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1、精选八年级英语上学期期末试题云南省弥勒县2016-2017学年八年级英语上学期期末试题第一部分 听力 (共四节,满分30分)第一节、听句子,选择图片,每个句子念两遍(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)第二节、听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的答语。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )6. A. No, Im not sure B. Yes, sure C. I hope so ( )7. A. Yes, I do B. No problem C. Im not sure( )8. A. Go along this street and its next to the hospital B. You

2、are right C. Yes, please.( )9.A. Good idea B. Three C. We need one cup of yogurt( )10. A. I think so B. That sounds good C. Yes, I will第三节、听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项。读两遍。(每小题2分,共10分)听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。( )11. What day is coming?A. Childrens Day B. Fathers Day C. Womans Day ( )12. Who will help Jane wash the car

3、? A. Janes brother B. Janes sister C. Janes cousin听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。( )13.How does Mike go to school?A. By bike B. By bus C. On foot( )14. What does the girl think of riding a bike to school?A. Comfortable B. Expensive C. Dangerous( )15.Who always goes to work by taxi? A. Mikes mother B. Mikes fathe

4、r C. Mikes uncle第四节、听对话,完成下列信息表格。读两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)Morning AfternoonMonday16._17_Tuesday18._EnglishWednesdayMathChineseThursday19._PhysicsFridayP.E20._( )16. A. Chinese B. English C. Math( )17. A. English B. Math C. Physics( )18. A. Chinese B. English C. Math ( )19. A. English B. Physics C. Chine

5、se ( )20. A. Chinese B. Physics C. Math第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)( )21 .Please take umbrella with you. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )22. Did you do in Kunming last week? Yes, how happy we were! A. something interesting B. anything interesting C. interesting everything D. anywhere i

6、nteresting( )23. _ does he go shopping? Twice a week. A. How B. How long C. How far D. How often.( )24. Would you like to go bike riding with us tomorrow?_. ASorry, Id love to BYes, I can. I have a piano lesson CSure, I have to help my parents DSure, Id love to( )25.The apple is too big. You need to

7、 _.A. cut it up B. cut up it C. cut up them D. cut them up ( )26. There _ a football match in our school next week A. are B. will be C. is going to D. is going to have( )27. Would you like some yogurt? _. A. Yes, I would B. No, thanks C. Thank you D. It doesnt matter( )28. The opening of the sports

8、meeting is _ the morning of December 9th _ 8:00. A . at ; on B. in; at C. on ; at D. at; at ( )29.The_ you are, the _ mistakes you will make.A. more careful; less B. more careless; fewerB. more careful; fewer D. more careless; less( )30. The restaurant is very big. _people have lunch here every day.

9、A. Hundreds B. Hundred C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of( )31.My key is lost. Could you please help me _ it ?A. look for B. look after C . look up D.look through( )32. - Im going on a trip to Beijing. - _! A. Its nice of you B. Have a good time C. OK. Thats all right D. Congratulations( )33.-What day is

10、it today? ItsA. January 2nd B. Monday C. Thursday the 1st D. six( )34. .Dont forget _ the light when you leave the room.Ato turn on B. to turn off C. turning up D. turn down ( )35_interesting man your father is !A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 第二节 完形填空(15分)What should we do to 36 healthy? One im

11、portant rule is to exercise every day.The Smiths try to 37 every day. Mr. Smith 38 not exercise in the morning 39 he must get to his office before seven oclock, so he runs every evening.Mrs. Smith likes sports, 40 . She walks to work every day and after work she plays different 4 1 with her friends.

12、 She likes yoga(瑜伽)very much and she goes to yoga class 42 .Bob, their 43 , also loves sports. He often goes to school 44 .His favorite sport is 45 . He wants to be a famous player like Yao Ming.( )36.A.keep B. make C. do D. need( )37.A.exercise B. swim C. skateboard D. walk( )38.A.may B. must C. ca

13、n D. should( )39.A.but B. and C. although D. because( )40.A.also B. eight C. so D. too( )41.A.sports B. games C. basketball D. ping-pong( ) two weeks B. after two weeks C. twice a week D. for two weeks( )43.A.friend B. son C. daughter D. teacher( ) bus B. on foot C. by taxi D. by car(

14、)45.A.running B. basketball C. badminton D. Soccer第三部分 阅读理解 (共三节,满分35分)第一节 根据短文内容判断正误。正确的填”T”,错误的填F。(每题1.5分,共7.5分)Grace loves traveling very much. She will go to university in three months. She decides to visit some Asian countries before going to university. And the first country Grace plans to vis

15、it is India. Now Grace is living with a family in the countryside in India. The family has two children, and many uncles and cousins live with them in their big house. They are very friendly to Grace and often take Grace to many parties.Grace teaches four hours a day at a small school in the countryside. The surprising things are most of the cla

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