A B C D( )3. What I miss most badly are the pleasant hours we spent together. A B C D( )4. Please let me know if he will co

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