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高中英语北师大版版必修3教学案Unit 8 Section 6 含答案.docx

1、高中英语北师大版版必修3教学案Unit 8 Section 6 含答案Section_ Lesson 4原文呈现The RACE to the POLEOn 1 June, 1910, Captain Scott left London to begin his journey to the Antarctic.On his way, he received a message from the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen: “Im going South.” So the race to the South Pole was on!During the

2、 polar summer of 19101911, both teams organised food bases in preparation for their journeys the next year. Then came the total darkness of the polar winter. Scott and Amundsen waited anxiously for spring.Amundsen was the first to leave, on 15 October, 1911. He had teams of dogs pulling the sledges

3、and all his men were on skis. Because of this, he made rapid progress. Scott left on 1 November and soon had problems. First, his two sledges broke down, and then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold. After a while, Scott and his men had to push the sledges themse

4、lves.Amundsen reached the Pole on 14 December and put a Norwegian flag there. Then he prepared for the return journey. Scott finally arrived at the Pole with four team members on 17 January. They wereshocked when they saw the Norwegian flag. Scott wrote sadly in his diary:“Well, wehavenowlostthegoal

5、ofourambitionandmustface 800 milesofhardpushing andgoodbyetomostofourdreams.”读文清障the Antarctic/ntktIk/ 南极地区on ones way 在途中in a way 在某种程度上Norwegian/nwidn/adj.挪威的 n挪威人be on 开始preparation/prepreIn/n准备,预备in preparation for . 为做准备(介词短语)make preparations for . 为做准备(动词短语)时间状语 then置于句首引起的完全倒装结构。动词不定式to leav

6、e 作定语,修饰the first。have sb. doing sth.使某人一直做某事have sb. do sth.使某人做某事sledge/sled/n雪车,雪橇because of 因为,后接名词或代词。because 后接原因状语从句。make progress 稳步前进;取得进步break down 损坏,不能运转break up 分解;驱散have difficulty/trouble with sth.在某事上有困难after a while 不久;过一会儿once in a while 偶尔prepare for 为做准备be prepared for 为做好准备shock

7、/k/vt.震惊,惊骇be shocked by/at被震惊goal/l/n目的;目标lose/achieve a goal 失去/实现目标ambition/mbIn/n志向,抱负ambitious adj.有抱负的,有雄心的face vt.&vi.面对,面向be faced with 面临奔向极地的赛跑第15段译文1910年6月1日,斯科特上校离开伦敦开始他的南极探险。在途中,他收到了来自挪威探险家罗尔德阿蒙森的信息:“我正向南极进发。”因此,这场奔向南极的赛跑就开始了!在19101911年的极地夏季,两队人都为下一年的探险做了食物储备。接着漆黑的极地冬夜来临了。斯科特和阿蒙森都迫不及待地等

8、待着春天的到来。1911年10月15日,阿蒙森第一个出发了。他让成群的狗拉着雪橇,所有人都坐在雪板上。因此,他前进的速度很快。斯科特11月1日出发,出发后不久就遇到了麻烦。先是他的两辆雪橇坏了,后来马匹开始应付不了大雪和严寒的天气。过了一段时间,斯科特不得不和队员们一起推雪橇了。阿蒙森12月14日到达南极点,在南极点插上了挪威国旗,然后他准备回程。斯科特和四名队员最终于1月17日到达南极。当他们看到挪威国旗时,他们感到震惊。斯科特在日记中痛苦地写道:“噢,我们现在已经失去了雄伟的目标,但还得面对800 英里的艰难跋涉与我们的大部分梦想说再见。”The return journey was on

9、e of the worst in the history of exploration. The men were soon exhausted and were running out of food. The weather conditions were terrible. Scott started to realise their hopeless situation:“. weareverycheerful,butwhateachmanfeelsinhisheartIcanonlyguess. Puttingonourshoesinthemorningisgettingslowe

10、randslower.”However, on their way back they found time to look for rocks. They carried 20 kilos of rocks all the way with them. Later, these rocks proved that at one time in the distant past the Antarctic was covered by plants.Then, disaster soon came. Edgar Evans had a terrible disease and died aft

11、er a bad fall. The next to go was Captain Oates, who was having great difficulty walking. Scott recorded his death:“Hesaid,IamjustgoingoutsideandImaybesometime.WeknewthatpoorOateswaswalkingtohisdeath, butthoughwetriedtostophim, weknewthatitwastheactofabravemanandanEnglishgentleman. Weallhopetomeetth

12、eendwithasimilarspirit, andcertainlytheendisnotfar.”,exhausted/IzstId/adj.疲惫的exhausting adj.令人疲惫的run out of用完,耗尽hopeless/hpls/adj.没有希望的hopeful adj.有希望的cheerful/tIf l/adj.愉快的,高兴的动名词短语Putting on our shoes in the morning作主语。all the way 一路上,远道,自始至终at one time 曾经,一度at a time 一次distant/dIstnt/adj.远处的;久远的d

13、istance n. 距离,远方have difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有困难 第610段译文 他们返回的行程是探险史上最艰难的行程之一。队员们很快就筋疲力竭了,食品也快吃完了。天气异常恶劣。斯科特开始意识到他们所处的绝望境地: “我们看上去都很愉快,但我能猜出大家心里的想法。早上穿鞋的动作越来越慢了。” 尽管如此,在返程途中,他们还抽时间采集岩石。一路上他们携带了20 千克岩石。后来这些石块证实,在遥远的过去,南极洲曾经被植被覆盖。 接着,灾难很快袭来。埃德加埃文斯病重,重重地跌倒后死去。接下来离开的是奥茨上校,他行走非常艰难。斯科特记录了他的死亡: “他说:我只

14、是出去走走,可能要走上一会儿。我们都知道可怜的奥茨在走向死亡,尽管我们试图阻拦,但我们都知道这是勇敢者的举动,是英国绅士的行为。我们都希望以同样的精神结束生命,而且大家都知道,死亡正在逼近。”Scott and two of his team members carried on and got within eleven miles of one of their food bases. But then a terrible storm started and they could not leave their tent. Scott spent some of his last hou

15、rs writing. He wrote a letter full ofsadness to his wife Kathleen:“Icouldtellyoulotsandlotsaboutthisjourney. Whatstoriesyouwouldhavefortheboy . Butwhatapricetopay.”Scotts diary also told the story of their end:“Wearegettingweakerandweakerandtheendcantbefar. Itseemsapity, butIdonotthinkIcanwritemore.”The news of Scotts death shocked the world. He had failed to win the race to the Pole, but the extraordinary courage shown by Captain Scott and his

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