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1、深圳宝安区七年级上期末考试英语试题宝安区2017-2018学年第一学期期末调研测试卷七年级英语I.听力(15分)略II.单词辨音(4小题每小题1分,小计4分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出符合单词读音的音标()16. dreamA. /dri:m/B. /drem/C. /dr?m/()17. n aturalA. /n e?/B. /n ?r?l/C. /neit?r?l/()18. disappearA. /?dais?pi?/B. /?dis?pi?/C. /dis?pe?/()19. withoutA. /wie ?ut/B. /wi 0 ?/C. /wieaut/III.词汇(共15小题

2、,每小题1分,小计15分)i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项, 并在答题卡 上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(5小题)( )20. Could you tell me the way to the library, please?Yes, of course! Go along this road until you get to the Peop Square. The library is in the center of the square.A.middle B. front C. back( )21. What do you th ink of your n

3、ew En glish teacher?Shes very friendly, so all of my classmates love her very much.A. bad and ugly B. free and excited C. nice and kind()22. What do you thi nk of the book Dream of Red Man sio ns San dy?It sso amazing! Many people like the book so much that they read it again and againA. good and su

4、rpris ing B. in teresti ng but frighte ning C. bori ng but unu sual( )23. I hear that Joh n got a full mark in the maths exam, is that true?Thats true. After he becamea junior high school student, it seemedthat everything cha nged. He worked very hard.A. some thi ngs B. all thi ngs C. a few things()

5、24. What did you do last weeke nd, Tim?I went to Hong Kong Disn eyla nd with my pare nts and we had a good time there. How won derful!A. got lost B. did a show C. enjo yed ourselvesii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子, 并在 答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(10小题)( )25. If you want to know someonWs , you want to find

6、out how old he or she is.A.age B. hobby C. dream( )26. People can look at or buy thi ngs at a .A. stop B. fair C. museum()27. What do you know about the latest iPho ne X, Henry?It is reported that there are some problems with it. Sometimes it doe well.A. use B. end C. work( )28. What are we going to

7、 talk about in the class meet ing this after noon. Miss Gree n?We are going to talk about safety problems. It is importa nt for us to lear n to ourselves whe n someth ing dan gerous happe ns.A. shine B. protect C. provide()29. I always feel before taki ng an exam. What should I do, Mr. Li?Take it ea

8、sy! You can take a deep breath and I am sure it will make you feel better.A. n ervous B. n atural C. surprised( )30. I will go shopping later, will you come with me?I love to, but my friend Jack will come to see me soon.A. i n a long time B. i n a short time C. by a differe nt way( )31. Do you like

9、to watch the music program calledthe Rap of Chi nd?Of course! Its _ popular in China now. Even my grandma likes it.A. hardly B. really C. usually( )32. Hi, Mike, how do you like our new classmate Joh n?He gets on quite well with us. Every one likes him in our class.A. fight ing with B. shouti ng at

10、C. making frie nds with( )33. Congratulations! Tim. You got the first place in the match.Thanks a lot, Miss Chen. I cantmake i your help.A. for B. with C. without( )34. Accord ing to a rece nt study, more and more tee nagers in Chi na are starti ng to wearglasses from a young age.Thatterrible! One r

11、eas on is that they use mobile phones or computers too much. It their eyes.IV.完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,小计10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。Lon g, l ong ago, travelli ng on land was slow and 35 , sometimes it was terrible. Before theinvention of engines (弓I擎),people used _ 36 like

12、horses for helping. In those days,people did not travel l ong dista nces. Most people live 37 their place of work, so they could go there on foot. Because there were no buses or trains, people 38 _ visited friends or relativesn faraway places.Travelli ng on the sea was also slow and difficult. Peopl

13、e crossed large areas of 39 in a saili ng ship driven (驱动)by the wind. It was very dangerous if they met a storm. It was difficult to find their way, too. Some sailors had compasses指南针)to tell them the 40 of n orth, south, east or west. Others could 41 which way to go with the help of the Sun and st

14、ars.How do you like the life in those days? Well, some people like that life becausethere was 42 pollution. People at that time walked more, so most of them lived a healthy life. Children did not move far from home whe n they grew up 43 it was easy and fast to go back home. Towns and villages were f

15、rie ndly places because n early every one 44 each other.()35. A. easyB. niceC.difficult()36. A. busesB. trai imals()37. A. close toB. far away the centre of()38. A. ofte nB. seldomC.sometimes()39. A. waterB. desertsC.forests()40. A. timeB. ion()41. A. tellB. hearC.smell()42. A. onlyB. muchC.little()43. A. such asB. so thatC.that is()44. A. hadB. knewC. taughtV.阅读理解(20小题,每小题1.5分,小计30分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四

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